Multiple shooting in Boston? It is suppose to be safe!


New member
Time to ban the IRS?

It's clear that the IRS can incite homicidal tendencies in some people. I often feel a slow burn come on around tax time.
Maybe it's time to abolish the IRS!
If it saves one life, it would be worth it!


New member
I want to work at Zeebrahed's place!!!I work at a government organization with those lovely no-handguns signs. If they knew I was a collector/afficionado, I might get categorized as a nut.


New member
What a terrible, devastating crime for the victims and their families. I would not want to trade places with any of them. As for the shooter, as far as I'm concerned, capital punishment was made for people like him--people who have no regard at all for human life. I don't know if MA has the death penalty, but it should.

However, what a godsend for the media. Yesterday's news was slow until the shooting. At least in my area, the media have been making the most of the event, doing their customary part to play it up, so as to peddle their papers, make sure that other potential victims are disarmed and helpless, and spread the word to copycat mass murderers. I expect that the anti-gun urban pacifists are equally charmed, and will pipe up any time now, if they haven't done so already.


New member
Unfortunately, We do not have the death penalty in the great Commonwealth of MA. I'm going to end up paying taxes to keep this guy on medication in jail.


New member
Best case scenario, he shot the owners of the company and perhaps the accounting personnel and left everyone else out of it. They did find him sitting in the lobby, and were able to take him without a shot being fired. With 50 people in the company, why did he only shoot those 7?

His company was willingly going to take money that he earned and send it to the IRS. The IRS told the company to give them the money he earned and they agreed. He was mad at the company because they are the ones stealing his money. It isn't their money to give to anyone.

If a thug demands $2,000 from my neighbor and this neighbor decides to get the $2,000 by breaking into my house in the middle of the night, should I shoot my neighbor, or say that it isn't his fault and try to go after the thug?

Keith J

New member
I feel sorry for those who, like myself, work for a company that bans posession on property. I like the idea of placing these signs in the "For Sale" column of the classified ads or in the round filing cabinet.

We have some pretty stupid signage required since we have an on site sewage disposal system. Over the sinks and toilets etc there are signs prohibiting the discharge of "any waste" into the drains. I guess we are supposed to look at the plumbing and use "la tree" (latrine).

Daren Thompson

New member
Mikul, sorry dude but I really fail to se your point of view on this one. I do not (nor will many others) see how your analogy justifies even in the most perverted sense the cold blooded killing of seven people. The IRS can by law garnish wages, just like court rulings ect. The company was just following the law and was not steealing the man's money. If the man had paid his taxes, like the rest of us this would not have happened. There are legal channels in diputes with the IRS-duh



New member
For "specialist"


I have the same problem as your wife. Last year our chief retired and the town picked this a**hole from NYC who was supposedly a hardass on petty criminals. Anyway, when I put in my paperwork I was given Target and Hunting instead of the "All Lawful Purposes" I applied for.
I spoke with a lawyer on the subject and he told me i had the right to appeal the chief's decision in court. I found out that my town (****ord) has a policy to never give out the ALP license to anyone except friends of the COPZ and town officials. This psycho jackass i went to highschool with has an ALP license. His father works on the highway department.

I puke on my police station.



New member
Daren, the view I elaborated on is extreme, but simple: many people see the money that they have earned as their own. They earned it and the government has done nothing to deserve a third of it. Taxes are a form of thievery... legal or not.

The question is where can someone draw the line? If someone broke into your house with a gun and demanded $2,000 most people would not hesitate to perforate this villian because it's an obvious attack. When the federal government does it by using your employer as the agent, it's indirect, but no less criminal?

There may be "legal channels" to deal with the IRS, but none of them will result in you getting your money back. The IRS doesn't live by the law. You are guilty until proven innocent.

As dark and sinister as it may sound... when the law fails, the only viable option is the gun.

BTW, I'm not defending this guy. He may very well be a kook, but there is a chance that he's not.

The specialist

New member
Roger that Jeepster. This guy thinks he owns the town. I have no problem with safety coures and such. My problem with this state is that after you jump through the hoops and the state police do the background check on you with the FBI, they say you are ok to have a permit. Then the individual towns tell you what kind of permit you can have. I think that the state police should issue the permit and that there should only be an "A" permit , and an "FID" card. They state has essentially created a class system with this two tier hand gun permit system. I have a class "A" for ALP, is my wifes life worth less than mine ? I am currently debating the courts, my only problem is the amount of money I would have to shell out. Ideally I would like my wife to have the A alp so she can get an out of state Rhode Island permit. She frequents RI to visit her elderly grandparents, and after the carjacking there this year I want her better protected.


New member
jeepster, you need to speak with Jim March on these boards. He is fighting descretionary permits in Ca. You are looking at a clear 14th Amendment violation.


New member
Whoa, Mikul

Just a thought for you to consider, Mikul. The vast majority of us have ALL of our income taxes collected by our employers during the year. We don't blame our employers for complying with the law that requires them to collect taxes for our government. I may not like withholdings myself, but I don't blame by boss for doing what is required of him by law.

My father was an independent business owner with 50 or so employees at any given time. He collected their taxes, issued them receipts (W-2), and they settled with the government. I am glad no one ever shot him for it. Once in a while, the government would require him to withhold a little extra from someone. (garnishment)

Big Bunny

New member
Bound to be used here by Gun Control Australia and others to further trample gun-owners and our 'rights'(if they can be called that now).

Maybe he rode a Harley and those should be banned as well ;) ?


New member
Actually ajaxinacan, you can have yourself exempted from witholding on your paycheck. It's perfectly legal, but most employers need to be educated about it. It's not difficult.

However, this wasn't about witholding. It was about $2,000 being garnished from his wages for back taxes.

Remember what I said about guilty until proven innocent. His salary was probably being garnished before a court had even heard a protest. That's wrong... it's even illegal, but the IRS doesn't have to play by the law.

His choice of victims MAY have been wrong, but how far do you pass the buck? to your receptionist, the accountant, the head of personnel, the VP, the president, the IRS agent who wrote the treatening letter, the IRS agent's boss, his department head, etc, etc. They were all just following orders after all.

This was obviously not a well thought out plan, and I'm not advocating it, but when you or anyone else takes money (or anything else) from another person you run the risk of that person not rolling over and accepting it. There are people who would kill you for calling them an coward. What do you think these people would do if you were stealing money from their paychecks.


New member

Your wife can carry all the time, she's hunting and it's open season on any preying badguys year round! Seriously, I feel for you. My wife was able to get class A ALP license just like me. From what I understand (from my safety class), they can't deny you the license, just the reason. So, that means that if you apply for a class A, they can't downgrade you to class B. Although, they can put the stupid restriction on it.

Sorry to here about ****ord, I hear Bellingham is similar now, I think they just got a new Chief also. Usually our neck of the woods isn't too bad.