More fun to shoot? SKS or AK?


New member
I don't have a scale so maybe someone else can chime in.

Does the SKS without bayonet and the standard fixed mag really weigh more than the AK? It doesn't seem like it.

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New member
I don't have a scale so maybe someone else can chime in.

Does the SKS without bayonet and the standard fixed mag really weigh more than the AK? It doesn't seem like it.

Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk

I mean, Ive only shot my Yugo with a bayonet... and I can tell you its MUCH heavier than the WASR's Ive shot. I cannot imagine the bayonet weighing enough to make a gigantic difference.

Maybe someone with a bayonet-less SKS can chime in here


New member
45_auto said:
Hard to believe anyone smart enough to design the AK would put a floppy non-structural dust cover right where you want to mount the optics if they had optics in mind when they designed it.

Side mounted scopes that can be slipped on and off in seconds. It was never designed to be used for deer hunting.
The "M59" Yugo SKS has No grenade launcher. It never had one. Therefore, normal c.g. (center-of-gravity)/length for an SKS. A 59 Is Not a 59/66.

If anybody suffers bad 'popped primers' in an SKS, the Permanent cure is done by Murray's, in Bowie TX (near Ft. Worth). Moderate cost, even with shipping. Both of my 59s went to his gunsmithing shop and were shipped to my front door,
near Memphis TN.
Mr. Murray has his own forum at "SKSboards". My advice: avoid Tula ammo in some SKS as much as possible. Wolf might not cause these problems. Tula blew a firing pin Out The Rear of my SKS bolt!

As for the Hungarian AMD-65 'AK' derivatives, a small gun shop in Nesbit MS (very close to Memphis) might still have a few more 'TGI' AMDs. They bought several last fall in an estate sale.

Both of my TGIs have matching receiver/bolt carrier/dust cover.
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New member
I have owned a SKS or more since 1984 .. I have two now and just missed a NIB Norinco at a LGS ....
I find the SKS much more accurate than any AK variant that I have owned .. Seems like Brown Bear ammo works well ...

I have hunted and used the SKS as camp/ farm gun . I have taken one Whitetail ... a few coyotes..wild dogs .. ground hogs .. the SKS is right at home in this roll..!!!


New member
Now you guys make me want an SKS. Trouble is, I remember when you could buy them at Coast to Coast for $65.00, or three for $180.00 and I passed because they looked like junk. So me being the cheapskate I am, I have a hard time plopping down $400.00 more or less for one. But I still have my old Noinco AK from back then and about six months ago added an AR47 that I absolutely love. So I feel I've scratched that itch, or have I ?