more stupid kids


New member
I gonna say staged not necessarily faked.
I agree with Wayne and think that was the actors intent
Supposedly him waving it around at everyone was trying to make a point as well.
That was the first clue
Pay careful attention to the extra sneaker on the ground next to the shootees foot that wasn't there before the alleged shot.
That was the second, if you discount the soft report of the gun and dismiss the fact that it is a DA with about 10 lbs of trigger pull.

You can also hear a paintgun cocking just before the shot


New member

yeah I would have to agree with that. It sounded like a shot from a paintball gun - plus if you notice there is an edited gap between him talking to the group of guys and then the very last guy in black that says to take it out of his pocket. There is an obvious edit there - plus why end the video there? His helmet cam would still be us more if it is real! :)

Sorry to ramble!

T. O'Heir

New member
"...why you shouldn't put an unholstered gun into your pocket..." Um, yeah, but why would you put a holstered gun in your pocket?