My new Duty Gun: A Custom .357 N-frame


New member
This thing will make you traditionalists recoil in horror. I will send pics when I get it out of lay-away. It is a titanium .357mag 8-shooter from the Smith & Wesson Performance Center. It carries a gold bead front sight, and will be wearing CT's Lasergrips. I also intend for it to carry an EoTech Holosight. It is set up for an under-barrel weapon light, but I do not care for these as I think they make a great bulls-eye. I have seen this proven in force on force training.

I will be feeding it from 4 Safariland Comp-2 speedloaders, and 8 loose cartridges in loops. All of this will fit nicely in a custom suede lined Kydex drop leg tac holster.

The gun weighs no more than my aging M-15 .38spl., and God help the bad guy who thinks he can get the drop on this wheelgunner by counting to "six".


New member
No, they dont.

ANd I would love to see the department that will authorize the carry of an EOtech equipped n-frame in a thigh holster, let alone the company that makes such a holster.

Looks like someone'd kid brother got on the computer.:rolleyes:


glad your sticking to the wheelgun at least simsmix. (sorry your M-15 is retiring) And cartridge loops too (it's a little extra ammo). Sounds like you've got a plan though. Are you a policeman or a security guard?


New member
I'm with ya. Thanks Fisherman66 for posting the link to S&W. I guess they're just giving the people what they want.

BTW, people think that cartidge loops are used to top off your gun, not so. The proper use of cartridge loops (for a six-gun) is to fill ten loops with bullets, and two with cigarettes. You are supposed to shoot your gun dry, light a cigarette before beginning your reload, and reload before the cigarette's out. The extra four rounds are there because your are going to fumble at least that many.


New member
I know it is a production model and has it's place, but like Liliysdad says, I would love to see the department that approves such a setup for duty use.

I just don't see this monstrosity adorning the belt of any self-respecting policeman in any forseeable future. Rent-a-cops or mall ninja's maybe. Besides, if your electro-optic fails, you have no provision for a backup sight without using tools to remove the optic in the first place, and there is no co-witness. If this happens YOU DIE! No department will approve of that.


New member
Well, Okay, I think the EoTech might be a bit much. And after looking at the peened-flat top right corner of my M-15's sight, I think I'll drop the holosight. Also of course there is the battery issue. Also, no need for pics: VUPD found them.

I hope Safariland is making 8 shot speedloaders. Us would-be Jurry Mickulek types would be SOL if we had to make due with HKS's product. I'll use them if I have to. The loose ammo in loops is for topping off with.

Why not an auto? I dunno...just 'cuz. I kinda like to have something different.

As to who would let me carry such a thing: I work in the armored car industry, for a company that will let you carry any .38, .357, 9mm, 10mm, .40 or .45 you feel like buying. Just as long as it's not a SA or a POS like a Hi-point. I think Tuarus is about the lowest quality they allow.

I quit. I now work for my county's Juvenile Detention Center. Why is this bad news? Because they only allow 9's and .40s. On the bright side I'll still have a great HD gun, with no springs to get weak while it's kept loaded.