NATO Planes patrol US Skies!!


It's called COMPLACENCY.

Pure and simple.

If its not a crushing, urgent problem RIGHT NOW, Washington has never really been interested in it.

Bush wanted to increase domestic exploration and production of oil. Congress shot him down on it.

Fusion may well be possible one of these days, but if left to Congress, it will never be done. It simply will take too long to develop, and be too expensive, thus robbing politicians of the ability to glad hand and say "SEE WHAT A WONDERFUL THING I DID!"
Hey Yankeetrash,

Don't worry, you've already been probed, and assigned a job of "Worker Drone in Sector 7-G" when the new Alien/United Nations new world order comes about.


New member
Mike Irwin

I agree: the country's been asleep--and not just to terrorist threats. This is an amazing and great nation but, face it, a lot's out of joint. I have the feeling that before all this wrings out we will have been disabused of any vestige of "complacency." And that will be a very good thing. We have a lot, as a country and culture, that needs to be raised to the level of consciousness and sorted out. This will happen on the grass-roots, neighbor to neighbor level, not on CNN et al., which, to me, are using this rough time to provide unnecessary information (repetitiously), inspire fear, and sell ads.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Mike Irwin: Re complacency.

Congress merely responds to what various special interest groups deem crushing and urgent.

Doesn't matter whether it's Big Bidness, Big Awl or PETA. Doesn't matter whether it's energy, terrorism, or environment. Congress initiates very little; it's a responding group, motivated by lobbying on the part of some sort of special interest...

If the citizenry at large is not particularly afraid of anything, and no special interest group is raising a ruckus, complacency reigns. That's realistically called "human nature".

Well, I don't think it's quite that simple, Art.

Sometimes Congress responds to what is pressing and necessary.

Sometimes individuals in Congress respond to the needs of constituents, large and small.

Sometimes lobbists (sp?) and special interest groups do are the causitive factor in Congressional action.


New member
this is all about setting a precedent

What? We don't have an Air Force anymore? Did Klinton sell it all to the Chinese?

This should not be a surprise. Just like when our soldiers do joint training here with foreign troops. Bad news, for sure though. This way, next time something big happens, even more European intereference will be accepted, afterall, the brave Europeans protected our skys from us last time, right?

Next we'll hear... "I'm from the European Union, I'm here to help."

The one worlders can not get it done in one fell swoop, they know that in order to achieve what they want, their moves must be calculated and drawn out over many years.

Message to the President... Tell the Europeans to take their "help" and stop the terrorists in their OWN countries... since a lot of them were based there!

Word of the day: incrementalism


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New member
Johnny, the one worlders are over your house now.
Be prepared to be beamed up and you know what next.

Get real, dude.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Mike, we at TFL are a special interest group. You and your neighbors, as constituents, are a special interest group. (IMO, "special interest group" has been distorted as to meaning only large and unpopular--to the speaker--interests.)

And you point out that Congress is "responding", which is what I said.

Meanwhile, I gotta go watch out for hostile airplanes from the OneWorldAF. UNAF?

:), Art
So the United States is one large special interest group, with smaller special interest groups?

I'm not sure I agree with that definition....