Mr Clolion Noir + NRA News (vid inside)


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Open Your Eyes

Great news. It has been a long while since ANY of the NRA's media has actually gotten me excited. That positively awful "this ad is going to election" video from October(?) was dark days indeed.


New member
Yes, short, grabs your attention and to the point. Now, let's hope a lot of folks see it that aren't already hanging out on gun forums.


New member
I intend to share it with my few followers on twitter, granted most of them are either on a gun forum or have thier own gun blog, if not both, but, to steal from the antis-, if it only reaches one person...


New member
Working with this guy is one of the best PR moves the NRA could ever make. He's very good at making points, has a fairly large following on social media, and more importantly breaks the mold of people who like guns are only white males.


New member
Well, it may be my age, but I can't understand what the fellow is saying. He talks so fast that he is unintelligible to me. Might be a good ad if the youngsters can understand it. I assume many identify with the guy. :eek:


New member
He brings a young hip face and a quick wit and charisma to the face of the NRA. Glad to hear the news.
I've watched his videos for awhile, and I usually detest YouTube gun person lecture videos. Noir's different, though.

He's very well-spoken. You don't hear "um." He maintains a steady, if brisk cadence, with emphasis on the right words. The guy's a born orator.

Furthermore, he really does appeal to the middle instead of preaching to the choir. There's no real feeling of ego-feeding or chest-beating. The guy wants to make his point, and he does it well.

Then there's the fact that he's black. That does matter here. Noir can speak more credibly of the racism in gun control, and he can address inner city violence without sounding like a patronizing sociology professor.

He's an unexpected choice and a welcome surprise. Now, somebody get him to come on here and start posting!

Spats McGee

I'm not entirely sure, either, but I'm sorely tempted to send him a PM inviting him to come visit us here on TFL.
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Spats McGee

I'm on FB and have been following his videos for a while. Unfortunately, YouTube is horribly slow, so it takes about 20 minutes to watch a 3 minute video . . .


New member
i've seen a few of his videos and like what he has to say. however, if he is indeed acting as a spokesperson for the NRA he's going to have an up hill battle trying to persuade other non-NRA gun owners to join the cause. he states in his video that it's not a Republican or Democrat thing, sadly, this is precisely what the NRA has made it as evidenced by who they support and who their supporters are.


New member
"...I wish I had less bullets one EVER whose been in a gun fight..."

My favorite line in the video. Thanks for posting the link.

The man's delivery and style are excellent and he makes some good points.