Need a girlfriend gun/small carry.


New member
Look into the Kahrs...... great guns and they fit thier hands better....

Not to mention you can step up from 9mm Kurtz (.380) to 9mm Luger..... its a whole new ball park when it comes to ballistics... and I consider, in my humble opinion the 9mm Luger to be the minimum for self defense.... but then again... what every you are comfortable with and have on you is better than nothing at all....


Lloyd Smale

it aint a .380 its a .25 and everyone knows the bounce off people when shot with them:rolleyes: but i have a 950 berreta that sits in the console of the pickup truck that has digested probably 1000 rounds of ammo including speer gold dots with out a burb of any kind. Its amazininly accurate and resonalby priced. Ive had 3 other people shoot it and buy there own. I know i wouldnt want to have a 8 shot clip emptied in my direction.