New Age/PC logic (or lack thereof)

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
I was born in 1946, and the DNR estimates there were 5000 deer in the whole state(Md). The herd this year will run about 300,000, the bag limit for someone hunting all zones, all seasons will be about 36,and crop permits are available to them what needs 'em. One farm we hunt had 140 plus deer on it post season last year, and that's 613 acres. The farmer reports he's harvesting about 25% of the crops, the deer get the rest.

Starting in Sept, we start killing does,about 40 of them will be a good start...

Danger Dave

New member
The limit here in Georgia is EIGHT??!!!!?!

Man, time to break out the .30-.30! I haven't been doing my part to keep the population down for the last 10 years. I can remember when I was a kid that the limit was one, then one more on doe days. I was stunned when they raised it to three!
My dad's getting his cataracts removed this week, so I think this fall it'll be time for some father/son bonding!
And lots of yummy, low cholesterol, low fat venison!!

Dave McC, I think you just answered the "why does anybody need a semi-auto for hunting?" question! So many deer, such a slow rate of fire... :)

Stephen Ewing

New member
Folks, here in Texas, I've put whistles on the car and literally slalomed through herds of the blasted things, so I wouldn't mind a little culling.

I'm surprised no Aussies have told us to stop whining about deer, though. Some of the bigger 'roos are a little more likely to hit the windshield than the grill.
