ND at a local gun shop yesterday


New member
Agreed. Having someone say "oops, I spilled my drink on you, I'm sorry" is not the same as "oops, I shot you in the chest, I'm sorry"


New member
I would think an "accidental discharge" (AD) would be something like - you're decocking a lever action rifle, s/a revolver, or a 1911 pistol, it's pointed in a safe direction and the hammer slips. No one and nothing hurt because you weren't negligent and had it pointed in a safe direction. That's an accident.

It happened to me once during hunting season, while wearing gloves. (great way to let the deer know you're coming - more sporting that way!)

Anyone agree? Anyone think of any other examples?


I agree entirely. It only becomes a ND if one or more of the four rules are violated.

Another example of an AD would be at the range, my buddy kept doubling his M1A by 'limp shouldering' I guess you could call it. Didn't suck it in tight enough to his shoulder. I've done it a couple times myself.

Everyone knows that accidents happen. So dont be negligent with the four rules, EVER.;)