need help choosing first 1911


New member
I'm want to move up from 9mm to .45 and I have decided that a 1911 style pistol is what's next. I really like the Ed Brown Kobra Carry, and if someone wants to give me about $1500, I will go get one.

The reality of the situation is that I want to spend in the neighborhood of about $600, but would be willing to spend more with convincing arguments (of course, I also wouldnt mind spending less).

what are the pro's and con's of the the different gun makers?

Having never shot a custom gun, are the ed browns, valeo, etc. guns really worth the 200-300% premium? and why?

It will definately be a shooter and likely a carry gun, if and when I get accurate and comfortable enough with it.

also, what's the difference between a 1911 and a 1911A1?

thanks &


New member
For $600 or less you can buy yourself a really nice Dan Wesson Pointman Major. They are well built, accurate, and have a great customer service group behind the products.

On the 1911Forum, an individual had a problem with a Major. The company President left a message on the forum board and posted his cell phone number and asked the customer to call and walk through some safety checks on the Major over the phone. This was on Thanksgiving day! :eek:

When have you ever seen that kind of customer service from any company?

The 1911 is the WWI version auto introduced prior to the "improved" 1911A1 in the early 1920s and eventually used in WWII. Frame, hammer, trigger, grip safety, mainspring housing were changed.

Here's a PM-1 Major from Dan Wesson.



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New member
My first and only 1911 is a Springfield Armory Mil-Spec, which can be had brand new for about $450, give or take. Mine is a great shooter, very accurate and reliable. It is well built with a good tight fit, but still remains reliable even on those seldom occasions when I neglect to clean it. Might be the best buy 1911 on the market today. SA, from what I hear, also has excellent customer service. Check it out.

Good luck, and good shooting.


New member
I've been real happy w/ my Colt and my Springfield Mil Spec. The Colt has been customized & is an absolute sweetheart. I've kept the SA alone...there's just something about a stock 1911 that is just plain cool.
At your price point, stick w/ the big 3 (Colt, Springfield or Kimber), you really can't go wrong!


New member
I'll second the DW recommendation. I have just about the same gun as SamColtFan (newer production with dovetail front sight) and I love it. It was my first 1911, and it's gone a long way toward making me like them.


New member

And I'm a long time Colt fan too. The DW is the very best 1911 value currently on the market, IMHO. If your DW doesn't feed a particular round that you like, you can ship the gun back to DW with samples of the rounds you want the gun to feed and they'll fix it for you, no charge.

Great customer service.



New member
Please research DW. The "new" DW does not provide warranty service to their older guns.

When the new company was purchased, the owners only purchased the patents and some of the old equipment. They wer surprised that DWs were made with such poor equipment.

They updated their tooling and make good products but I still don't like it when they tell "old" DW customers that their warranty is no good and give them an hourly fee to fix/diagnose a gun. I called and heard it direct.

FWIW, the Kimbers are hard to beat. Just bought my first 1911 several weeks ago. $550 for a used Kimber Classic Stainless with several nice upgrades and some cocobolo wood grips. Look around.


New member
I don't think the new owners of a defunct company name should be required to honor a warranty from the former owner of that company name.

A warranty is only as good as the company that offers it. And the folks running DW today, didn't.


New member
spenny, You might want to take a look the Charles Daly 1911's. They look good, with a liftime warranty. I don't own one, so I can't give you a specific recommendation personnaly, but I haven't heard any bad about them either. The good thing is that there are all in your price range.


New member
I think it's a smart move on DW's part to not honor the previous warranties on the previous product made by a different company using the same name. Instead of focusing on the previous product that was partly responsible for driving the previous company out of business, the new Dan Wesson, with new ownership, can concentrate on making new and improved product on new, state of the art machinery. Still, the one positive note is that the new Dan Wesson will work on the old Dan Wesson's product for a fee.

Also, check out the Dan Wesson Minors at $450 +or -. Another good value.



New member
Not sure what they are going for these days, but based on my personal experiance I would recommend a Kimber Classic Custom.


This gun, the basic Kimber offering, is the one that "upset the apple cart" when it was introduced.

Apparently, the Tacoma, WA PD & LAPD SWAT have had similar experiances as they have both adopted Kimber 1911 pistols for issue to their officers. While the Tacoma officers will choose from either the Pro Carry HD II (SS frame) or the Pro Carry II (aluminum frame), LAPD SWAT has specified the Classic Custom with 2 minor changes: night sights & a special indentification roll mark on the frame.

Colt, SA, & DW all have quality products & you should look at all of them. Handle each one; see if there is a difference in the way that the guns fit your hand.

Of all those above, Kimber probably sells the most 1911s; I would guess followed by SA. Colt is struggling to get back into the market, DW is just beginning.

There are lots of good guns outthere to choose from - have fun shopping!


New member
I had a Springfield Mil-Spec Ultra Compact that I traded for a Colt 1991. The Springfield was an excellent gun and was dead on accurate and reliable. Problem is it was a compact and I've got shoulder problems so the extra recoil was unbearable. Had my shoulder been 100% the recoil would be tolerable. The Colt has an aftermarket beavertail safety and trigger and is also reliable and accurate. Seems to me you can't go wrong with either. My current passion though, is to get a Kimber Custom Classic. If I could trade the Colt on one I'd do it in a minute. My friend has one and it's the best of the three. But, I think the Kimber is slightly higher end gun than either model Colt or Springer so it really isn't a straight up comparison.

BTW, the Springfield Mil-Spec UC and fullsize can be had for $399 NIB in my neck of the woods.


New member
I did a bit of research and found....

The majority of people seem to be very happy with their basic Mil-Spec. 1911s. Specifically the Springfield and the new rollmark Colt 1991.

I ended up taking the plunge with a new rollmark Colt and have been very happy. No break in woes, no problems and the workmanship is really first rate. I wanted something that had a look and feel similar to the original military .45s and the Colt name was just kind of icing on the cake for me. I realize it is not a replica of an original but it satisfys my nostalgia needs and has run like a champ.

I have heard almost no bad about the Springfield Mil Spec either and it is cheaper to boot.

Where I did start hearing problems was with the Kimbers, higher end Springfields, the itty bitty 1911s and some of the customs.
Could be people just get more vocal and or picky when spending that kind of money but who knows.

For every person that told me Charles Daly made a great intro level 1911 I had 6 tell me it would suck. Not worth the risk for me.

I have been told by many people that Dan Wesson makes a great entry 1911 but wasn't aware the company still existed. I know very little about these.

The Rock Island 1911s I have checked out seem to be pretty well made and very cheap. A little rough around the edges and the magazines suck from what I hear but I have heard that many people really like them after a bit of tweaking and new magazines......but then you are right in Springfield Mil Spec. Territory.

All in all I think the best deals in the entry level 1911 market are the Springfield Mil Spec and the basic Colt new rollmark guns. The Springfield only comes with one magazine but is still probably a better value then the Colt. I have however been extremely happy with my Colt and it shoots like a dream. I was so worried about break in issues and I have had none.


Here is my Colt.



New member
Thanks to everyone who responded,

Ninj500, where do you live that you see the Springfields for $399? checking online, I am not finding any that cheap, but I'm going to a gun show this weekend and willl check it out there


Eric Larsen

New member
Ive been shopping for a Commander sized 1911. Ill tell you there are some very fine guns out there. So far my favorites are......
Some are very clean used guns however most are new....
Pricing is mainly UT...some NV, WY and ID...

Nice ones are.....
Springfield SS Loaded Champion average 625$
Springfield MilSpec Full Size average 540$
Dan Wesson Pointman Major average 579$ (
Dan Wesson Pointman Duece only price 609$
( Not on Website
Kimber Commander/compacts range from 500-700$
Kimver Classics average 550$

Honorable Mentions.....
Griffon 1911 (new model w/nights) average 425$

All have excellent lock up, tightness and triggers....

Happy Shopping and shoot well


New member
$540 is closer to what i am seeing for the mis-spec and by the time you get there, the kimbers start to look pretty attractive. a $400 mil-spec SA could pretty much seal the deal.

but thanks for the list eric, i will check them all out



New member
If you want a fullsize MilSpec in 38Super Doug's has one right now NIB for $419. The also have a couple of older Loaded Stainless models that have been discontinued (no NS, 9mm and 40 cal) for $519, FWIW.



New member
Ninj500, where do you live that you see the Springfields for $399?

I live in a suburb of Columbus Ohio, a local shop runs the $399 Springfields every couple months. Sometimes it's the Compact and sometimes it's the fullsize.
