need help understanding hang fire rounds.


New member
I have wondered about it going bang after a click (22LR). My target gun does that every now and then. I usually wait 20-30 sec and recock.

I believe the 'hangfire' has been explained.

Go to the range SOON...with or without brother.


New member
It may not have been a hangfire in the sense that most explained it. It could have been the striker, hammer, or whatever was delayed in acting. Ifteh trigger "clicks" the sear engagement but the hammer hangs up for whatever reason it could drop after the gun is on the bench.

As mentioed before, always lock or block the slide back or cylinder open when you lay a handgun down at the range. Empty brass can be used for this in a pinch, but chamber flags are cheap and easily seen to verify the action is open.


New member
I have had a couple of hangfires with .22 ammunition, but never with centre fire. The ,22s fired after a few seconds waiting time.