my new tiny piece - THAT I call a pocket gun


New member
Recently picked my Taurus PT22 PLY from the shop (the "PLY" makes the difference, sinc it's not only made of polymer but also a good deal shorter than the original PT22).

Love the gun - though it's so tiny, it fits the palm like a compact size pistol, and the tip-up barrel is very usefull.

Used to own a Beretta 950 Jetfire of similar design, but the Taurus is more lightweight, more "streamlined" and only slightly longer. And of course the .22lr is more versatile than the .25 ACP, the latter being a bit expensive for plinking...

Strongly recommended for anyone out for plinking and a "better-than-a-stick" SD option that comes in a REAL small size.


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New member
can you resize your pictures please? I've got 3 19" widescreen monitors and I still had to scroll over to see everything!


New member
That's probably the only Taurus I'd be remotely interested in owning... Probably won't just on principle. Nice gun all the same.


New member
I have the stainless PLY-22 and love it. Its an excellent little pistol. I also have a stainless Beretta 21a to compare it to, and I like the Taurus better. The only problem I have encountered with my PLY-22 is when Im trying to squeeze every bit of accuracy out of it, and staging the trigger, sometimes it wont hit the primer hard enough to fire the round. It I pull the trigger briskly, it fires every time. I know it wasnt made to be shot by staging the trigger, as it is DAO... so I guess its my fault, but the little gun is accurate, and its fun to see just how far away I can hit things with it. Here is a link to my comments when I bought mine...


New member
I bought a PT22 Poly last year. Cool little gun, and fun shooter. Not my cup o' tea for CCW, but great fun plinking cans, and spinny targets and such. It could be pocket carried If one is inclned. Fits a DeSantis Nemisis for my Elsie Pea like it was made for it. Also, although the grips are more hand filling, and the sights are a bit better, the trigger is quite similar to the Elsie for practice with 22 rimfire rather than 380.


New member
Nice little pistol. My wife had the .25 acp version (PLY-25) but traded it off as she found she does not like DAO triggers. I wish I would have told her that I would just take it over, but we needed the funds to purchase her Thunder 380. I also have the 21A Bobcat in .22lr, but I remember that PLY-25 having a nice, smooth DAO trigger.


New member
I have an original PT-22 that I used to carry as BUG. But it's a chunky little thing, so my P32 has taken over BUG duties. Now the PT-22 is just for fun, something it seems it was expressly built for.


New member
I have the stainless PLY-22 and love it. Its an excellent little pistol. I also have a stainless Beretta 21a

you don't have a side-by-side pic for comparison by chance? Even though one can look up the specs, it's always more significant to have a visual comparison...

lee n. field

New member
sinc it's not only made of polymer but also a good deal shorter than the original PT22).

What'd it cost you?

Any experience with the original PT22, that you can compare them? My brother has an older PT-22 (mid '90s vintage), that's only iffy, reliablity wise. I think it's a magazine problem, and he's never gotten a second magazine.

I'd also be interested in an actual shooting report.


New member
Just adding to the positive comments,,,

I own both the 22-PLY and the 25-PLY,,,
I shoot the heck out of the 22,,,
It's a great performing gun.

I paid $201.00 apiece for my guns,,,
That was about 18 months ago,,,
I think they are $240 now.



lee n. field

New member
320,-- Euros, which is quite cheap since handguns are very expensive here in Europe.

Ahhh. OK. I did not note your location. Price not necessarily comparable to what we'd see in the United State.