NATO Planes patrol US Skies!!

Dark Avenger

New member
O.K. I'll bite. What does this mean?

I am a big fan of our savereignty, but NATO (or the U.N. for that matter) would collapse in a matter of weeks without U.S. support.

If that is where you were going . . .


New member
I believe they're using more than planes. Might be a few NATO helicopters around too. I've noticed, as of late, more than a few low, slow flying choppers at night.

Up until the last few days, all helicopters and planes were flying a lot higher and faster.

Just last night, I threw my IR-detecting scope on one of them and it lit up like an orange Christmas tree - front, back, and side were all running IR.


New member
The U.S. has asked NATO to provide AWACS aircraft to monitor the skies for any threats. These aircraft provide early warning radar to airborne threats. There are no NATO fighter jets or choppers flying around our skies. I dont know why the U.S. would need NATO to provide airborne radar protection for us. Makes no sense to me. The hijacked aircraft were commercial anyway. Guess the gov dont trust the civilian radar guys on the ground.


It's called conditioning, they have started with the overt conditioning of the masses.

The sheeple will think this is great.



New member
N.A.T.O. is a defensive treaty that coalesces 19 countries into a common army/air force/navy for the common defense of all of them. Australia has amended their treaty with the United States to read the same as the N.A.T.O. treaty -- an attack on one is an attack on all.

I am sure that there are also weenies in Italy or Germany or Britain that would state some of the same opinions that have been posted here if American AWACS planes were assigned to patrol their skies. N.A.T.O. is now being used, for the first time in history, as the defensive body it was meant to be as written fifty-some years ago instead of the offensive body that Clinton formed in violation of the very first paragraph of the N.A.T.O. charter.

Having N.A.T.O. aircraft in our airspace is per a good treaty and frees up American aircraft for other uses. Is anyone here moaning about N.A.T.O. warships in the Indian Ocean for our defense? Is anyone here moaning that N.A.T.O. aircraft are bombing our common enemy?

Everyone always bitches and moans that America always has to pay the most, take up the most slack, and do the most work; and now that other countries are willing to do that we attack them as sovereignty breakers bent on conditioning the proletariat to being enslaved by them.


Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I looked all over that Site, and saw nothing about air patrols in the U.S.

"NATO"? As in, which NATO country? Or countries? There are always a few NATO pilots over here for training, and have been as long as NATO has been in existence.

I sure can't see any particular reason to need any NATO patrols; we're not using enough planes in the Afghanistan effort to notice. Nowhere near what we used over the Balkans against Serbia...Unless more pilots resigned their commissions during the Clinton years than I had realized.

Would be nice to know to what are we being "conditioned".

Those aren't NATO aircraft.

Those are the alien space craft from Area 51.

The aliens have agreed to join us, because they're very afraid of anthrax, too.
"Would be nice to know to what are we being "conditioned". "

Why, isn't it obvious?

Eventually those NATO aircraft will slowly, and insidiously, be replaced with baby blue aircraft with "UN" stenciled on the sides...


New member
Hey Yankytrash,

Just last night, I threw my IR-detecting scope on one of them and it lit up like an orange Christmas tree - front, back, and side were all running IR.
I am unclear on the signifigance of this, please explain (wish I had one o' them IR thingies)

Up until the last few days, all helicopters and planes were flying a lot higher and faster.

I live SE of Salem, OR and E of Albany kinda out in the sticks. I have noted an increase of blackhawks every fall, they seem to be using IFR (I Follow Roads) and my house seems to be a land mark between Salem (Air Guard base) and Sweet Home (much cannabis is grown in the hills outside Sweet Home). Latley they have been doing refuel ops (day and night). First a C-130 flys over the house (north to south) at about 1000' to 1500', pulls a big bank about a mile south and heads north about a half mile east. It is joined by a pair of Blackhawks (that didn't passover previously). From each wing tip of the C-130 a line extends with a little circle at the end. The Blackhawks tuckin real tight and drink a little, disconect, drop back and then tuck in again. At night the C-130 runs with no lights and can only be seen by watching the stars disappear. I am guessing the Blackhawks are using IR?

Kinda cool to watch.


New member
When I set my Russian PSO scope (readily available for cheap - just make sure it's the IR-detecting model. Most civilian-issue are non-IR detecting) to 0, I can scan for anything running infrared. When something is running infrared, it shows up as an orange glow. Each IR 'eye' is seen on any given vehicle. The helicopters I was looking at had three spots - fore, aft, and side.

Don't be fooled into thinking it's night-vision, because it is not. It just shows orange for the IR equipment. I suppose this is for the Russian snipers - they can pop off a round into IR equipment at night to avoid detection.

And it doesn't work in the daytime, btw.

I'm in a prime spot for IFR travel - right on a river that leads to the Chesapeake bay. I just thought it was odd that these choppers weren't running with the river - they were crossing it. Very odd compared to their usual flying patterns.

One thing I like about slow-moving though. They don't come screaming by in the middle of the night and shake the house. I sleep better this way.:D

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
I agree with jimpeel-100%. The same people who used to whine that the US got nothing in return for its alliance with NATO...are now whining that NATO is fulfilling treaty obligations by sending AWACS to the US. OK, whiners, you can have it one way or you can have it the other way. You cannot have it both ways. Choose now, and be consistent in the future. This reminds me of the liberals who whined that the CIA was vastly overestimating the weakness of the USSR's economy in the 60's, 70's, and 80's. These same liberals whined that the CIA had underestimated the weakness of the Soviet economy when the Soviet Union fell. They made me just as sick then as these people do now.

AWACS can see DOWN as in FROM ABOVE. Ground based radar cannot do this. DUH! It is not a matter of not trusting the civilian radar operatives, it is a matter of expanded and extended, overlapping capabilities.
"Can see down from above..."

Wha... WHAT?


Oh my GOD! It's TRUE, it's all TRUE!

It's a conspiracy!


OK, my three previous tongue-in-cheek posts aside, I've come to a very interesting conclusion over the past few weeks after reading a LOT of ranting on the internet... It's been developing for a long time, but what I've been reading the last few weeks has really cemented it...

Some people simply don't feel secure if they don't feel paranoid about some vast conspiracy -- NATO planes in the US, Black Stealth Helicopters with the UN insignia in Montana, these attacks were orchestrated by the Bush Administration to take attention away from the election he stole, etc. etc. etc.

A little paranoia is a good thing. Knee-jerk paranoia is just that.

JimPeel and Spartacus have really laid out the truth of the situation. The United States doesn't have unlimited AWACS resources, and given the fact that we're now in military operations overseas, the limited supply is stretched even more thin.

I think this is a good indication of the United States taking advantage of Article V by calling on our allies to provide resources that will free up American resources for use in combat operations.

I can hear it now... Why not send the NATO aircraft to the front lines, in that case.

Quite frankly, it's probably a case of continuity of operations and training. Some of the foreign and US units may not have worked together recently, or even before, so there's less chance of operational "OOPS!" happing with American AWACS controllers who are familiar with US force structure/operations.

Quite frankly, I think it's a damned good thing that we do have technologically advanced allies who can, and are willing, to provide this kind of assistance.


New member
Hey - you can say what you want Mike, but I still think you were right about the aliens. I just knew they'd come to get me sooner or later...


New member
Before this is all over we may need the aliens to intervene. No doubt they have perfected weapons that home in on terrorist thoughtwaves...?

I'm not paranoid but I am curious. Why is it that we hear nothing about energy independence? Why is there no "Manhattan Project" being discussed to free us, five or ten years down the road from dependence on Middle East oil? There are technologies already in existence that could get us a long way toward that goal and others that, with a little push from the right sources, could take us the rest of the way. I don't like the place of oil in all this.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
longeyes, do a search on "fuel cells"--and consider what an increase in fuel efficiency of some 30% to 40% would do to transportation's usage of fossil fuel.

There is an increase in construction of wind-generator units; there are about 350 MW or so newly built along I-10 in west Texas.

I'm amused by the "Greens": They hate nuke power, but blame mankinds' CO2 discharges from such things as coal- and gas-fired power plants for Globular Worming. (They ignore power plants, mostly; they primarily want us out of private ownership of personal transportation. In that, they are much like those who want us out of private ownership of firearms for personal protection.)

Success with fuel cells, and more nuke plants, and we could tell the World of Awl to go sit on a stump and practice high-speed rotation.

:), Art

Jamie Young

New member
I think they should just put K80Geoff on a big stand that can go up to about 20,000feet and give him a 10 Gauge shotgun to patrol the skies for Terrorists. Just tell him its a Sporting Clays match;) He'll blast 'em out of the sky:)


New member
Art Eatman

Art, that is exactly my point. We have the means to make some vital course-correction in our national policy. We are hamstrung in many of our decisions because of dependence on foreign energy sources. The goal is to maximize both national and individual freedom.