MSAR STG-556 Review (Long)

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1) Wish I could take credit for creating the Gens, but I borrowed the concept from someone else (it does make it easier to differentiate between the different models, doesn't it?)
2) If you don't want the FA then by all means pick up a Gen.IV. Personally, I find the FA to be like my appendix, I forget it's there unless someone mentions it.
3) Yeah, the charging handle could be better, what change did you have in mind? IIRC the gas system timing on the STG makes just attaching a suppressor to a stock bbl problematic, you're better off buying one of their custom bbls w/the suppressor already attached & the gas system pre-tuned for the suppressor. After all, it is a QD bbl and only takes a few seconds to swap.
4) You're quite welcome. What I like about the TLR-2 is that you have only a single tapeswitch to worry about so no confusion as to whether or not you're turning on the laser or the light and it can be set for laser only, light only or both laser & light.
5) Ditto. That's why I have two of them now!
6) I've found the trigger improves significantly w/use. While not particularly well-suited for precision distance work, that's not what the STG was designed for in the first place. However, I'll be keeping an eye out for reports on how well the competition trigger works and if the eventual price would be worth upgrading to.
7) I've had 2 issues w/my STG's, both w/an earlier Gen.II. First problem was constant FTE's & MSAR fixed it up ASAP and now it eats anything I feed it. After appx 800rds the extractor broke but again, MSAR made good pronto on replacing it and including a couple of spares "just in case". I'm happy w/their customer service so far but I'll keep an eye on the extractor as that seems to be the most widely reported problem.
8) Agreed. However, in light of the uncertain political future in this country I do like that the STG is 100% US-made which means I don't have to worry about an Executive Order banning the importation of parts for my rifles. It's unfortunate that FN won't sell FS2000/PS90 parts to their customers.
9) It's funny, but when I first saw/handled an AUG a few decades ago I didn't care for the design at all. Now (wisdom comes w/age?) I really appreciate the compactness, ergonomics, ease of maintenance & handling characteristics of the design. From here on in it's bullpups for me, baby! Let's hope that Steyr isn't so late to the party that there isn't a sufficient market left for them to profit w/the A3.
KChen986: I haven't specifically shot for group size but when sighting in my earlier Aimpoint w/2moa dot I was getting 1" 3-shot groups at 50yds using Prvi Partizan 55gr M193.
Chui: I can understand the desire to have it use AR mags (especially if you already have a large quantity on hand) but I don't own any AR mags and find the MSAR mags extremely tough & reliable (although pricier than AR mags). However, I've heard that MSAR is planning on releasing a model that takes AR mags (perhaps just a stock upgrade???)


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I Love my MSAR


Responses to your response (This is great)

2) Really, its fine the way it is but I would like to have one. I guess it kind of bothers me that when I bought my guns, GEN IV was already on the market. It's ridiculous to charge $300 for the stock to a person who didn't know he wasn't buying current production. I'm just funny that way. I bet people are getting them for nothing.
3a) Do you have a recommendation for a suppressor setup? What do I have to do to have one on my gun? What reason would I give my Sherriff for getting one and am I then on a special list?
4) How tall is the TLR-2? Exact if possible.
6) The gunsmith (Kevin) seemed to indicate that if there was to be a CTG that it would only be on the 24” barreled rifle. Maybe someone could nail him down on the issue and post it here.
8) Agree
9) I love my MSAR

3b) Preface-I designed agricultural products for 15 years. I have a knack for product development. Having said that, I never paid any attention to gun design, external or internal.
The charging handle is just something I wondered about.
• Assuming it should have a spring, why does the charging handle have vertical travel.
• The vertical travel doesn’t come down enough.
• I think that it should be reversed. The spring pressure should be the opposite of what it is. Wherever it needs to rest in the up position is where there should be a stop and the spring pressure would put it there.
• The vertical axis travel should be twice as much as it is now but in the other direction. I’ve already scraped my knuckles pulling back on the charging handle.
I could be wrong on all of this as I say I don’t understand how everything is supposed to work, but that’s my opinion.


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Here's my response to your response to my response to your questions (this could get outta hand fast!...)
2) Agreed, but at least MSAR is listening to its customer base and making changes based upon what the customers want instead of a "take it or leave it" attitude.
3a) Contact MSAR direct for a price quote on a bbl w/preattached suppressor, this would solve the timing/gas pressure issues associated w/just using an adapter on the end of your current bbl. Personally I have no need for a suppressor as that's a good deal of expense plus custom subsonic ammo is needed for best results. If I had a ton of cash then maybe but since I don't I'll settle for more mags, ammo, etc...;)
4) TLR-2 measures 1.75" high from the top of the laser down to the top of the rail it's attached to.
6) It was my understanding the CTG was for a special "designated marksman" varient of the STG. I have no idea if the hammer pack would easily interchange into a std STG. If the trigger pull was too light then I would consider that a hazard to safe shooting in a stress-filled tactical situation where fine motor control is the first thing that goes out the window.
3b) How do you work the charging handle? I turn my offhand palm-up and grab it with the pinky & ring finger. I'm well aware of how easy it is to snag/drag/slice/dice fingers & knuckles on the STG which is why I worked hard on my optics to keep the left side as clear as possible. Here's a shot of the left side of the STG when I was experimenting w/an Aimpoint CompM4 w/the QRP-II base reversed so the QD knob was on the right instead of the left:

The only reason for charging handle vertical travel that I can come up with is to allow you to manually lock the bolt open. I suppose you could redesign the handle for faster/easier access & manipulation but then you'd run into possible durability issues (like w/the FS2000's charging handle) or risk having it stick out so far it snags on webbing/gear. However, if anyone can come up w/a better charging handle design then count me in!
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Michigander 57

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Msar stg 556

I bought one in November 2008 and have put several hundred rounds through it with out a single problem. Mine has the forward assist which I hear they have now eliminated. I use only MSAR mags which are great Mags.

I am a very experienced shooter and this is the best rifle of any type I have ever shot. I love this gun and I am considering a second. The one I have has the Steyr Aug clone optics which are actually quite good. I would like, however, to by a second one with rails and some modern optics.


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Just a guess, but I'm thinking these are not legal in the republic of california...?

To be legal in the PRK they have to have a 20" bbl and a "bullet button" or its equivelant.


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may have gotten some results will continue if none have been provided.
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