more stupid kids


Geez, what a moron. He had his finger on the trigger while putting it into his pocket, wanna make a bet that he didn't remove is finger while taking it out :rolleyes: .

Oh, and that was pretty sick (the blood and such), he did show me to NEVER put a unholsted gun into my pocket so I guess the video worked :eek: .



New member
interesting video. id like to see more of it, like what happend after and what his buddies did. i also wonder why the shot was so quiet compared to the voices. i assume there is something in the microphone of the camera made for the purpose of making loud sounds not appear so loud as the same thing happens when i make a video of shooting.

PS. that gun didnt have the hammer cocked so you would have to pull the trigger pretty hard to get it to go off.


New member
Education and self discipline are key to safety and not giving anti-gunners "ammo".
Nice video. It's amazing what you find on the internet. Did you ever see Bud Dwyer's video? It would make a good anti-suicide video...

Wait a minute, do I smell bs? Could that be a fake?
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New member
Wait a minute, do I smell bs? Could that be a fake?

Thinking about it I wonder if you are on to something -

1 the shot was very quiet
2 the outside of the shoe was instantly bloody
3 bunch of teenage guys and not a single cussword the moment after the shot
4 camera cuts off very quickly after

Nothing definate, could still be real, but raises questions


New member
Yea now that I watch it with sound on (at the office) That has to be a paintball gun going off and hitting him in the foot, the blood wouldnt be instantly on the outside of the shoe, and those kids would have been much jumpier if that would have been a real shot going off.

big daddy 9mm

New member
his stupidity cost him a couple of tendons in his foot

that was a ruger?

good point burton, I did notice that the shot was like a clap. ruger only makles those in 9mm and 45. it would be a BOOM!


It could be fake, part of the video on gun safety to show why you shouldn't put an unholstered gun into your pocket. If so then I think that they did the job and got their point across which it seems was the main idea.

With the arguements about the shot being "soft", have you seen that video where the guy in the police department pulls out a .45 (IIRC) and shot himself in the head? There were alot of "Well, the sound was too soft" or "it didn't blow half his head off" or "It's fake" and then when you goto you find that it was, real.

We, as a gun community that should know better, have watched way too many movies where a .32 is fired that sounds like a CZ-52 with hot loads going off, hits the target, and instantly creates a fine mist of human flying in all directions.

When in real life, it's not that "glorified" (if I can use that word, there are many more that would be appropriate but I can't think of them right now). Also, blood loss works in different way depending. When you bust your head open you think that gallons of blood just poured out and you're already dead but didn't realize it. Same with the nose. It just looks as if you've bleed to death but in reality there is just alot of blood in that area that pours out quickly.

As I've said, it could have just been part of the video but you can't just discount something because you've seen it on tv or read the "facts" in some obsure book/magazine that the author has never seen what happens in real life and just puts forth their opionion or to make the movie/show more "gory". They are looking for the $$ and will adlib all they can in order to get it.



New member
That looks like a Ruger P-series (P-89 maybe?). At point blank, it would have gone straight through a shoe and a foot without even really slowing down. Where it appears to have hit the foot, I'd put it in the area of the middle toe at the first joint. I really don't believe we'd see such an instant splatter covering the top of the shoe under those conditions. I'm on dial-up so the feed isn't good enough for me to look closely, but can anyone see any indent or otherwise tell-tale impact on the ground where his foot would have been when the camera snaps down? An impact that close should leave some visual marks. I'm leaning towards rehersed for this one.


New member
Watch the vid and look at the kid standing near the tail-gate. He is holding something like a paintball gun.....coupled with the fact that it sounds exactly like a paintballgun when he "shoots himself" and the enormouse amount of blood in less than 1/2 a second.

I'm sayin it's fake.


I'm sayin it's fake.

And I'm still saying that fake or not, the point was gotten across did it not? It's a "gun safety video" and the point, whether faked or not, still did get across.

If it's fake, the kids done good in getting the point accross. If it's real, the kid was a moron but still illustrated the point of what not to do when it comes to gun safety.



New member
I dunno. Sounds exactly like a M38 Mosin does when I record video on my digital camera. As for the blood, it did ake a second or so for the camera to look down. As for the swearing, just as teh video cuts out, I hear the beginning of a familiar word.


New member
Very good point here Wayne. Either way I'd rather see it as a training example video for Hunter's Safety or the like rather than a big media-propoganda to say "this is why guns are bad..."


New member
OK Watch the video. Pay careful attention to the extra sneaker on the ground next to the shootees foot that wasn't there before the alleged shot.

I say BS... :p


New member

I've heard that this video was fake. The kids were making a video for a college class about gun safety and what could happen if you aren't responsible and screw around with firearms. Supposedly him waving it around at everyone was trying to make a point as well. If you look closely you can actually see his foot briefly underneath the fake blood and its fine.


New member
I think the video of that dumbass Federal agent's shooting himself in the leg in front of a class of kids trumps the paintball video. :D