More fun to shoot? SKS or AK?


New member
For all intensive purposes and fair comparison, we're talking about a 7.62x39 AK.

I shot my new SKS for the first time today. I fired about 100 rounds or so through it, and put maybe 30 through my AK. I really seemed to gravitate towards the SKS a lot more.

I seem to shoot the SKS more accurately. I have iron sights on both and I know it has a longer sight radius. The SKS also seems to have a lot smoother of a recoil. I just really like it.

How do you all feel between the two? Which do you prefer to shoot?


New member
I prefer the AK just because it's ... an AK, but the SKS is more enjoyable to shoot imo. For exactly the reasons you mentioned; softer recoil and a longer sight radius.


New member
I like the SKS over the AK as well, only because I am not a fan of pistol grip stocks. Other than that, man they are both a lot of fun and great platforms.


New member
Hardly shoot my SKS since I've modded my AK, then got an x39 AR15 I've barely touched yet (also modded a bit).

I recall the SKS to be a superior plinker, easy to load one round at a time and pop targets to 200yds with ease. I put a phantom flash hider on one and it seemed to make it a smooth shooter.


New member
I like shooting the SKS over the AK... but I feel like it is kind of comparing a Garand to an AR (not ballistics, but style of shooting).


New member
Kind of like an apples and oranges comparison, I like both and I try to move different guns in and out of my shooting rotation so none of them will feel neglected.

Lately I have been stuck on shooting my suppressed AR SBR and my SBR M92.
Despite becoming a bit of an AK nut in the last two years--acquired four by selling surplus rifles/handguns and 6,000 rds surplus ammo--rediscovered my pair of M59 Yugo SKS.

It's nice to operate the more solid SKS actions, and a bit easier to zero the iron sights.

But this latest 'AK' is the AMD-65 by 'TGI' which has "SA 2000 M" under the receiver.
Only these AMD-65s have the higher-quality (than US-made AK barrels), original Hungarian barrels.

My SAR-1, Mardi 'ARM' and MAK 90 are just as fun to shoot.
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john in jax

New member
Magazine capacity and mag swaps put the AK on top for me and the kids.

But if only I would have had the $$$ to buy one of the Norinco SKS's that was made (factory OEM) to take AK mags that would have been the best. But alas I never seem to be able to afford all the toys I want.


New member
Despite becoming a bit of an AK nut in the last two years--acquired four by selling surplus rifles/handguns and 6,000 rds surplus ammo--rediscovered my pair of M59 Yugo SKS.

It's nice to operate the more solid SKS actions, and a bit easier to zero the iron sights.

But this latest 'AK' is the AMD-65 by 'TGI' which has "SA 2000 M" under the receiver.
Only these AMD-65s have the higher-quality (than US-made AK barrels), original Hungarian barrels.

My SAR-1, Mardi 'ARM' and MAK 90 are just as fun to shoot.
I was actually looking at a Hungarian AMD-65 before I bought my N-PAP. May still buy one at some point. I do love AKs as well, no doubt. I would really like a VEPR at some point.

Something about hand loading the SKS makes it fun to me.

My AK is a different kind of fun. I think of my SKS is a relaxing, slow fire type for me. And that's usually what I'm doing.

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The Yugo SKS is a pain to shoot offhand. That is the most oversized, overweight rifle for it's caliber that I am aware of. Terrible balance and just enormous for the 7.62x39mm cartridge.

Not the standard SKS's, especially those with the useless bayonet removed and stuffed in the nearest garbage can, handle pretty well. I personally really like the 10 round stripper clip feed and it's fun to load the rifle with them. Add in a bit more inherent accuracy in most SKS's over AKs and I enjoy the SKS more at the range.


New member
The first thing to note in these discussions is that the SKS was designed as a rifle without the idea of optics in mind. As such, it does a wonderful job!!!

The AK was designed as a machine gun that could be used as a rifle with optics in mind. It's not the best at any of the above but it fills all three rolls successfully.

Iron sight accuracy and pleasure to shoot...SKS. If I want optics or rapid fire, I'm going with an AK.


New member
Yes my SKS came with a dust cover mounted optic. I took it off as soon as I got it home. I enjoy the rifle for what it is, a simple shooter.

I have a Chinese SKS with the bayonet removed and it is pretty light. Probably another reason I like it.

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New member
I prefer the SKS. I'll take a bolt hold open and stripper clips, or just a sock full of loose rounds over loading mags any day.

I like shooting the SKS over the AK... but I feel like it is kind of comparing a Garand to an AR (not ballistics, but style of shooting).

Well put.


New member
The Yugo SKS is a pain to shoot offhand. That is the most oversized, overweight rifle for it's caliber that I am aware of. Terrible balance and just enormous for the 7.62x39mm cartridge.

Doesn't bother me... especially with blanks and a Serbian practice rifle grenade. Makes it a really fun thing to screw around with.


New member
I'll stick with my scoped SKS. I took the cover off and welded and filed the front lips of the cover until if fit good and tight. No more wiggle on the scope. Has held up well so far with several hundred round through it. The scope stays on point now. I need a scope with my old worn out eyes.



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New member
rich_357 said:
The AK was designed as a machine gun that could be used as a rifle with optics in mind.

Hard to believe anyone smart enough to design the AK would put a floppy non-structural dust cover right where you want to mount the optics if they had optics in mind when they designed it.


New member
I think its a tough question for me because all of the AK's I have shot have been beat up WASR's with horribly bent sights. Someone always has one at the range and I usually shoot them after striking up conversation. I dont know what it is about AK's, but in my experience people seem to treat them like crap compared to AR's. Everyone at my range has an AR that looks like its been polished to death... and AK's that look like theyve been run over with a truck :)

I own a Yugo SKS in amazing condition and it really is a great shooter. I would say that with bent sights and general bad condition of the AKs Ive shot aside... I might still choose my SKS if you're talking about a range day type of target shooter.

The SKS IMO is a great gun that can be very accurate at 50-100 yards as long as you sight it in well and keep it maintained. The one major downside for me is its weight. My SKS has the bayonet on it as well... and the damn gun is just plain heavy. I can shoot it resting on the bench all day... but standing with the sling is a chore.

The one thing that the AK blows the SKS away at is weight and maneuverability. If I was doing plinking and running around in the woods I would pick the AK all day. Its light, quick, and gets the job done. The recoil is noticeably heavier on the AK, but its hardly a deal breaker.

The other plus for the SKS that I never thought I would say is the top loading with stripper clips. I LOVE being able to pre load 20 stripper clips on my couch, and just top load all day at the range. I always thought it would be slow and clunky... but once you get the hang of it they can be super fast. I have about 80 stripper clips that hold 10 rounds each and cost me about 50 cents each. I obviously would never own 80 AK mags. So for me, I really like stripper clip loading

Maybe once I own an AK that I can set up the way I want, I would choose it over the SKS. But for now Im a bit partial to the SKS

P5 Guy

New member
SKS by miles.
Way more fun shooting a SKS especially with the 10 round fixed magazine. AKs with that long magazine are impossible in prone or bench shooting.