My New P32 Died!


New member
Hello, I took my new and unfired P32 to the range today for its christening. Guess what? At the 28 round mark it failed to cock and it still doesn't work! Has this happened to anyone else? I cleaned it prior to going today and everything seemed normal. I am at a loss. Regards, Richard.


New member
Did you go to KTOG and fluff and buff your P-32 before shooting it? That seems to be the conventional wisdom. But send it back to Florida for repair. Sounds more severe than could be fluffed.

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG


The NAA Gaurdian is a Piece of %#43. I had one and the extractor broke after one mag and the gun never did fire one magazine with out several malfunctions. I sent the gun back twice for repair and it still developed the same problems shortly. I told the gun dealer that I bought it from that I no longer wanted the piece of #$#$. And he was nice enough to trade it on a new glock 31. I had a tomcat that worked ok but not 100% I now use a smith airweight for back up. It is bigger but it always works and it hits harder.

I intend to go into harms way.


New member
I agree with the airweight. I have tried a few pocket guns and just can't argue with 15 oz .38 airweight. Goes bang everytime, no jams, and can shoot thru whatever you are carrying it in. Drawback - reloads, but that's why it is a backup to my P7. Good luck with your search. So many choices.


New member
The story continues...I checked the pistol this morning and it appears normal. The hammer now does a full cycle whereas before it would not go all the way back and fall. Maybe it is haunted. I am to shoot again on Wednesday after work and I will see what it does then and report. Regards, Richard.


New member
At the last gunshow I was at, there was a dealer with 5 Keltec P32's on his table. All out of their boxes and cabled together.

I examined each one to pick the "best one", and out of the 5, 2 were broken!

You pull the trigger, nothing happened. On those same two samples, if you pressed the magazine release, the magazine would not eject.

You could not remove the magazine even if you attempted to pull it out manually.

Needless to say, I'm no longer interested in the Keltec P32.

Moral: Check the pistol out throughly before plunking your money down!


New member
Send it back, get it fixed, then sell it.
Buy a Kahr MK-9, or Glock 26, and never look back. :)

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!


New member

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. My P32 hasn't had any problems (neither has either of my two P-11s), but you should let Kel-Tec know about it and fix it if it is a problem.

BTW, for those new to the P-32, the slide must cycle for the hammer to pre-set for each shot. Then you can pull the trigger to completely raise and release the hammer.

Make mine lean, mean, and 9x19!

Daryl Waldron

New member
Where did you see the 5 P32?? I have had zero problems with mine. I want to buy a 2nd P32, but cant find one here in South Florida.


Kentucky Rifle

New member
I like my pocket .32's. I have both a P-32 and a Guardian. The Guardian is somewhat ammo sensitive, it likes Silvertip hollow points, and that is OK with me. It is 100% with the Silvertip. The P-32 has fired everything I've tried. So, I keep it loaded with my favorite round, the Federal Hydra-Shok. The little P-32 is in my pocket 24/7. I'm 50 years old and I've got a little roll around my middle that makes a belt gun uncomfortable when I'm sitting in my recliner. Some of you "older" guys will understand. :)


Mendacity is the system we live in.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Well supplied with belly so my recline gun is
a pocket carried SW 642 or 317 (wimpy!).

I was interested in the 342 but then SW did the bad thing.

Steve Smith

New member
Some folks are overreactionary or have a personal problem and when something goes wrong with a gun they don't like, well, you see what happens. It's the same thing when a guy with a 1911 has trouble with something, all the Glock guys tell him where to stick it. How does that help the guy with the broken gun? Anyway...

Rest assured that the Kel-Tec P32 is a fine gun. Since it didn't work yesterday and noe it does, I would definately clean it thoroughly. You might have had something in there. Do the fluff and buff...I did it before firing. Just take your'll take about an hour. As far as mags are concerned, dvc, there might have been something there that you couldn't see. the P32 mags to not free fall from the gun. They're designed to barely pop loose. And as 9X19 has already stated, the hammer requires a bit of travel from the slide in order to reset...otherwise the hammer won't operate. Richard, one more thing. Be sure when you're loading a mag, to make sure that the rim of the top cartride isn't behind the rime of the cartridge below it. It has to be this way all the way down the mag (not just the top round). This isa problem with all .32s, not just the P32. It;s because the .32 acp has a semi-rimmed case.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 9x19:
BTW, for those new to the P-32, the slide must cycle for the hammer to pre-set for each shot. Then you can pull the trigger to completely raise and release the hammer.

I am aware of that. These two didn't function no matter how many times the slide was cycled.

[This message has been edited by dvc (edited May 29, 2000).]


New member
I did a partial F&B to mine before it's 1st outing. The only problem I had was with HOT S&B ammo, combined with my limp-wristing, failing to eject. The other ball, and both HP selections were flawless. I'm letting it gather pocket lint right now, to see how well it does on my next trip to the range.
The spare magazine that I bought did not freely eject whether it was loaded or not. After that 1st session, it must have broken-in because it works fine now. Good Luck to you, Sir, on rectifying the problem.


New member
I guess when Keltec gets the bugs worked out, I'll buy one. Unitl then, I'll stick with my 1903 and Gov't .380.


Mine bound up at about the 150 mark. i was shooting really fast then it just failed to bring the hammer back far enough to drop. its in route FL for repair and then will be sold to fund a G36.

7th Fleet

New member
I have had zero problems with my chromed slide P-32, its definetly a keeper. In my area, they are very scarce and you have to get on a list at guns shops to get one.



Tom B

New member
I don't know guys but I hear about alot of problems with these Keltecs in my forum readings. Never owned one and I think I never will!