My Grandpa wants a Taurus Judge...


New member
I thought about buying the longer barreled 45/10 revolver when they first came out. Thought the idea very interesting and certainly fun. I had visions of shooting skeet or hunting rabbits with the 410 loads. As time when on, that idea was certainly poo-poo'd as it didn't match the reality of the performance of the 410 ga from a short rifled handgun barrel.

Then you have the 45LC which is a very effective defense caliber. My impression is the 45/10 revolver is very average with the round due to the long cylinder sized for the 410 shell.

I now view the revolver as just a more effective snake gun in 410 ga than say a 38spl or 22 with shot shells.

Hence I have never purchased one of these revolvers fully expecting that it would be fun, but not as effective as I would like in the 410 ga use. I have other revolvers for 38 or 357 and don't need a 45 for home defense.

I think there are better choices for self defense and I would probably lean toward a 38spl revolver such as a Smith Model 10 used. They are still pretty reasonable, effective, and very practical for home defense or carrying around the woods or farm. Want something new? Go with a Ruger GP100 and load it with 38spl's (+P's) for home defense or 357's for woods walks.

It is his money and he can do what he wants. My father could certainly afford to make a mistake or buy a gun that may not be as practical as perhaps other choices. My point is... he can have fun too. I certainly think any home invader would think twice about getting shot with a 410 with buck shot and he has five quick rounds to fire if necessary. More than likely he would probably not kill the invader. His call.
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New member
My observations and/or opinions from sending 800+ rounds down the pipe of my 3"X3" model Judge over the past year and some change, half .45 Colt, half 3" .410:

1.) Yep, snakes are pulverized at realistic ranges using #4 or #6 shot, as were muskrats, possums, and the like. I also rabbit hunt with beagles, and toting the Judge as the only means of harvesting a rabbit is big fun for sure. Loud as hell though.
2.) Home rolled 3" loads of lead BB is a pretty potent home or vehicle defense choice. Chrono'd at 900+ fps, with penetration plenty adequate to ruin permanently the future of 2 legged dirtballs. Again, let's be realistic about TYPICAL HD/VD range. It is not a 15 yard event unless your living room is a gym, or you're defending in a bus and are shooting from one end to the other. The biggest room dimension in my 2600 sf ranch is around 22 feet, and that is only 7.34 yards after all. Nope, you guys are correct when you say birdshot is a lousy defense choice. Not a surprise. If you choose properly loaded for handgun 000 or 0000 buck (try I don't think performance will be too lacking for HD/SD. In my case, 5-000 Buck balls cover a 12" circle at 8 yards. Acceptable pattern IMHO.
3.) Forget .410 slugs. They are as anemic from a short barrel as they are in a long one.
4.) .45 Colt is the star for longer range, and if you look hard enough (or load your own) you can find some fine choices of loads and bullets. And don't worry about the long distance from cylinder to forcing cone. At 25 yards it doesn't make a difference in my Judge, as all 5 stay in a 4-5" circle. Again IMHO, acceptable. As mentioned before, if the threat is 25 yards away, it is not really a shootable threat yet anyway.
5.) Please don't compare available .45, .40 or what have you #9 shot loads available for pistols. With a 3" .410 load, we're talking better than 3/4 of an ounce of shot. Sure, 12 gauge 3" loads are a whole different game, but that package is way less portable, not that a Judge is exactly a pocket pistol.

My advice is to get Grandad to a place he can hold and fondle a Judge. My range even rents a couple of models, and they are dirty constantly.

If he likes it, what the heck ? My grandads died before I was old enough to do much of anything for them, and it would make me smile if you can do what I could not.

And don't worry about all the opinions of folks that have yet to shoot whatever they like to criticize. It just amazes me how much of that exists.:mad:

Ron Bernert

New member
If Grandad wants a Judge, get him a Judge! If your Grandad is anything like my (deceased) Grandad, if the old coot doesn't like it, he'll hand it to you and say "Here. Now you owe me lunch" and you have yourself a new Judge. If he likes it, you can still buy him lunch! :)


New member
Lots of great info guys. I appreciate all the feedback and links!

I have a feeling that the man wants a Judge... That said, we will definitely be making a trip to the Gun Shop for a "handling session" before any purchases are made.

He could very well change his mind, but for now I don't see any reason to steer him away from the Judge.

If Grandad wants a Judge, get him a Judge! If your Grandad is anything like my (deceased) Grandad, if the old coot doesn't like it, he'll hand it to you and say "Here. Now you owe me lunch" and you have yourself a new Judge. If he likes it, you can still buy him lunch!

Lol, you know, I can actually picture him doing that. Hopefully he does like it though... either way I'm sure I do owe him a lunch or two :)


New member
It would be cool, if you would buy it for him -- give it to him as a gift...(if you can afford it )... But this whole thing may be less about the gun vs spending time with you on the search for the gun .....

I'm not a big fan of the Judge ...although I think its ok. I much prefer a good S&W 4" revolver in .357 mag ( and I can shoot .38's in it / if the arthritis in my hands and wrist is bothering me ).

There are a lot of very good clean revolvers coming out of a lot of safes lately - older model 19's, 27's, 28's, 66's etc ...and they're all great guns ( even real clean, selling for under $ 750 for the most part / in Nickel, blued or stainless ) ... and a little elbow grease and some good polish you can make them look like a million dollars ...... I really like these old S&W revolvers in 4" ( I'm buying up a lot of them as I see them in model 19, 27 and 66 / especially nickel versions in the 19's and 27's )...and I'm holding them to pass onto some of my adult kids / and some of my grandkids now ( I have 10 now ...) ...they're great guns..

Qwiks draw

Sixer. Either way neither of you can lose. That's the great part.

If he decides that he likes shooting enough to go to the range more often than not that would be a great side benefit as well.


New member

You're right about spending time on the search :) It's been fun talking guns with the ol guy. I really wish I had the extra cash to just buy one for him... he definitely deserves it. One of these days!

I much prefer a good S&W 4" revolver in .357 mag ( and I can shoot .38's in it / if the arthritis in my hands and wrist is bothering me )

This is not out of the question either. I will likely encourage him to at least consider a good .357 mag. IMHO either will be fine for him, but I know he has taken special interest in the Judge. We just need to get to the LGS so he can get his hands on a few different firearms.

Either way it will be good quality time spent with Grandpa.

Dr. A

New member
My father is also a WW 2 vet, and as far as I'm concerned I would have probably given him a Judge had I been given the opportunity. (and he wanted one). He thrives and grows by trying new things. A few years ago I bought him a bolt action 223 and he has gone out prairie dog hunting with me quite a bit. I also bought him a Crossbow last year when he was jealously wishing he could shoot a deer during the much (nicer time of the year) bow season. He couldn't pull a regular bow, but we soon fixed that.:) He is 84 and served our country in its time of need, and I intend on spoiling him all I can. He's certainly earned it. Your grandpa has lived a long enough time to know what he wants. Go for it! The above posters are correct in that if he says he wants one after trying it out, get him one... It'll be one of your fondest memories for a lifetime.:)


New member
Go for it! The above posters are correct in that if he says he wants one after trying it out, get him one... It'll be one of your fondest memories for a lifetime

If I had the funds, believe me I would just buy it for him. He and my Grandmother are actually in Abeliene, KS which isn't too far from you. I need to get there more often... hopefully this will just be another excuse to spend more time with them. I know it sounds cheesy, but I respect that man more than he will ever know. If I could be HALF the man he is...