My first DEER! "very long post"


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As some of you know i have been getting advice for me youth hunt.Last weekend i missed two does with my dads 30-06.So we went back up their again for the weekend.I decided to use my 22-250 because i was very familiar with that gun, compared to my dads 30-06.

We left up their sat morning and saw a couple of does that day and 1 very small buck but couldn't really get a shot at any of them.Sunday morning we decided to go to a area where we call doe hill because we see so many doe's their.So we started walking onto the trail witch was above the clearcut.Then we where kinda looking down into the area where wee see alot of deer at

When we saw two does, we figured that they where about 300 yards away.So i decided to not take the shot just wasn't confident enough after missing two deer already that year.So we started stalking them.The trail that we where heading on was in the direction they where going so we took it down.We warnt real sure where they where but we had a good idea.We where gonna go down farther and look off the edge at another area we usually sit at.

AS we got to the area we started scanning it and saw the does they where heading toward a buck 2x2.:eek:I decided i was going to take the buck because we couldn't get any closer without scaring him.I looked around trying to find a rest to take my shot from and could not find anything close so my dad said i could use him.So he got on his knees and i used his shoulder.

I was pretty shaky and couldn't calm myself my dad kept telling me breath in and out and take your time.I did just that until i felt confident enough where i wasn't so shaky.I got the sights right behind his shoulder and squeezed the trigger.He stood their for about 1 sec then he started to run away at a very slow pace swaying from side to side everywhere, he fell over once then got back up and fell right back down and didn't get back up.I knew i had got him and i was so excited!:D:eek:

WE waited about 1 min to make sure he wasn't going to get back up.Then we heading down they and found him not more than 15 yards from where i had shot him.And their was no blood trail not a single drop.Later that day when we got home and where skinning him getting a closer look at the body i shot him right threw the heart and their was no exit wound.We found the bullet stuck in the other side of the ribs.Thanks to all of you that have giving me advice.:D:):)


New member
Good Job, CONGRATS. It goes to show people it is better to use a rifle that you are good with, than using a BIGGER caliber that you are not use to. Everyone will say that a 30-06 is more than enough for deer, however, they might not say it about the 22-250. BUT, as you can see it work well. Nice shooting.:)


New member
Beautiful buck! I grew up hunting the hills east of Salem, near Mehema, what area were you hunting? Beautiful chocolate antlers, nice looking deer, especially for your first! Congrats!


New member
That was an interesting choice of hunting clothes. I wonder if you ever thought about getting shot by another hunter?

Here in Maine, a woman was shot while hanging out clothes and wearing white mittens.

White and brown are not the colors to choose for deer hunting clothes.



New member
picher those are the clothes i dont hunt with.The pictures where took back at camp.I almost always where orange or another bright color my father makes me.I didn't not have the camera when i shot it so we took it back to camp, dragged it off into the bushes and took a couple of pictures.
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New member
Congrats on the nice buck! I hate to inform you that you are now infected and there is no known cure. If there was a cure, I would not want it:D


New member
Great looking deer!

If you don't mind, what sort of bullet were you using? What did the internal wound track look like? Would it be possible for you to post a photo of the bullet and maybe weigh what's left of it, all for the sake of 'hunting science'?

I've seen 100 grain 6mm (24 caliber) and 120 grain 6.5 mm (26 caliber) bullets on a deer leave good exit wounds or not depending upon whether they hit bone and I would hope you can share your experience. Even a big deer can be narrow from side to side. A 200 pound deer may only be a foot or so thick. So I wonder if your bullet hit bone on the near side which made it lose a lot of energy before it hit the heart?

A bit of advice: learn how to use a shooting sling and how to shoot from a sling-assisted sitting posture. From a sitting position a person can often shoot very well using nothing but their own knees for support. Sometimes there just isn't any rest to be found.