My son's first deer


New member
That is fantastic !!! ... :eek:
Stories and pictures like this are worth more than any ten-pointer. At least that is what I think. The best work you will ever do in this life, is this little shooter and his siblings. That is why God has blessed us with them. Both of you will never forget this day and will always be a part of many camp stories.
As my Texas buddy would say; You did real gooood !!! ... :D

Be Safe !!!


New member

Start them young and they will be hooked on it. Thats how my father passed it on to me.

First deers are always awesome!!!!

Uncle Ben

New member
"He is lucky to have a dad like you."

I'll agree to that!
Great story, and nicely done. He (and his own family, some day) will never go hungry :)


New member

Way to go! I did not feel my boy was ready to shoot at 6, but obviously yours was. I note the bolt open in the photo, safety conscious, well done.

My only question; who's smile was bigger, his or YOURS?