My 686 Pro has a "feature"!!


New member
One more reason I'll never buy a new S&W. Refuse to put any money in their coffers.

In response to this issue, several people have gone out of their way to bash S&W. I'm not one of them. While I certainly wasn't happy with the gun as it came out of the factory and have been seriously unhappy with the conflicting information I got from customer support, I still prefer S&W six, seven and eight shooters over the competition.

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New member
One more reason I'll never buy a new S&W. Refuse to put any money in their coffers.

Mistakes happen, it's how you deal with them that matters.

S&W took care of the customer and nobody got hurt, sounds like a good job from S&W.

Crazy Carl

New member
Don't get me wrong, that pistol is dead sexy. Hell, I'd love a 627. I just don't like their business practices, their current QC, the MIM parts, the locks, nor their pricing.

I like the guns & if I find a nice used one for the right price, I'd jump on it. Would love to find a nice 657 Classic Hunter.


New member
Your megaphone came in handy. You "got what you got" because you "did what you did". They would have screwed you seven ways from Sunday if you hadn't used your megaphone.
Do you really think S&W would have just ignored this problem if the OP didn't post about it on the internet? Would they have just said your on your own, and I hope no one dies when the the gun fails? I've never heard of S&W not standing behind an obvious manufacturing defect.

Crazy Carl,
I'm curious, what guns do you buy? What company makes guns, and never has had an issue? Do you own a car?

The new cylinder looks good.