My liberal brother, anti-gun, anti self-defense


New member
Rimrock, I fail to see what pro or con choice has to do with this discussion. Do you think that your comment about the percentage of pro choice women might be colored somewhat by your societal companions. Mine would lead me to think the opposite, regardless of political inclinations.

Silver Bullet

New member
By putting all responsibility for self-defense on the government, your brother absolves himself of any responsibility. Doing so allows himself to not feel guilty or cowardly for his inaction.


New member
summed up...anti-brains.....if something seious happens in our scoiety is he going to run to your house for protection...better ask him first and remind him that hypocrites must stay outside...
An update to this situation.....after I went to bed last night, my dad and my stepbrother, who are both very pro-gun got into a confrontation with my brother. My brother brought the subject up, and they tried to state their position. I'll say it again, having a reasonable, fact based debate with my brother is impossible. He is uneducated on this issue, has never handled or fired a gun at a shooting range, does not know anything about second ammendment issues, but HE is the expert, damn the torpedo's. He does not read newspapers, or watch any news at all. The only news I watch is Fox news, they are the least biased in my opinion. My brother turns all of this into a shouting match, where any hope of civilized debate is gone. Then, if you try to walk away from him, to defuse the situation, he will follow you and egg you on. I was basically accused of being a "ticking time bomb" by my brother. This logic really baffles me, but he is dead set in it.

The comments that a couple of you made about my brother being a "leftist socialist" is pretty much dead on. That would be the best term for it. I didn't intend to offend any liberals on here, as I know there are pro-gun liberals out there. People like my brother in political power would be scary. I respect his views and opinions, but he cannot respect or accept mine. I still love him, as he is my brother, but his logic is flawed in my opinion. He has a very hot temper and just starts ranting and raving.

My brother asked me several weeks ago if I was getting a concealed carry permit, he heard about if from my dad. I told him "yes". My brother came to the house looking for a confrontation this weekend, even if I had left the gun issue alone, he would have exploded over something else. I dont feel that I provoked him. Bottom line, me and my brother are polar opposites on just about every political issue out there, and we live completely different lives. I'm an avid outdoorsman here in Colorado, hiking, camping, and four-wheeling. My brother is a city-slicker, he does not do any of the above things. I live rurally, away from the city, he lives in suburbia. So our beliefs, values, and political stances are polarized from the beginning.

Scott Conklin

New member
I've noticed people like this DO go looking for confrontations. I mean, I love a good debate. i love a good fight, even complete with Flames and Ad Homs. BUT, I don't look for it. If it happens, hey, it's cool. But it seems the leftist, especially the ignorant leftist with an opinion and no foundation, will go out of his way to instigate, then shout down, a fight.

I grasp the positions and I know the history of the labels. I do not grasp the need to initiate a fight by these types. They have to know they have nothing but their feelings going for them, right? Or is that really enough, in their minds...?


New member

Only one thing i had a problem with in your statement that the 2nd amendment gives you the right to own a firearm. The constitution doesn't give us any rights. It protects our inaleinable rights. Sorry to nitpick


OF COURSE there are a few exceptions, but, by-and-large, folks who hold themselves out to be liberals are not friends of gun owners.

The Pilgrim

New member
2nd Amendment, I'm glad you said that. I'd be labelled a conservative by most, but the adjective "liberal" aptly describes how I feel on many issues. Personal freedom and personal responsibility are #1 with me.


New member
Just continue to try to educate your brother. Stay polite, stay calm, and stick to RESEARCHABLE FACTS, that anyone can look up and see for themselves. (It does no good to give him opinions or fictional percentages, it just makes you look uneducated yourself) If he continues to be beligerent, just ignore him. Hopefully he will be lucky enough to go through life and never need a gun.....hopefully we ALL will for that matter.....

And rimrock, you wrote:

and ya know something else...73% of those good Republican conservatives wives secretly are pro choice!

What? Care to show me some factual proof of that percentage? ;)


New member
The 73% Republican women pro-choice is from a Planned Parenthood poll. We should believe that like we should believe a poll on gun control from The Bradys.


Don't see how "pro choice" has anything to do with gun issues, but, as my brother, the teacher said, "Don't believe in Rowe v. Wade? Visit my 7th grade." Seems to me that letting the kind of people who would have abortions do as they wish would keep the kind of people who have abortions from polluting society with more like themselves with whom the rest of us would have to deal. ;)


New member
No offense, but Rivers, that sounds kinda like the idea of Eugenics (the idea that somone's societal worth has to do with their social status), which si why Planned Parenthood was started in the first place.
Ask him this:

He's walking home from a movie with his wife/girl/main squeeze. As they pass a business' doorway, a pair of guys jump them.

He's had the crap beat out of him, being held at knifepoint; his wife is about to be assaulted in a very bad manner. True to form, there's never a cop around when you need one.

If I'm walking down the street (and yes, I'm armed with a CCW - a High Power W/Attitude), does he want me to intervene with my gun and drive them off, or keep walking?

If he says no, he is a flaming idiot. If he says yes, ask him how he can be so hypocritical. He says yes, he's not anti-gun. He says no, let the sheep be - he'll learn the hard way one of these days.


Posted by outcast Rimrock, You? No.....Say it ain't so !!!!!
OK outcast..... ready....IT ISN'T SO!:D :D :D
Actually I posted my bio here more than once which was probably at least once too often. :) Some found it hard to believe but....
I'm rather middle of the road on most issues. Kind of boring. I've always thought of the real left as was described by 2ndAmendment's great post.
I doubt if any of us here have much in common with real leftists. I vaguely recall the beginning of the"demonizing" of the word liberal around post Nixon time. The word "liberal" got to be synonomus with child molester, anti freedom, anti gunner, anti beer, anti mom and a doper who married his sister...... twice!:eek:......... Some of us don't even have a sister!:D
The things today that unite people are many and diverse across religious, political, economic and other social lines.
I've become very uncomfortable with wingnuts from either extreme.
They have a way of being condesending and generally full of crap!


Mad Martigan

New member
I've found that demonizing either side is a bit counterproductive when you can't throw a stone in either direction without hitting an entire gaggle of effing retarded nutbags.