My first "gun control" debate


New member
(Didn't know which forum to put this in... :eek:)

Actually, this isn't my very first. I had one other debate, but that was when I was still learning, so there are a lot of deserted arguments.

But anyway...I just found this board, and wouldn't ya know it, the second post I read is about concealed carry. :)

Wanna see how much I've learned in a year? (and feel free to help!)

"Concealed Carry continued...."

Malone LaVeigh

New member
You're doing fine. I'd help, but the last thing I need to do is get involved in another discussion forum. I got enough on my hands here debating the free marketers...

But you're welcome to let them know that there are a few Marxist types (at least I get called that a lot here...) who agree with you.


New member
Way to go WyldOne....You're kicking some butt there. Logical, in control, objective responses and comments....

That one guy is out of control and I dare say...paranoid......


New member
You're doin pretty cool over there. Ya should hammer that guy SpaceCoyote115 about calling you sir. In a put down tactfull way of course ;) Your profile clearly says your first name is Denise. Either the clown didn't bother to read your profile before jumping to a wrong conclusion your a guy, or he thinks Denise is Dennis. Either way, it illustrates how he doesn't really research what he posts about.


New member
Brasshopper, when you snatch the .45acp cartridge (or Fat Tire beer cap) from my hand, you may leave the temple (TFL) and walk the earf and have adventures. Just check back in once and awhile.:cool:


New member
WO... though i'd love to help, you have things WAY PAST "under control" and ganging up on him wouldn't do alotta good! :p

you got it going your way, and you are doing VERY well... keep it up!


New member
now maybe i havent been paying too much attention in class, but did i just see wyldone making comments that indicate she wants to carry a concealed weapon???

you've come a long way baby.


New member
Yeeehaaaa! Kick a$$, WO.

The cool thing about debating with anti's is that you know they're wrong and you're right :) And it is the very rare anti who has really put any thought into the issue, so you end up with these cliche arguments over and over again. Plus, you have an ace up your sleeve, a 300-lb gorilla in your corner that they don't know about: TFL.

Have fun! ;)

- Gabe


New member

Your patience amazes me! I really do not think I could suffer a fool for that long without just giving up.

spacemanspiff, I read the exact same thing. So WO, have you picked out your new pet yet:D?


New member
So WO, have you picked out your new pet yet?


No, I um didn't really think it would really make much sense for me to say "I wanna carry, but I don't 'cuz I'm still a tiny bit afraid of them." I thought about "I want to carry, but strict gun laws in MA take away my right to protect myself, so now I put my life in danger everytime I leave my house", but I thought of a different strategy.

So what they don't know....won't hurt 'em. :)

And I don't think it's patience....More like sympathy. Remember, I was "one of them". For a long time. And for the most part, I can still "think" like them.


New member
The fight going on over there reminds me of the one of the fundemental differences between debate and discussion.

Rarely have I seen an actual discussion on gun control. Something where the people involved actually listen to the opposing remarks and maybe even realize they're views may not hold water.

Debates are just like a cock fight, you have two sides that will probably never change their views because they know they're involved to FIGHT. The difference is our opponent doesn't die leaving the fight forever.

I think us pro gun freaks are probably right for the most part. I like the idea of converting anti-gun people to pro RKBA folk, but think our time may be better served using voting power.

Take this Big Dawg D character wanting to ban handguns from us civilians because they were designed to kill people are are small enough to easily hide. I don't think he/she will ever realize that this doesnt make a whole bunch of sense.


New member
i think that some peoples 'conscience', or whatever passes for one, is so warped that they don't feel the need to defend their own life or the lives of others.

on at least one level, i can respect that, possibly even agree. it goes into a full confidence (at least in my mind) of what happens when a person dies. usually when people are afraid of death, the same people are quite religious, and believe they will go to heaven and be with god and their other loved ones who have preceded them in death. all their answers about life/universe/etc will be answered. yet they are afraid to die? i see this as a lack of faith in their own beliefs. but that is another discussion altogether that likely doesnt belong on this board.