need info about Austin, Texas area


New member
I live about 30 mins. north of New Orleans right now but I am seriously considering moving to Austin, Texas to complete college. What kind of info can anyone here give me about Austin and the surrounding areas concerning -

- Texas CHL
- How gun friendly is Austin
- good shooting ranges/gun shops
- crime


New member
Austin Texas is a firey pit of HELL with one of the worst colleges you could imagine. However, about 70 miles closer to where you are is a great place where the beer is cold, the women pretty, and the education fantastic. Our profs may be every bit as liberal as what you would find at t.u., but you might also find that they are kept in check by the most conservative student body in the nation.

Seriously- you don't have to pay an arm and a leg to live in College Station, Austin is quite expensive to live in, otherwise, I'd pick the schools based on their programs. Austin has some pretty good living though. Free concerts, many by recognized folks like Willie, Asleep at the Wheel and Stevie Ray Vaughn (back before he went to do that gig for St. Peter). Barton Springs is the finest natural swimming hole on the planet, and there's lots to do in Austin unless it involves firearms and then you're somewhat limited. Austin is San Francisco in Texas. It is the most liberal city in the state and they pass some of the goofiest laws. Austin is definately NOT gun friendly. Still Red's out by Oak Hill is a good gun store with lots of stuff and an indoor range. There's also a great little gunshop up north on 183 that has all kinds of goodies as well, but I forget what their name is.

Crime is like any other big city, maybe a little less than New Orleans. It depends greatly on what part of town you are in. Some parts of Austin are as safe as the vatican, and others are about as rough as it comes. It is easy to avoid the rough places though. CHL is liberal indeed if you even bother to get one. I've never bothered, but then when I get pulled over I always seem to be either "travelling" or going to a sporting event which makes possession perfectly legal (don't take legal advice from me though, do your own research).

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Look at for an Austin Area shooting FAQ.

Austin is a fun place. UT is a good school. Shooting - look above, lots of things to do. Great restaurants, music.

What kind of college experience are you looking for? That's really important.


New member
I'm going to UT for the Film School, so Austin's gotta be the place. With the murder rate as high as it is in New Orleans (3rd most dangerous city) I wasn't really worried about that, I was mainly worried about robberies and muggings.

A CHL has to count for something in Austin...doesn't it?


New member
If you're one of those artsy fartsy film types, then t.u. is the place for you. In spite of everything, Austin is one of the few major cities I'd ever consider living in. You'll have a blast.


New member
My grandparents live in austin and my cousin is being educated at st edwards.
Take my advice having visited many times. DONT STAY the traffic is horrible the campus is Huge avoid at all cost Take KJM's advice go to a&m my uncle went there loved it. Aunt UTdidnt love it


New member
My wife likewise went to t.u.- however much I hope they lose a lot of games, if you're into visual or performing arts, there's no better school in Texas though U of H would be far cheaper and probably on par with t.u.

You won't have near the fun at U of H that you would have in Austin though. Traffic is horrible nomatter where you go in Texas, but Governor Good Hair is gonna fix that soon with the silly little toll road land grab.


New member
seriously though...

Austin is a decent place... I've got some friends going to t.u. but if you're not going into some artsy type degree or hoping to get into their law school or something (or if you don't like big city life) I'd definitely recommend College Station and A&M! :)

Proudest member of the fighting Texas Aggie class of '07... or... or '08.... maybe '09... I'm doing engineering :D


New member
Got Family livin in TX. Heard Austin is not claimed as TEXAS. Just thought it was funny and wanted to know why. My Aunt and Uncle say it's like California in Texas. I personally don't know so i can't speak from experience on this one. Cousin went to A&M, took her 8yr to graduate and she ain't no doctor guys. She just was lucky to have parents that could afford to pay for many major changes.


New member
I have been coming to Austin for nearly 30 years and have based myself out of here for 12 years. The weather is nice, rarely gets cold, but can get hot and humid in the summer. In winter it rarely gets below freezing, only sometimes at night. On the other hand in July 2001 there were 21 days over 100 and the other 10 were 98 or 99. I go shopping at midnight or 0100 to avoid the heat and it was 95 degrees and 95% humidity. That is why there is airconditioning. The cost of living is the highest in Texas. I have a house in OKC that is double the size of my house here. I pay more for home owners insurance and property taxes on the house in Austin. Cheaper than some parts of the country, but high for Oklahoma and Texas. The traffic is worse than Dallas or Houston. My son is in a northern suburb of Austin, he never gets into Austin proper and it takes him over a half hour to go to work 9 miles away and that is not at peak rush hour. At peak rush hour it has taken me 45 mins to go 13 miles and 1 hr 40 mins to go 21 miles. Those times are on the major highway and interstate in Austin, not city streets.

- Texas CHL
Training class and qualification required. Class is about $100. License is $140. Class and paperwork will qualify for a non-resident FL CHL as well.

- How gun friendly is Austin
The entire state passed pre-emption so the gun laws are uniform throughout the state. Very few 30.06 no gun signs in Austin, I have only seen them at hospitals.

- good shooting ranges/gun shops
There are a couple of indoor ranges and many outdoor ranges in the area. McBrides has a good selection, but SKY HIGH prices. The best prices are at the Dallas Market Hall gun show held about 4 times a year and the Houston Reliant Center show 4 times a year. There is a monthly gun show in Austin, but the monthly show in San Antonio is a little larger and has a better selection.

- crime
As low as I have seen it. Austin has a population of 650,000 people and we have about 25 to 30 murders a year, almost all victims know their attackers. There isn't anyplace in town that you can't walk down the street anytime day or night. There might be areas where it wouldn't be a good idea, but not anyplace that you are going to be killed for taking a walk. I don't lock my car when I go someplace, nobody has ever broken in. Check with the police to find the zip codes with the lowest crime occurrances.


New member
Great info! The heat won't really bother me because I am born and raised in New Orleans. I know alittle bit about Austin because I stayed there for about a month afew years ago. Traffic is a mother, and the summer sun can be murder.

Austin sounds really good. 25 to 30 murders! On average, New Orleans has around 350 murders a year.

And a gun show once a month! That's really cool. Since the wife and I will both be in school I won't really be able to do anything put peruse and buy ammo, but I really like to peruse.


New member
To hell with All you Aggies who have never lived in Austin, Texas the only Memory you have of Austin is the Whooping Your so called Football team recieved for the Last 5 Years.

1:Texas CHL : Cost +10 is charging 80 dollars for class, right now approval time is running about 90 days from State
Cost Plus 10 Gun Shop
Address: 6706 Burnet Ln, Austin, TX 78757
Phone: (512) 302-3826

2: Gun friendly : As friendly as any other place in Texas
with STI and Chip McCormick nearby and monthly Idpa match's not to mention the Gun show each month

3: Crime : Lets compare College Station,TX to Austin,TX(also adding that Town Directly adjoining College Station the hell hole Bryan) BTW nice rape percentage you two.

College Station



Also there is a Film industry here in Austin(my two favorites moives filmed here are Second Hand Lion and Friday Night Lights Mojo Mojo Mojo)

MovieMaker magazine has named Austin as number two in its "Top 10 Cities For MovieMakers

Actors and Actress that went to UT short list
Krista Allen(my favorite)
Rene Zellweger
Matthew McConaughey

Robert Rodriguez lives here no need to mention his work you probably aready know it.

Austin also has a film Festival little thing call SXSW

Enjoy Austin


New member
Dutchman: Welcome to TFL! Glad you're so cheery about us ags! I'm also glad that we baited you out of lurking and into participating (T-sips still being controlled by the ags, but you know what they say you call an aggie 10 years after graduation though...)

I don't know why your panties are in such a knot. I recommended Austin and the school therein for that specific major. If it involves finer arts, Austin is it. Oh and on your list you forgot to mention Sandra Bullock (sp?) who also went to school at t.u.

OT: Has TFL become a war zone between t.u. and TAMU? It seems to be coming out more and more!


I went to TAMU, my brother went to Austin University.

He can't seem to find a good place to take the CHL there. There are no gun ranges that allow full-auto there either. The only plus to Austin is the Travis County Sheriff's Dept will sign off on NFA forms, but there is no place to shoot the auto-toys once you get them. Plenty of redneck gun ranges however, if you're looking to do some regular shooting or busting clays. The Saxet gun shows that frequent Austin aren't that great from what I hear. The Dallas and Houston Gun Collector's Asso shows are better.


New member
I really didn't see how Austin could be unfriendly to the Texas CHL.

Do you think I'd have a problem with a Louisiana CHL? I'm not going to be moving for about a year and I want to get my CHL here.


New member
Check with the DPS, but I think your LCHP is legal in Texas for a period of time after you move, and you may be able to transfer it over with few problems. This is Texas and though most people I know pack, few pack legally, so my guess is that they'd love to have somebody doing it legally!


New member
The Saxet gun shows that frequent Austin aren't that great from what I hear.

The Saxet shows aren't bad. They're cheap and monthly. I've gotten some pretty good deals there, and there's a decent selection. A lot of dealers come from well over 100 miles to lay out their wares. AJC Sportshop (the number one Kimber Master Dealer in the country for 8 years running) always has a table at the Austin show for example.

The Saxet Austin and Saxet San Antonio shows are better than shows I've seen in other parts of the country (Arizona, New Mexico and the East Coast), but you're right about them not holding a candle to Dallas or Houston.