Most ambitious name or slogan in firearms industry?


New member
Kimber makes the best 1911. Others make comparisons.

Patriot Ordnance Factory:
Relentless Reliability


New member
The oh-so-haughty "Performance worth the price" thing Benelli ran with for years.

Sure...we charge too much for our autoloading shotguns but look how fast you can empty the magazine! :rolleyes:


New member
I always thought Ruger's was kinda haughty, if not ambitious:

"Arms Makers for Responsible Citizens"

As if irresponsible citizens don't, can't, won't, or aren't able to use their guns. :rolleyes:. Can you imagine someone saying, "Gee, I'm just not responsible enough to own a Ruger. Guess I'll settle for a Glock or a SIG." By the same token, I have a Ruger, so that makes me responsible! Yay!


New member

Too bad we've let most of the good manufacturing jobs go over seas. Thanks Wal-Mart et. al...
Can't say that everything I ever buy is made in the USA (or at least made by living wage employees), but I do try.

I have to agree w/the H&K "No compromise" slogan, c'mon, everything ever built is a compromise between at least two things.


New member
^Forego capital gain? More like threatening blackmail to law enforcement customers so he can keep profiting from civilian customers...


Law enforcement is there to enforce whatever spews out from the governing body. Not engage in advocacy as to what is to be spewed.