Need your thought and prayers.......

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New member
As some of you already know, my wife has been out of town for the last month. I never really said why, but she had told me it was because her mother was in the hospital and very ill and she needed to go to GA to be with her. Well, I was at work this morning (on the range-see, gun related-;) ) and this squeaky little cuss in a bad suit strolled up and said the magic words "Mr. Weaver, You've been served". Hit me like a ton of bricks. I just though I was being sued, maybe I forgot to dot an i on my business licence or something. But wife had filed for divorce!!!! WHAT..where did this come from. Everything was going fine. We just had our first child May 7th, we had bought a house together last year, the bills were all payed and we had a little extra to enjoy each month...We have never been happier, or so I though. I was always faithful, NEVER mistreated her, never raised my voice to her, always stood by her during the tough times, suported her in everything she did, and loved her with every fiber of my being. During the whole time she was gone, I never suspected anything. Infact, I talked to her every morning and every night...she acted like nothing was wrong.
The problem that caused this had been present since we got married....she never fully cut the aprin strings. I thought it was beautiful to see a family as close as hers, but it really bothered me that when something was wrong, she turned to her mother and sister instead of me. When little suspicious thing would happen (like a woman calls and has the wrong number) she would always call her mom and sister before even talking to me. She never gave me the benifit of the doubt. Well, now her paranoid dillusional sister (who also happens to be a multi-millionare from an accident settlement with Wall-Mart) has put the idea in her head that she should divorce me and move to Texas or GA with her.
Here is where the BIG problem lies. I'm self employed and have no health insurance. The combination of a sizable 9/11 donation late last year and the unexpected emegency C-section and following complications has totaly wiped out my savings. I had saved and planed for the birth, but noone saw the emergency C-section coming. I had enough to cover the medical bills, but thats all...and I wanted to go ahead and pay everything up, so we wouldn't have any extra bills each month. I have no money left for a lawyer, her sister has hired a dream team. I'll be lucky to leave with the shirt on my back. She is going to move my son to either Texas or GA and there is nothing I can do to stop it.
Even if I could afford a lawyer, I don't know how much fight there is in me. I stood before God, professed my love for this woman, and promised to stand by her through thick and thin. I ment that promis. My love for her is like a river, deep and abideing, and it will never go away.

Please pray for me.


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I'm sorry for you, man. BTDT. Luckily, I was on a stong upswing in earnings at the time, so I got through it financially ok, if weakened. Not really analagous to your situation, either, as it was about 180 deg. out. Long story.

Maybe you can work it out. It sounds like that is worth a shot. (No pun intended). A calculating strategist would say that your best bet is to get momma and the sister on your side, if that is possible. Not by detracting from your wife, but by showing your value, you understand. It's unlikely your wife will change much on the 'apron-string' issue. Maybe you can try to attack that by getting them to move closer, vice-versa, or you all move somewhere else (like a low-tax gun-friendly state).

I realize this is not an easy set of suggestions, but what have you got to lose? And don't let yourself be limited by MY imagination. What's more important, job or family? You're self-employed. That's obviously work that may be relocatable, at least more so that other jobs.

The alternatives are all less than desirable, from what you say, so I won't address them. Without an attorney, you are in a precarious position, though. Remember Job, the Biblical one. What doesn't destroy you makes you stonger.

Keep us posted.


New member
It sounds like the worst thing in the world has happened to you.

Sometimes people make decisions based on a perception of reality that we cannot see or understand. It sounds like your wife is very insecure - hence the worry about other women.

What you need to do right now is going to be very difficult - but for your sake, and the sake of your child, you need to supress and ignore your feelings of love and rejection and deal with this objectively.

There will be time to mourn later - but it is important that you find out what her game plan is - perhaps she is going to call you an abuser, perhaps the standard "irreconcilible differences" - who knows - you need to know. (You need to protect your rights - including your gun rights which definately hang in the balance- to keep it gun related)

Go into debt - borrow money, use your credit cards - but get an attorney somehow. Talk to people at your church if you have one - get some support from people in your life.

You have to play for keeps - no giving in, no giving an inch because you love her or anything - fight for every cent and every stick of furniture.

The sad fact is, you are getting played - what you need to do is get competent legal help to minimize the damage done to you.

Good luck friend - you have a long dark road ahead.

Not to pile on to you in your darkest hour, but hopefully some of the young bucks will learn from you and consider who they marry - when you marry someone, it is the whole package - you marry their family and sometimes they can be a deal breaker.

Calamity Jane

New member
Hi, Carbon -

You and my Daddy are in good company - my Mom walked out on him a few weeks ago after almost forty years of marriage. :eek: And Mom had never cut the apron strings, either, with her own family (mainly mother).

Don't have much in the way of advice, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry this has happened to you. Hang in there.


New member
I just wanted to say how much your support means to me. Little can be done to ease the pain of losing the 6 happiest years of your life, but its nice to know you have friends.

thank you , and God bless

Futo Inu

New member
Yikes. Nothing in life is worse than divorce, other than death of a spouse. Even worse if you don't see it coming. Be strong, and you'll get through this too. Maybe you can reconcile. Hopefully. If not, the MOST important thing you can do is be civil and get along for the purpose of raising the child, IMO. I'm pullin for ya, man.

P.S. Regardless of your emotions, beg, borrow, or steal to hire the best lawyer you can afford. Don't just lay over and take it - you'll be sorry later. The lawyer will help you decide what points are worth fighting for (custody? visitation? alimony? child support amounts?)


New member
My heart goes out to you. Just remember, time heals all wounds. You will never be happy about it, but the pain will diminish with time.

Been there, done that.
Not to try and play "can you top this" but I thought everything was great, came home from work, everything was gone, two or three months later she was pregnant to a guy I worked with. That was in 1989, I never did it again.


New member
What about your family? Can they pitch in? That's their grandchild involved, too.

The whole thing is very sad - you were perfectly happy and thought everything was okay, and here's your wife, who harbored her true feelings from you. A successful relationship has to have open and honest communication, and unfortunately, she chose to communicate to her relatives instead of you.

Looks like her family may get quite manipulative with her, too, if she's never cut the "apron strings". Gosh, I hope that doesn't happen - it'll turn into a real mess, especially if they don't like you.



New member
Having gone through a similar thing about 10 years ago (although, thankfully, no kids involved), let me say what your'e going through seriously sucks. It's like some kind of tractor beam is just sucking you down all the time. My only advice would be to keep yourself busy so you don't have too much time to think about it and get yourself depressed. Secondly, don't do the stupid things I did (like showing up at my ex wife's house at 2:00 am drunk as a skunk begging for a 'second chance'). Don't allow yourself to compromise your character - no matter how good it may feel to call your wife a $%$^^%%!!!!

The fact that you have a baby is just horrible. Do whatever you can to get some kind of joint custody. Kids mean way too much to allow her family to knock you around however they want.

My prayers are with you!


New member
God forbid they use gun ownership or TFL posts aginst you. I'm not religious, but I'm praying for you anyway.

I would say, however, if your wife is flighty enough to drop a bomb like this, there is a chance she might just as suddenly decide to change her mind and reconcile with you as well. Then perhaps you can work on fixing her issues with her family.

You might want to suggest counseling, perhaps take the step of walking into the lions den down there, and try to contact her. Although, I'd do it with some witnesses present, (a non-relative female if you can swing it, or even better. a sympathetic-to-you relative from her side of the family.) and even perhaps recording the whole time you're present with a camcorder so they can't accuse you of making threats, and go the gun owner+restraining order route.

If you show that you did not want the divorce, and are asking for reconcilation, suggesting counseling, everything in your power to be reasonable and kind, some states' more conservative courts will make getting a divorce more difficult for her, or at least not step all over you.

Also, you might want to check with any relatives from her side of the family that you've seen to be upstanding, or given indications that they are aware of the kind of crap her mother and sister like to pull, and they can give you some intel as to just what's going on.

Good luck to you.


New member
I'll be praying for you brother. Remember, that as much as you love her, she is the one who is breaking her promise before God. Stand strong.



New member
I am sorry for your troubles brother. I hope things work out for the best. Can't even imagine what it must feel like after having a child. I will keep you in my prayers and God Bless.

The advice the other folks gave you about a lawyer is sound advice!


New member
I hope they go to Glocktalk looking for something to use against me. I posted an unprompted tribute to her in my thread "who has the prettiest wife" just a few weeks ago.

Woke up this morning excited about getting back into the 9mm vs. .45 BS, debating Glock vs. 1911's, and jello testing some new RCBD ammo that just came in....then all this. Life has a funny way of kicking your teeth down your throat when you least expect it. Anyone have a spare bootstrap?

*yet, the mall ninja soldiers on*



New member
Man... my thoughts and prayers ARE with you...

you GOTTA fight for the kid... keep calm, cool, and collected, but FIGHT...

Re-conciliation is a good idea, but may be a helluva uphill fight against the sister and mother...

sorry to see this happen to you... or anyone, forthat matter...


New member
Sorry to hear about the difficulty you are having just make sure you take care of yourself thru all this.Make sure you eat regularly and stuff like that I have watched a few friends of mine go thru a heartbreaking situation such as the one you are dealing with and one of them I had to damn near force feed to get him to eat.I hope things work out for the better if not sell ( wink...wink ) as much of the stuff you don't want to lose to a close family member so her sisters dream team doesn't get all your dreams that have come true. Good luck to you!

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Don't lay down. If nothing else you need to resolve this for your own self image. Try legal aid groups until you have a better understanding of your options. The starter is to make sure you understand your wife's reasons.

The sister-in-law is a multimillionaire? If she is the instigator how about getting vindictive and going after her? Betcha some lawyer out there would see dollar signs and love to take that on. Maybe the one that did the WalMart settlement and would like a larger cut of the take.


New member
....damn.....I am just about speechless....I will continue to remember you, and your wife, in my prayers.

I know it won't be easy, but you may want to start thinking about liquidating whatever non-necessary assets you have, and go lawyer huntging. Talk to anyone you know who has been divorced, and find out which divorce lawyer they would rather have had from their experiences. Talk to the lawyers, explain your situation, and try like hell to work something out. From what I can tell, this is not going to be between you and your are going against you sister-in-law, and I doesn't seem like she's going to let you off easy. And while I respect and admire your committment to you marriage vows, and that you may not have the fight in you.......but you need to balance it. Don't think about the difficulty of the fight, but about what will lose by not fighting. You need to remember you are not just fighting for you, you are fighting for the right to be a part of your son's life. That is worth it!

As you can see, there are a lot of people who are concerned for and supportive of you. Don't forget that, draw your strength from it.

Not to pile on to you in your darkest hour, but hopefully some of the young bucks will learn from you and consider who they marry - when you marry someone, it is the whole package - you marry their family and sometimes they can be a deal breaker.

Pendragon, after three years or so of following threads like these on various boards, the cynic in me can come only to the conclusion that marriage is one step away from a suicide pact.
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