Model Boy Scout will lose license


Staff Emeritus

I don't know about theft charges but I did ask her what she would have done if he took the keys by force.

She said she would make two phone calls:
1) She'd call the Sheriff's Dept and explain he had taken the keys by force, against her will, had mauled her in the process, and wanted a Deputy to come to school.
2) Then she'd call Mom to get Dad.

Back then I was very active in EMS and the Fire Dept. Most of the Deputies knew me by name - the rest by sight. I think Mr. Vice would have had a pretty rough row to hoe!! ;)

To be fair, the Principal was a fair man. I didn't always agree with him, but he always listened and explained what he was going to do and why. I usually can live with that.

That's odd!... I don't even remember THAT being a part of the argument! :confused:
They just didn't think she was allowed to drive that car. Interesting...

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 20, 2000).]