My growing handgun family


Very nice collection. We seem to be in the same boat. I started collecting recently also. You definitely have nice taste.


New member
An intelligent collection - two Rugers, Colt, Smith, etc. Most people begin buying junk guns (I won't mention brands) and end up trading up. You've skipped a step.

One year, and that many guns - I'm afraid you're addicted, but most of those on this forum are also addicts; you'll get little or no advice to slow down here.


New member
Addictions are healty on occasion

I see I'm not the only one with such a severe addiction.
A year and a half ago my wife & I had none at all. Now we have 29, nope 31, no now it's 32 and counting.
I can still tell somebody what all of them are from memory.
No, not too many yet.


New member
That's pretty good in a year's time. Did something similar. If you are concerned about $$, don't worry, it slows down some.....

.... after about 5-years! :D


New member
I am glad...real glad that you have the addiction...we can begin a support group...

Just when I tell myself,,,,,self you have all the guns you need and can afford, I go and buy today a Sig P220 Carry SAS with CT to follow:D

Now, this is absolutely the last gun I am buying...I really mean that...:p