Most over rated pistol line?

What is most over rated?

  • H&K USP line?

    Votes: 90 18.6%
  • Glock line?

    Votes: 208 43.0%
  • Sig Classic line?

    Votes: 34 7.0%
  • Beretta 92 line?

    Votes: 53 11.0%
  • Colt 1911 line?

    Votes: 75 15.5%
  • S&W 3rd gen line?

    Votes: 24 5.0%

  • Total voters


New member
I say USP. They are running on name alone. Too pricey for a crappy trigger.

Glocks work as advertised. In my experience at least. The triggers can be worked on by anyone to give REALY GOOD RESULTS.

Sigs are well made, and to some, I am sure, worth every penny.

Berettas are not overrated, they work as advertised. That and I have not heard anyone shouting their merits from the rooftops in awhile.

1911s? C'mon guys, once you get them working, or if you are lucky enough to get one that works out of the box, they are great. The cult mentality is a bit much though

3rd Gen. S&W? They suck donkey ba!!z, but again, I have never heard anyone singing their praises, so therefore, they must not be rated at all.

I just can't fathom paying 800 bucks for a USP. For $800 I would expect the gun to shoot AND reload FOR ME!


New member
Interesting. CZ didn't even make the list. I like mine, too.

My Kimber Gold Match is over 10k rounds and is as reliable as the CZ Military.

Now, I'd like to address the following quote:

"Plus the basic bare-bones Springfields are 500 bucks for a design that is over 90 years old??? "

Hey, it costs extra to import the frames from South America.

I'd also like to address Glock Perfection. It is not a statement of Perfection, it is a phrase...Glock Perfection. This appears to mean that the buyer gets Glock's definition of Perfection. Sort of like Clinton's definition of 'is' - it's whatever they want it to mean.

John fits my hand like a brick with a trigger.


New member
Why does "price" always become an issue with SIGs? I've paid less on all of my SIGs than most NIB pistols from other manufacturers. And this is recently.


A lot of you guys seem to have missed the fact that 1911s weren't on the ballet. COLT 1911s were. If it weren't for die hard nostalgics Colt would be a goner.


New member
I love the way the people who voted for Beretta actually voted. Here is a representative quote:

"I screwed up my vote, it should be Berretta."

Wait, are you from... lemme guess... FLORIDA? :D

Were you really voting for Kahrs or Glocks but forgot to PUNCH THE LITTLE HOLE?

Thats pretty funny... hehe...

And its "Beretta". Myself? I voted for Gllocckkss. I don't suppose you have much experience with a gun if you can't spell the name correctly.

(eagerly awaiting massive fllaammeess :D )
Hey! I said that! I always forget about Beretta's.:eek:

The people like "newcomer" who never understand why 1911's are so popular, well, they may never understand guns! He knocked Mr Browning (but couldn't remember his name) yet he's the guy all these designs came off of. DUH!!!!!!:barf:


New member
That's a good point about those Beretta vote!:D

How can we take someone's vote seriously that can't point and click on a computer screen:rolleyes:

Uh, I wanted to vote Barratter but I couldn't figir it out so I jest voted fer SIG cause I could spell SIG. :p


New member
Beretta 92

Just checked one out at a local gun shop. The damn thing is HUGE!!

Why does a 9mm pistol have to be almost 9 in. (217mm) long with a 5 in. (125mm) barrel? :confused: I don't get it.

And with a handle almost as wide as my shoe.

I would need a hand transplant to wield one of those. Or I could grip it with my right hand and manipulate the trigger with my left.

The Springfield XD and SIG P228 fit me just fine, thank you very much.

Glock's certainly aren't under-rated by any stretch of the imagination. But at least I can wrap my scrawny little paws around a G19. I don't like guns that make me feel inadequate! Screw the 92!! :mad:


New member
I don't like guns that make me feel inadequate!

Guns don't make you feel inadaquate, your inadaquacies make you feel in adaquate. So lay off the Beretta.

Seriously, I find the Beretta 92 easily points better than any other full sized pistol I've tried. It's length and its forward center of gravity certainly helps. With the SIG, I have to pay attention to get the gun pointed. With the Beretta, the gun just automatically points itself at where I want.


New member
I must be the luckiest guy in the world. of all the guns I've ever owned the only one that failed to function reliably was a Gen 1 Glock 23!

I guess I'm living on borrowed time with all of my box stock 1911's


New member
The Beretta would have to be the most UNDER RATED gun. No one I asked for an opinion about the quality of it had any kind words for my 92, including my NRA instructor. He saw the light after firing mine though...:D Most over rated? Glock, Glock, Glock...

Robert Foote

New member
Just barely making it...

Probably ALL of them considering the prices. I can equip myself with a good trade-in .357 and a Model 870, plus ammo, for less than the purchase price of an iffy wonder-gun.

I do have a selection of the high-tech stuff in case Don Rumsfield wants me to go fight Al-Quada's evil legions. In the meantime a .357 gets me to the mall and back.


New member
Guns don't make you feel inadaquate, your inadaquacies make you feel in adaquate. So lay off the Beretta.

Maybe so. But my smaller platform can launch the same size bullet as yours. :D

And I feel my scrawny little trigger finger creeping backwards right now..........:mad:


New member
1911 unreliabilty

I voted for the 1911 as the most overrated gun line out there. It's a rare month when you can go to the magazine rack and not see a 1911 on the cover of at least one of the gun rags. By the looks of some holster catalogs you'd think they only made holsters for 1911's (Not hat I should talk I own three 1911s and carry my Commander as my personal protection 75% of the time.) I would say the 1911 is definitely over rated. It's a great gun but not that much greater than all the other guns out there. In general guns from reputable makers go bang when you pull the trigger, the rest is a matter of personal preference.

However one thing that always surprises me, it's the posts that say things like "needs extensive custom work right out of the box " when refering to 1911's. I've had three out of the box 1911's two are Colt made 1991s and one was an Auto Ordnance. All three functioned without a malfunction, right out of the box, they were accurate and reliable. The Colt Commander 1991 I carry has never had any work done on it and has never jammed in all my time at the range. I have several friends who also have 1911s of various makes. None of my friends has ever been able to afford any custom work (well except one and the gun worked fine before he sent it to a smith to be broken.) None of my friends has ever had reliabilty or accuracy problems with out of the box 1911s.

So here's my thought, perhaps all of the "doesn't work out of the box" badmouthing about 1911s is due more to resentment over the way gun rags are praising this or that high priced,year long wait, gunsmith du jour. Who few want to wait on and fewer can afford. In my experience 1911s from Colt, Springfield and Auto Ordnance do work fine out of the box. However if that secret ever gets out it might put some of those high priced unneeded gunsmiths out of work...
