Need your thought and prayers.......

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New member
Divorce sucks big time. I hope that everything turns out alright. I'll be praying for you.

Best of Luck,


New member
Hey Corbon man God will see you through whatever. Just keep in mind that you are not before the state when in court but God is your judge, the state has no authority. I just came from a situation such as that on a friends behalf, we were not only the only ones who left the court w/o fine, we were the only ones to whom which the magistrate did not say anything (in the states authority)

Good luck Bud & I will pray that everything turns out for the best. God is w/ you bro, remember that above all.

( oops saw last poster rather then postee - my apologies )
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Please listen to Pendragon's is clear, concise and rooted in fact.

You will be in my prayers. This verse hangs on my office wall; perhaps it will give you some comfort: Jeremiah 29:11.

God bless you in your time of need.


New member

While I'm a few years your senior and wouldn't know the pain, I couldn't help but be deeply saddened, and I am NOT an emotional person.

My prayer life sucks right now but I'll do my best to step it up and keep you in mind.

While I've always admired your photo work, I still think the one of you and your child was the best.


New member
Carbon_15, I am sorry to hear hard times have found you. I just wanted to let you know that you will be put in the prayers of my family at our supper table tonight....



New member
Im sorry to hear about what is happening to you brother. There really isnt anything that I can say that would shelter you from the pain of loss you must be feeling. Except to say, endure. Pray for time to pass and to be strong.Because this is a time of turmoil in your life and one that only God can empower you. I will be thinking of you. And when I do pray, the image of you and your beautiful baby will be in mind. Godspeed.

Humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he will lift you up


New member

I was hit hard by your post, and you are definitely in my prayers. not ever having had such an experience, I have no advice beyond, remain true to your marriage vows until such time that you are not bound by them any more (God forbid).

Bless you, your wife, and your son.


New member
I took some good advice and went to the range to vent and take my mind off things for a while. I dug out my last box of now discontinued Cor-Bon 180gr JHP's (the cuban cigars of ammo) and tore he!! out of some steel popers. Felt good, and for an hour or so, my mind was distracted and the brief moment of clareity allowed me to take a step back and let reality soak in.
When I got home I found a note from the bank in the mailbox saying that all of the bank accounts had be closed out. You see, my wife had talked me into putting all the checking and savings accounts in her name when I started DVC Labs. Since my little business is structured as a SP and not incorporated, it seemed like a smart thing to do to protect myself and my family from frivilous lawsuits. So now I'm left with what I have in my pockets at the moment. This is not going to be pretty.
Your thoughts, prayers and kind words mean more to me now that you can possibly know.

Anyone in SC need a nearly new Murray 17/42 lawn tractor :)


Ceol Mhor

New member
Jeez, hurts just reading what you're saying. What can make someone do something like that? :confused: :( :(

Keep your guns in a safe place...I hope things get better. :(


New member
Depending on the laws of your state, there are often laws that are supposed to prevent people from doing what she is doing to you.

Did she clean out the house?

you may be on thin ice, but turnabout is fair play - I would try and get a pickup and a list of pawn shops and trade in some of your goods for cash.

hate to say it - but you might even think about selling a gun or two if you have a substantial collection.

oh - and for Gods sake - you should REALLY take down your Mall Ninja profile - it is puzzling even to me and I am good at satire and parody. It is not something that can help you in divorce court - that is for certain.

Do you rent or own your home? Whos name is it in? how many vehicles do you have?

Wake up buddy - she is playing for keeps.

Check your credit cards - do they still work? See what you can do to keep them working - you may need them.

Does she have anything that is of particular value to her? Not to be crass, but if she has an heirloom or two - round them up and put them in a safe place - you need bargaining power - she has all the money she needs and is trying to starve you into submission.

Pull your self together and realize that you are now in a battle for your future life. Your future life could very realistically consist of you living in near squalor while you give 60-75% of your income to your poor wife while being given an hour every other week for visitation. No money to do ANYTHING.

The only thing you need more than $100 in cash is a lawyer.

Time is extremely precious right now. Get off the computer. Get some money - do whatever you have to to get money. Your guns are replaceable, your stuff is replaceable - your very quality of life hangs in the balance and you have zero time to sit around and mope or fell bad or reminisce.

Also - stop trying to analyse the situation and recall if there were "signs" - stop reliving moments and focus on this moment.

Call everyone you know and talk to a lawyer TONIGHT if you possibly can - if not, you need to see one FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!

There may be injunctions or other legal maneuvers that can give you some breathing room. A lawyer will advise you on what you can sell and what you can do to protect your assets.

It is obvious that your wife - likely her family is trying to legally murder your life. Not take your life - just make you wish you were dead.

They just cut off your supplies, you are pinned down and under heavy fire, you need backup and you need a new plan.

Be strategic, be tactical, play to win - time to get in touch with your inner Mall Ninja ;)

It is said that an ancient king gathered all of his wise men and commanded that a maxim be engraved in the great wall of the palace that would be true at all times.

Finally, the phrase was decided upon and enscribed upon the wall:

This too shall pass.

(Lawyer!!!) :)


New member
Oh no.....

God be with you Carbon....

Youch.. sounds awful... that you've done all the right things, and you're still getting the shaft. How terrible...

Normally I'd say the best thing to do is just go talk to the lady.... but between the surprise serve and having all your accounts shut down -- sounds like it is coming down to a fight. How terribly sad. :( :( :(

Only thing I can possibly say is.... document everything. Preferably record future conversations, or at least have witnesses. and I'll second (third, whatever) to put whatever resources you can into legal help now. Think of it as an investment... money spent now only needs to be spent once. Money pulled out as alimony is for years. It sounds like your sister-in-law though is a professional leech, and you're the next lucky target.

And for future reference.. ever look into an S-corp? Having an entity to store assets legally apart from you personally may save your bacon in the future. Thus... if you have a settlement demanding some % of your gross income -- make sure your income from the corp is relatively small, and your future assets stay in the corp's name. Just a thought.

God be with you.


Denny Hansen

Staff Emeritus
I feel really bad for you. I normally don't say anything religious outside of family, but FWIW, I truly believe the Lord never closes a door without opening a new one.

Stay strong.


Miss Demeanors

New member
I'm not too sure about SC laws, but here in IL, one parent can't leave the state indefintely with a child. It would be kidnapping. You have rights as a Father and I am almost positive she can't just take your son away like that.

Also, how is she just to move to another state with your son? Even if she has temp full custody right now, I don't think she can move out of state. I know if I want to move out of state, I have to either get my ex's permission or prove to the court it would be in the childs best interest. Maybe the laws are different where you are but I think most states go by this law.

You really need to get a lawyer, at least start by calling one and getting a free consultation to see what your options are. Maybe you can sue her and get your money back, I don't know but you need to contact a lawyer.

Sending you some much needed prayers. Best of luck and don't give up on your son.


New member
I would think that your serving papers would include the reason for the divorce.

You may have read the papers carefully, or you may have cast them aside as soon as you realized what they were.

I would think that a careful read of those papers would give you some clues as to her approach - is she saying that you are abusive, or is she saying 'IR' or what?

Like Kaylee said - document every freaking thing - no matter how insignificant.

Get an answering machine that uses tapes and record any conversations you have with your wife or her family. Talk to your lawyer and find out if you have to let them know you are taping them - follow the law and your lawyers advice to the letter.

Another thing you should probably do is gather up your essentials and find another place to live if at all possible - or at least have some ideas in your head. Depending on whats going on, you could have a sheriff come to your house (possibly with your wife) and try to do something - like evict you or order you not to remove anything or sell anything until it is inventoried - something like that.

Something else to talk to your lawyer about. Since you said all the money was in her name, you should see if you can build a case where YOU get alimony from HER. It may fly, it may not - but right now, she is sticking all the pins in your voodoo doll - she is 100% offense and she is sticking it to you.

By countering with demands for full custody, alimony, you get the house, etc, you may get her to give pause and consider that you might win. Perhaps she will agree to be reasonable.

Again, I am sorry for sounding crass. I am hoping to be the objective voice in your ear.

Here is an interesting link I found:

It explains the process in SC.

Even though the relationship between you and your spouse has changed and you may no longer be living together, until you are legally divorced, you are still married. The legal ramifications of being married vary from state to state, but generally speaking, until you are divorced you and your spouse have certain rights to each other's money, deferred compensation, pensions, insurance benefits, real estate, and other property. In general, until you are divorced not only can you not remarry but also anything you obtain may be subject to a claim of ownership, in whole or in part, by your spouse, and the future ownership of assets and property already obtained may be unclear.

It is possible that your wifes heavy handed actions will cause her to be seen as a bad faith actor by the court - which could go a long way towards helong you.

If you are not talking to your lawyer, get on the net - get educated and take control of your life.


New member

My condolences Carbon.
I'm going through a bit of heartache myself at the moment so I know who much it sucks.

Figured I'd say a prayer for all of us poor bastards for things to get better, God willing.

Stay strong man, stay strong.

Apple a Day

New member
Hang in there, Carbon,
Just my presonal opinion but it seems like there is a communication problem. Have you talked with your wife about what is going on? I think it would be a good idea to give her a call and talk to her... if nothing else she owes you an explanation about why she is looking for a divorce. If this seems sudden, unexplained then there are some underlying issues that need to be unearthed and aired out.
For now do what you have to do to eat, sleep, and work.
Strength, Peace, and Faith,

Check PM

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
If she has credit cards in your name then you need to get the issuing bank to close those and reissue to you alone...NOW. Get a lawyer.

Good luck and God bless.


New member
all the best for you.
that´s a real sad story and I personally hope, that there will be a way for you and your wife.
try talking to your wife and her mother/ sister without any lawyer, maybe it helps finding the reasons for all this ...
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