Mr Clolion Noir + NRA News (vid inside)


New member
gaseousclay, either provide support for your claim (that you keep making, over and over ad infinitum) that the NRA only supports Republicans, or else cut your nonsense.

Otherwise, please explain Harry Reid and the many other democrats who have received A or A+ ratings, and NRA endorsements.

Since we both know that if you look, you will actually find the NRA tries to ignore party affiliation and go by voting records with regard to gun rights, I suspect you will instead throw some barbed statements about.

What I'd prefer you to do is actually show cases where an established, pro-gun rights D received unfair grades from the NRA. I suspect you will only be able to find that such a D did not receive an endorsement if the R he or she ran against had at least an equally strong record.

And if you can't do that, admit it.


New member
According to Mr. ColionNoir's Twitter, he has already begun recieving hate mail and such from people who decry him as "token" in regards to being a spokesman for the NRA.

Sad, really.


New member
This follows a standard pattern, unfortunately; on the bright side, cries of "token" are getting viewed with increasing skepticism, from what I read.
It would do a person well to do a heavy crash course on Reconstruction in the South. Jim Crow laws and segregation.

Very enlightening education for the person who thinks the Democratic party is the African Americans friend.


New member
I take solace in the fact, that being urbane, well spoken, and well educated, he will not only rise above such insepid personal assualts and use them to further the cause.


New member
gaseousclay, either provide support for your claim (that you keep making, over and over ad infinitum) that the NRA only supports Republicans, or else cut your nonsense.

Otherwise, please explain Harry Reid and the many other democrats who have received A or A+ ratings, and NRA endorsements.

Since we both know that if you look, you will actually find the NRA tries to ignore party affiliation and go by voting records with regard to gun rights, I suspect you will instead throw some barbed statements about.

What I'd prefer you to do is actually show cases where an established, pro-gun rights D received unfair grades from the NRA. I suspect you will only be able to find that such a D did not receive an endorsement if the R he or she ran against had at least an equally strong record.

And if you can't do that, admit it.

ok, name the so-called "many other democrats" who have received A ratings and endorsements from the NRA. my guess is you can count them on one hand. Tell me why the NRA Board of Directors are staffed with lunatics like Ted Nugent, who incidentally does nothing but bad mouth Liberals/Democrats/Progressives/[insert non-conservative political affiliation here], many of whom are gun owners but not single-issue voters. Gun rights ratings from the NRA are meaningless to me when you look at whom they've supported historically.....that's right, conservatives. Let's not forget the so-called savior of the Republican party, Rmoney, yeah, the guy who actually signed an AWB into law in the state of Massachussets, yet he's the guy who was endorsed by the NRA. How do you explain that? So please don't throw NRA ratings in my face when their own hypocrisy is very transparent.

Oh, and my comment was a response to ColionNoir's video statement about gun rights not being a Republican or Democrat thing. Completely and totally false, especially when you can go to any gun forum where members consistently bad mouth anyone who voted for Obama.