My honest opinion of the new firestorm 45 auto


New member
After a long day at the range I can say that my new used firestorm (llama) shoots as well as my glock 19 and my faithful makarov, both of which have digested hundreds of rounds with out a hitch. .
We shot a couple hundred rounds of wolf ammo through the firestorm with out a hitch. the accuracy way better than I can shoot so to me that is a no issue. I shot to dead center of the bullseye with no sight adjustment.
Fit and finish are o par with guns costing a lot more ,my gun is the 2 tone model and I noticed a it seem to be higher polished
than the all blue models.
Now for the problems the only one encountered was that every fired case had a small dent on the lip which I have no idea what is causeing this unless the case is somehow hitting the ejection port. maybe some of you can help me on this one?
Forgot to add that the internal machining while not on par with some of the higher priced guns (kimber. ruger ect) was acceptable and looked to be durable.
In conclusion for the price I think the firestorm is a very good buy and a gun that will last a lifetime and give very little trouble.


New member
Thanks for the range report. I'm getting ready to add a .45 to the accumulation (it's not really a collection) and will take a hard look at the Firestorm's. The Ruger P97 is also in the running.

Walt Sherrill

New member
The newest Gun Tests magazine tests the Firestorm and the Llama .45s. To borrow and paraphrase the line from Monty Python, when talking about Australian tables wines, these are NOT guns for shooting; these are guns for laying down and avoiding.

While you'll find a Llama, from time to time, that turns out to be a quality gun, you'll be playing craps in hopes of getting that ONE. The Firestorm is similar. (They're both made in Spain, and may even be made in the same factory.)

Look at the Ruger P-97, if money is an issue. Its accurate, reliable, durable, and has good resale value. If I had to buy a .45 and didn't have a lot to spend, that would be the gun...


New member
Now for the problems the only one encountered was that every fired case had a small dent on the lip which I have no idea what is causeing this unless the case is somehow hitting the ejection port. maybe some of you can help me on this one?

I've run 400 rounds through my Firestorm Mini-Compact 45. I got the same dents. The problem never worked it's way out, like I thought it might. I suspect the recoil spring is a little tight for the short action. I tried both hot and light loads, and both had the same dent (actually, the hot loads also led to ejection problems).

I guess we gotta live with it.


I swear by my FireStorm Compact 45. I never noticed any dents, but I don't save my brass either. It has been totally reliable and accurate for me. There are better pistols that I would use if in a competition, but if someone just wants a 45ACP for defense, how can you go wrong?


New member
Could anyone post some pictures of those Firestorm mini compacts? I'm in the market for a compact 45, and i'd like to see how it looks...


P.S. You could just point me to a website if thats available..
I just got my Gun Tests as well and the folks there certainly were not impressed by the Firestorm. Once again, this is one of those probability issues. There are bound to be a few Firestorms that are fine guns just like there are going to be a few high dollar guns like Baer or Wilson that just were not done well.

It all comes down to what you want to do with the gun and what you can afford. Personally, I would not buy one for defense because it looks like there were enough problems with the gun tested by Gun Tests to indicate to me that I would do better saving my pennies for a brand with a more solid reputation for quality.


New member
I was reading the Firestorm site and got a chuckle:

All FIRESTORM handguns come with trigger lock at no charge

I'm glad there was no charge for it. The lock they sent with mine was a flimsy plastic POS that could be easily defeated with a cigarette lighter or a strong hand.


Don't feel bad. The one I got didn't even fit the pistol it came with. It is a feel good accessory to repel the bedwetters though.


New member
Your assistance is much appreciated!!;)

They look so much like the Armscor 45 mini-compact model. These are made in the Philippines with a 6-rd capacity and a bull barrel. For its size, it's very heavy (i imagine to tame recoil). I'm seriously considering this model. Has anyone had any experience with this latest release (i think they're the charles Daly model thereabouts...) :confused:


New member
Another reason to consider the Firestorm is not only price, but it takes 10-rd mags. Also, you can use Llama mags in it (usually only comes with one mag).


New member
By the looks of it, the grip seems to be a little thicker than i would like (due to the 10-rd clip). It'll be a bit harder to conceal IWB, being that i'm not a big person.

A single stack, OTOH, is thin enough to slide right in, and I don't feel under-equipped with 6-rds of 45ACP in a little package. I'm more concerned about reliability and long term durability of the unit. I haven't seen any gunstore here that carries the firestorm label yet, so could anyone recommend something, given these factors? :rolleyes:



Keep in mind that although a 10 round model is available, you can still get a single stack 7+1 model that takes the same mags as any other 1911.

Baron Holbach

New member
Firestorm and Ruger .45ACP

I have never owned nor fired a Firestorm Llama .45ACP. I have owned a stainless Ruger P97DC .45ACP, through which I cycled hundreds of rounds. The P97 was my first semiauto pistol, and a disappointing one at that. After an experienced shooter observed and judged that I was not limp-wristing, I could not fathom why the Ruger would frequently FTF, FTE, and stovepipe. After this learning experience, I have decided to never again buy this particular model from Ruger. I might try their earlier models --the P89 or P90. I eventually traded the P97 for a Beretta Cougar 8045 .45ACP. My shooting experience with the Cougar has so far proved why Beretta makes some of the best pistols in the world.

Eric Larsen

New member
Firestorm 1911's are Llama guns. Made in spain...not quite up to the quality of Armscorp guns on a whole. Daly and RIA are the Phillipino guns...most of the later made guns Ive seen are way nice.
The odds of getting a "great" Llama arent good. Playing with them in stores/ranges...they are very inconsistant...triggers vary alot and slide/frame fit is tight on some and not on others.
I got to shoot a "kinda good one"...a couple of kids at a range were having alot of trouble...5 yds out and couldnt hit the paper....:confused:
They talked with me for a while and I got to shoot the gun.....
The gun functioned well but the trigger was notchy and stacked like an FEG d/a trigger :eek: I hit the center a couple of times after getting used to the trigger. They were pulling way I did too. The gun wasnt bad but Id throw the trigger away and start over.
Im glad you got a keeper...kinda like a mini P/O Hi Cap....neat design. Shoot well


New member
I've shot one.

Gun worked fine but I noticed it had some rust on it. Was decently accurate. The owner said he hadn't had any problems with the gun so I guess it was okay.