My first Henry.....


New member
My girlfriend got this for me for Christmas. I don't have it yet but I took a few pics before it went back into the box.

She picked it up used for $200. I added the Williams FP-GR-TK rear and Lyman 17A/grooved front barrel band. I have a big loop lever for it too, its getting leather wrapped.

This thing should shoot really nice! I'm like a big kid at Christmas.....Oh wait!:D





Tony Z

New member
What caliber and were the peeps just bolt on?

Oh, it will probably not be your last Henry. I know, and oh, how I know!


New member
Its a .22LR.

I'm a rimfire kind of guy, I guess I have around 20 or so rifles and a couple of handguns(still haven't found that perfect deal on a Single Six or Bearcat).

I had .22LR's in every genre except a lever gun. I like to teach my boys how to handle all different types of firearms and its cheaper to do so shooting rimfire.

I have a Winchester 94AE that I am not impressed with as far as accuracy but I can't sell it, it has meaning. I can see me getting a Henry 30-30 to shoot for fun but I rarely hunt with that caliber anymore.


New member
What caliber and were the peeps just bolt on?

.22LR and yes!

The Williams FP-GR-TK mount into the grooved receiver and can be used on most rimfire rifles with the grooved receiver. You can get them with or without the "target knobs" These are the "Fool Proof"-"Grooved Receiver"-"Target Knob"

The front sights are the Lyman 17AHB globe sights with 8 sight inserts. To use the Lyman globes you need a grooved front sight base, which the H001 does not have BUT, the Henry HiViz front sight base for the H001M(.22WMR) is taller and has the dovetail to accept the Lyman Globe.

Clear as mud right? :D

I want to thank "camP" on Rimfire Central for helping me set the gun up and get the right sights


New member
Looks like a newer version H001 (22lr carbine). I've got one too and have customized it 'a bit' myself. I like that Lyman front sight setup. Did you just slice off the sight blade and mount the globe sight in the hood groves? Whatever, it looks good on there.

I found that the Williams FP-94/36-TK receiver sight which screws into the left side of the receiver (you have to D&T it) fits much tighter to the side and much lower than the FP-GR-TK version that attaches to the groves in the top of the receiver. It also allowed me to use the stock front sight. Like you, mine has target knobs as I adjust it for ranges from 50 to 200yds. (Yes, 200yds only works if there isn't any wind.)


They are great little rifles and a ton of fun to shoot. Also, they make great training rifles as they are a bit safer than a semi-auto for a new shooter but not a hard to load as a single shot.


New member
The 30-30 Henry I checked out had a factory peep, much cleaner than these "Borg" peeps. Tempting. I'm also tempted to get one in 17 HRM.

Tony Z

New member
Kcub-is the factory sight you're referring to a "ghost ring"? Also what do you mean by "borg" peep?




New member
He might no like the Williams receiver sight with the target knobs. They do stick out a bit. The version with them is more compact and takes a screwdriver to adjust.

Tony Z

New member
For a field gun, I would prefer smaller knobs over target and vice versa for those that I use for plinking or hole punching. Over 3 decades ago, I was told a tip that works for all peeps: when hunting, simply unscrew/remove the rear aperture, and you'll end with an improvised ghost ring. Very quick target acquisition!

But I do like my rear peeps, with all adjustments. Large or small knobs don't matter much, as long as my Fred Sandford-arthur-etic hands can still turn them.


New member
Why are they needed? Once a site is set don't you pretty much forget it?
You haven't been shooting 22lr at anything over 50-60 yds then have you?

This sight is set on 50yds. See the marks I added to the left of the scale? The top one is 75 yds, next is 100yds (bottom of what looks like a thick line but is really 2 different lines) , next lower is 125yds, then 150yds, and finally the lowest is for 200yds.


Yes, you can shoot a 22lr out at 200yds but pray that there isn't any wind as anything over a slight breeze can push your bullet feet to the left or right, yes feet, not inches.


New member
It'll shoot .22 shorts as well, I have shot about as many subsonic shorts as long rifle in mine. Consider it as a small game rifle, mine shoots better than I do with irons, and it holds enough rounds to load once and probably not have to load it again.

A Henry H-001 was my first rifle, got it when I was like .10


New member
I believe the peep sites Henry was putting on for a while were made by XS. Could be wrong, just going from memory.


New member
I have the XS peeps on my Win 94AE, no comparison to the Williams target models for range use but they are fine for hunting.