Most "underrated" pistols

Which pistol do you think is most underrated?

  • Glock

    Votes: 10 7.1%
  • HK

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Sig

    Votes: 5 3.6%
  • Stock 1911

    Votes: 12 8.6%
  • Custom 1911

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Smith and Wesson

    Votes: 7 5.0%
  • CZ

    Votes: 46 32.9%
  • Ruger

    Votes: 30 21.4%
  • Beretta

    Votes: 5 3.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 21 15.0%

  • Total voters


New member
I voted other because all the guns on the list have a big following that love them and talk them up.
For an underrated gun I would say Firestorm is a nice semi-unknown gun.


New member
Another vote for the 1911. I see a lot of people and used to read a whole lot of "experts" (ex is a has-been, and a spurt being a drip under pressure) who think you have to sink a grand or better into one to make the bullets come out the muzzle:rolleyes:


New member
CZ used to be considered the most underrated, but lately they've been getting a lot of due attention. Just about everybody I've talked to GSCs included, have something positive to say.

I voted for Ruger. I think they are your basic "bread and butter" pistol. No mystique of CZ, no history of Colt and S&W, LEOs and Military don't use 'em, just good honest pistols.


New member
I would have to pick the BHP!! Witness the fact that you didn't even consider to put it in your poll. ;) It's not that people have anything bad to say about it. It's the fact that they have NOTHING to say about it!! Only one custom shop out of all the millions of gunsmiths make any sort of parts for the BHP!! I know, I tried to find all of them!! Yeah, it's the older brother that gets all the attention!! Phooey!!! :p


New member
Glock Most Underrated Handgun

Except for the flavor-of-the-month size and caliber selections marketing program, I think the Glock 17/19/22/23 will go down in history as THE handgun of the late 20th/early 21st century, gracefully taking up where the venerable Colt/Browning 45 Autoloader passed on the baton to it. :)

Not that the Colt 45 is through by any means but it's more like the Babe handing over his bat to DiMaggio. :D


New member
I have to echo the sentiments regarding the stock 1911A1. All it[ B]needs[/B] is a bigger saftety and bigger, fixed sights. Then again, very few pistols have stock sights I like. :)

But I have to vote for the CZ/Tangfolgio/EAA line. I'd rather buy my own CZ clone than use a free Beretta, S&W automatic, or Ruger. The 9mmx15 magazines are still affordable, and steel. They often sell used for the same price the S&W police trade-ins often touted as a good buy in home-defense guns.


New member
A very underrated pistol is the PM (Pistolet Makarova), especially the surplus Bulgarians. Those who own them, certainly understand their value. But to the unwashed masses, they are "commie guns".

I also think some of their lack of note is due to their "sub 9x19" caliber.


New member
I wish I could have put the BHP on the list too. And several others.

I've shot some Rugers. They were decent pistols and the price was right on. They would make great guns for lots of shooters that want a dependable firearm and don't want to customize it.

Rugers don't get enough respect.


New member
And another idea...

Some think that being adopted by a fair number of LEO agencies is a right-of-passage to be considered a successful handgun.

Since I sell services to LE I can say what LE does is often based on restrictive specs to direct the bid process and at other times
non-LE administrative types make the real decisions based on who offers the lowest price. I may have said naughty things about the Glock on this forum but there they are good guns. There, I said it. I would love to sell Glocks because there are many things about their design that make them open to a "lower cost of production" (see, I didn't use the word cheap). As a seller I would have more wiggle room than with a steel gun (or all metal gun) like SIG or Beretta. Wiggle room is what you need to sell the big contracts and the big contracts have put Glocks in many a POs holster.

Now, having said that, I could go right behind a Glock presentation and sell CZs at a higher price. It would be an easy job. Based on my experience with some of the other pistols in the poll I couldn't do that. Right now I don't know if CZ has the capacity to produce enough units to meet the numerical demand US LE could/would place on them.

I think if the PDs and HPs ever look closely at the CZ they will go for it. Can't say that is a good thing since the prices will then go up for peps like us.

Take care, have a nice weekend and thanks for voting.

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New member

I'm glad to se Ruger comes in second... maybe that means they'er not quite so underappreciated after all!

I love my P95. It eats anything I feed it, it's accurate and hey, I think it has dashing good looks.



New member
The Browning High Power! It's so under-rated, it wasn't even mentioned in the poll! Yet, it's one of the classiest autos of them all...


New member
Selfdefenz: I've never seen a STEEL SIG they are all aluminum framed, IIRC.

Most of the slides were folded sheet metal. The 229 came out with a cast steel slide.


New member
I know.
Sometimes the slang used by me and the non-TFLers in my gun circle pop out and don't make alot of sense to other people.

Somehow I've come to call anything that's not half polymer a "steel gun". "All metal gun" would make more sense, but if I crack that comment around some of my pals it might set back our discussions 2-3 years.



New member
Personally I think its a close 3 way tie between the Makarov, the XD/HS2000 and the CZ's. All are fine firearms if not the best for reliablity, functionality and performance.


New member
Russian Firearms in General.

They have the simple ability to do their job, and never succumb to a little bit of dirt, ice, or delayed maintenance.