My first 1911 - your thoughts please


New member
I love how people flame other brands they personally don't prefer like every gun that rolls off the assembly line is junk, or it'll attack your wife and kids while they sleep. Most of this stems from internet banter, a small amount from personal experience. My kimber is beat up 3 ways till Sunday, but has around 4k down the pipe nary a single malf and is more accurate than most people can ever people can ever pray to be. Do I like my kimber? Yes I do very much. Do I think kimber makes the best 1911 in production? No of course not. They make a solid, servicable 1911 as do other mid range 1911s out there. As long as its accurate and goes bang every time like my kimber, regardless of brand, its a ok in my book.


New member
I own both a Kimber and a Springfield 1911 and both are excellent, perfect-from-the-box guns which have given me no problems since new ... the Kimber is more accurate in my hands, especially since I replaced the all-black blob sights with TruGlo fiber optic sights ... both cost about what you want to spend, the Springer a bit more, the Kimber (all all-black UCII) a little less ... remember, you can't buy just one, I'm in the market for a third ... hmmm maybe a Smith? or a ...
coolbreezy said:
I love how people flame other brands they personally don't prefer like every gun that rolls off the assembly line is junk, or it'll attack your wife and kids while they sleep. Most of this stems from internet banter, a small amount from personal experience.

Yep. Good thing quite the opposite happens around here...most stemming from personal experience, a small amount from internet banter.

What I really love is some can't seem to acknowledge that maybe, just MAYBE, the reason why there's so much "flaming" is because there are more problems than necessary regarding their beloved brands. I swear, it's like the mother that thinks her favorite son can do no wrong even if St. Peter kicks him off the cloud...


New member
giaquir - Don't buy new.

I second that. There are LOTS of very well cared for / like new 1911's available, it's almost like buying a car anymore. A good quality 1911 will definitely hold it's value but there are so many being produced that just from the sheer volume the prices depreciate somewhat. So why eat that loss? I know it's tough 'cause you have the "fever", I've had it for years and still can't get rid of it! :D Take your time and look around, you never know what you will run across.


New member
I have a Kimber Grand Raptor II,
runs like a top.
I also like my G21SF,G19.
I had a Kimber custom classic
yrs ago.I couldn't for the life
of me get that pistol to feed
3 straight mags
Yep. Good thing quite the opposite happens around here...most stemming from personal experience, a small amount from internet banter.

What I really love is some can't seem to acknowledge that maybe, just MAYBE, the reason why there's so much "flaming" is because there are more problems than necessary regarding their beloved brands. I swear, it's like the mother that thinks her favorite son can do no wrong even if St. Peter kicks him off the cloud...

Lol. My thoughts exactly. Could not have said it better. Well put ;)

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New member
Don't buy new.
Due to the economy
you can buy a nice "worked"
1911 for $900.
Just be patient and visit
different gun shops.
IHMO ,used guns can be
hidden treasures.

You can find a new Springfield Range Officer for less. Nothing against used guns - my M1 Garand is used with very little wear. Looks like it had less than 1000 rounds through it. Minus the cosmoline, it's amazing.

I refuse to buy kimber, because it's a series 80. I refused to buy my Dan Wesson until I was sure it was a series 70. :)


New member
I'd say that, that is stretching it a bit. They give you alot of features for their price point but so does Taurus. Obviously this doesn't make them a great gun. Some run like scaulded dogs, others can't get through a magazine. Just a fair warning...they are just another production 1911.
I would say it isn't stretching anything, at all. The quality of these 1911's off the line in recent years is really, really good. You would be hard pressed to find many 1911's in that price range that are as universally well thought of by actual owners as the SIG 1911. A little homework will clear up your misconceptions. it did mine, anyway.

And a lot of features for the money doesn't make a gun a Taurus. It makes it an excellent value when paired with a quality weapon with quality parts that seems to have a higher percentage of "ready to run" 1911's (my impression based on a lot of homework and talking with actual owners as well as my own personal experience so far) than most at the price point.
As for the don't buy new part..I kind of agree with used being okay if you know what to look for. Heck. I'm not even saying that I know what to look for. I look dumbfounded when I see a gun I like and barely even check it. The RIA 1911 I had..Never looked at it until I saw it was a jam-o-matic. Why? The person who owned the gun before me took a dremel to the frames feed ramp and squared up the darn thing.

Look out!

But IMHO get new.


New member
I refuse to buy kimber, because it's a series 80. I refused to buy my Dan Wesson until I was sure it was a series 70.
Those are my feelings exactly. I prefer not to have a Series 80 because that's just the way I am. I've been chewed up one side and down the other, been told I don't know what I'm talking about. Jeez, it's just my preference and I'm entitled to that. Who cares if I don't have what another feller has. It's a good thing 1911 discussions don't get as far fetched as AR15 discussions!


New member
Kimbers are good, Colts are good.

I would go with the Ruger SR1911 unless I wanted to spend a LOT more money. Otherwise, the Kimber is a great choice.


New member
I would go with the Ruger SR1911 unless I wanted to spend a LOT more money. Otherwise, the Kimber is a great choice

How many Rugers have you personally held, shot or field stripped?

Just wondering what you are basing this comment on?
Here we go again WVsig..another person who I also feel is just blatantly favoring something they know nothing about personally.

If I don't know about it first hand on a personal level. I don't feel my opinion is valid therefore I won't fight about about it.

Now if he does have first hand experience. Sorry! But until then, please share.
I would say it isn't stretching anything, at all. The quality of these 1911's off the line in recent years is really, really good. You would be hard pressed to find many 1911's in that price range that are as universally well thought of by actual owners as the SIG 1911. A little homework will clear up your misconceptions. it did mine, anyway.

And a lot of features for the money doesn't make a gun a Taurus. It makes it an excellent value when paired with a quality weapon with quality parts that seems to have a higher percentage of "ready to run" 1911's (my impression based on a lot of homework and talking with actual owners as well as my own personal experience so far) than most at the price point.

Plenty of research on my end and personal experience. Had a Sig CCO that was built looser and ran and I have a TacOps that was completely FUBAR from the factory. Plenty of people who build, operate, sell and repair guns that thumbs down a Sig 1911 not to take it seriously. That along with a proprietary slide and external extractor make repairs and finding holsters more difficult. Some Sigs run, some Sigs don't. They are just another production gun that have production gun problems. I still want to see some Sig 1911's ran into the really high round counts to see how they hold up. Haven't really seen any reports myself. IMO they are inexpensive for a reason; ho-hum parts and ho-hum machining and attention to detail.


New member
I am not sure he has not seen, shot and examined a lot of Rugers but there are so few in the marketplace very few of us have seen more than a few. Most have shot if any one.... LOL


I have shot none. I have played with 5. They are good sub $600 1911s but I really do not understand the hype.


New member
Plenty of research on my end and personal experience. Had a Sig CCO that was built looser and ran and I have a TacOps that was completely FUBAR from the factory. Plenty of people who build, operate, sell and repair guns that thumbs down a Sig 1911 not to take it seriously. That along with a proprietary slide and external extractor make repairs and finding holsters more difficult. Some Sigs run, some Sigs don't. They are just another production gun that have production gun problems. I still want to see some Sig 1911's ran into the really high round counts to see how they hold up. Haven't really seen any reports myself. IMO they are inexpensive for a reason; ho-hum parts and ho-hum machining and attention to detail.

I had about 2500 rounds through a Gen 1 GSR and the original owner had about 1500 and the only thing that went wrong was the extractor retaining pin walked out of the top of the slide. Sig replaced it and it ran 100% after that. Sold it to fund a Baer.....

While I do not consider that a "high round count" gun it is more than 90% of 1911s sold today will ever see.... :eek:


New member never shot one before. very curious about it though. Especially now..

Personally I like Colts.... Dan Wessons & Baers oh my!!! Granted these are not $750 gun NIB but some believe it or not were purchased LNIB for $750 or less.... :eek:





While I do not consider that a "high round count" gun it is more than 90% of 1911s sold today will ever see....

Very true, lol!

Heck I've got over 10,000 rounds through a '05 Kimber Custom II with the dreaded external extractor and its been flawless for going on 8000 rounds after some early hiccups...original MIM parts and all. That said, I will still not buy a Kimber without handling it first as 10 Kimbers laid out on a bench can have 10 different problems with them. Just because "ya had a good one" doesn't mean they put out a consistently good product.