Multiple shooting in Boston? It is suppose to be safe!


New member
This defies logic :rolleyes:

But seriously...

It's awful for the surviving family members, especially so near the holidays :(

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Just learned of this tragic event. Sad to see civilized Americans act this way!!! My condolences to the victims

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
Yet another coward choosing a location full of guaranteed unarmed victims. When will companies learn that forcing their workers to be disarmed only creates targets and doesn't prevent anything?



Have you noticed that since no other school shootings are happening that the media is jumping all over this like a duck on water? And now since Bush is going to be President, the media will probably jump on every shooting (negative) that comes about in the next two years.

People have mentioned that I'm a stupid red neck jerk for holding my position that I carry illegally to work. Now, with the Atlanta shootings, the Xerox shootings, and now this, DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHY NOW!!!!!!! No, I'm not mental nor paranoid, but I believe in ensuring my safety no matter where I am.

My heart goes out to the families. Every one on earth has a mother, a father, many have wives/husbands, sons and daughters. I am angry at the governments of the Company, City, the State, and at the Federal level. They created the victems with their laws; disarming these people and creating victems from them, only to be used for political gain.

I am saddened by such disreguard for our fellow person, but I am saddened more by the fact that not one of these people had the means to make a choice between becoming a victem or staying alive. They were sheep which were forced to the slaughter.

Just MHO. Please don't "read into" the comments posted above.



New member
CBS is losing no time on a poll about this tragedy. bet they don't like the results:

In light of today's shootings outside of Boston, what is your opinion of current gun control laws?

They are sufficient 59%
They need better enforcement 37%
They are insufficient 2%

I was surprised at the pro-gun sentiment (unless the Free Republic types "freeped" it).

They don't show how many voted. Personally, I'd like to see more of the "need better enforcement" types go over to the "they are sufficient" column. Maybe the public is catching on.

It would be interesting to see another choice, "there are too many gun laws now". Ah well, we take what we can get.

Here's another one that is doing good, with only 278 votes cast so far:

Guns, should they be legal?

Yes. A free people must be armed. 87%
Only for hunting, but kept with police. 4%
No. All guns should be turned in. 8%


New member
USP4545usp...want a new job?

I agree with you 100%. I work for a very pro gun company. The general manager has an AR-15 behind his desk, our chief inspector openly carries his Colt 1911 and has a AK-47 in his tool box. I keep a Garand under my desk and I usually have a few Mosin Nagants around as well...

Do I work for a gunshop? Nope. I just work for a pro-freedom company that chooses not to disarm its employees. We have 50+ employees at my facility, and you know what? Everybody treats everybody with respect and we have a very high morale.

Short but funny story, some of the managers will stay late and work on paperwork on some nights. Well, a couple of months ago we heard some punks from the local youth organization breaking into our facility thru a back window. (I work for an FAA Repair Station, theft of anything on the property is an automatic felony) Well, rounding the corner the were met with muzzle end of 3 high caliber rifles. I vividly remember the lead hoodlum voided his bladder and bowels at that instant and became VERY agreeable to the get on the ground NOW, and dont freakin move commands we were barking.

Cops were called of course, and they had a hoot with all of our hardware. One apparently was SWAT also, and said he was pretty envious of our setup. Good guys each and every one.

Mike H

New member
We in the UK were shocked at this latest Mass. shooting when it was announced on our nightly "Guess what's happened in America again" slot, when will they learn and arm all workers.

This has never happened here, but if it did, we would demand the right to arm ourselves.

Mike H

Jeff Thomas

New member

an English buddy called today, and said you had a man shot in the head yesterday, and a few others stabbed to death in the last few days. Are your gun laws working as poorly as ever? [that is a serious question]

Thanks. Regards from AZ

Jay Baker

New member
CBS= Communist Broadcasting System.

That said, what does anyone want to bet that "they" will find out that this murderer bought his guns at a gunshow, and if we'd just "closed the gunshow loophole," he'd never have done what he did??

As an aside, my brother works in a very large company, in which some of the clients might have reason to become enraged (financial loss.) Even though he is forbidden to be armed, he always has his Colt's Det. Sp., and an additional six rounds with him. Insurance policy.




Zeebrahed, but I can't. I am the resident redneck, black sheep, idiot... just ask. Sounds nice though. Nothing like that here.. but then again.. we're too trigger happy for most; or so I've been told.


*immaturaty... feels damn good to have a mind of one's own... without people telling you what is right or wrong.. for you.

Jeff Thomas

New member
That's one thing that will reduce these tragedies ...

... let's have thousands of employees carry firearms, against company policy. Few, if any of these firms ever employ armed guards and metal detectors anyway. When more of these incidents are stopped by honest employees carrying guns, companies, and their insurance companies, will face new pressures ... clear and convincing evidence that they are increasing employee risks by 'banning' firearms. We could use a few lawsuits in that regard too - what's good for the goose is good for the gander ...

That's one good thing about the RKBA - it is the honest position to take in this debate. And, truth tends to win out, in the long run.

I'm a bit surprised the major anti-self defense groups haven't jumped on this tragedy already, via their web sites. I remember when Columbine erupted, Handgun Control was nearly ecstatic on their web site ...

Regards from AZ

Jorah Lavin

New member
Don't believe it for a minute...

Few, if any of these firms ever employ armed guards and metal detectors anyway.

(Jeff T., this isn't aimed at you...)

I work in what many co-workers suppose to be a secure building, an office tower owned by a bank.

Armed guard in the lobby, cameras everywhere, cypherlocks on all elevator lobby doors.

Secure? Hah. I've walked into the building with cardboard boxes, huge duffle bags full of junk, dollys with stacks of computer equipment. The people on my floor laugh behind the backs of all the guards who get on their cases about propping the cypher locks open "because I've got a visitor coming in a few minutes."

Naturally, the cypher locks haven't been changed for ages.

I have to laugh when I hear the ideas of some of the more callow of the anti-gun crowd, who think that putting up "no guns" signs will stop crimes like today's in Wakefield. :rolleyes: Can you just picture today's coward puke walking up to the door, seeing the "no gun" sign, and sighing, turning around to pack the guns back into the car?



New member
No doubt you're all aware of the full auto/semi auto ban that took place in Australia a few years ago. And how gun related crime rose dramatically here for a while ( still higher than pre ban era )...
So bearing that in mind, two weeks ago witnesses saw a man screaming into his mobile phone. Later that afternoon said man walks up to a mother and her child, shoots the mother and kills her.
Just a random act of violence on an innocent women who had nothing to do with the shooters problems...

Chalk up another victim of anti-gun laws, where law abiding citizens suffer and criminals prosper.

The specialist

New member
Ok this guy had an expired permit. Our laws are so screwed up it appears that the police are unsure whether or not it was against the law for him to have the guns. One reporter said the guy was crrying an Ak 47 machine gun. I sent her an email to straighten her out and she quickly responded by changing the line in the story to an AK 47 Assault rifle. She also appoligized. This state sucks!!! My wife got denied a carry pemit for "All lawful purposes" instead she was issued one for "Target and Hunting" only. I'm really po'd. I called the new liscencing guy and he won't call me back. I'm gonna call the chief. The old liscencing guy was great, if you passed the background check you were in. When I asked the clerk why my wife was denied a carry permit, I was told the new liscencing guy does not want armed citizens running around his city. Sorry had to vent.


New member
According to the CNN story the guy was mad at the IRS.
So why attack your fellow workers?

I was watching something on CBS last night and they
said they would have a full report tonight on the
shooter "and his weapons" so brace yourself for some
real propaganda.


New member
Heard this morning that the IRS has asked the company to garnish his wages and that company was going to compile starting in the new year.

All this over $2000. What a shame.

My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims.


New member
Taxes & debt...

It's a travisty that we are taxed so heavily and many are so in debt that $2000 becomes enough to push someone over the edge...


New member
This is a tragedy for all involved, especially so close to the holidays. Unfortunately, this in a state where it is already very very difficult for a law abiding person to get a carry permit for self defense. This will only server as an excuse to make this more difficult for the thousands of permit holders who have never and will never cause aany harm.