Model Boy Scout will lose license

Jack 99

New member
Good is Evil. Black is White. Up is Down. The inmates run the asylum.

This from


Brian Agnew is an Eagle Scout. He’s also an honor student. At his Savannah high school he leads a group called Warriors for Christ. (Warriors is the team name for the high school athletic teams.) By all accounts you would think that Brian Agnew is the son we would all like to have.

Well, Brian was kicked out of school last year. He had an axe in his car – locked in his trunk. It was his Boy Scout axe he used at Scout meetings to teach Boy Scouts the proper handling of Scout tools. Well, that axe violated the school’s "zero-tolerance" policy on weapons. It was off to the alternative school for Brian.

Now the State of Georgia has suspended his driver’s license. Evidently there’s some law which says that any student found with weapons at school will have his driver’s license suspended for 90 days. Nothing Brian or his State Senator can do will change the situation. The license is gone for 90 days, period.

Idiocy. Pure idiocy. We need a zero-tolerance policy on idiots with power. But then, what would happen to government?


No the law means this of that.Its the letter of the law unless you have a lot of money then nothing applies to you.


New member
His troubles aren't over.

In a few years, they'll pass a bill that anyone with a history of such crimes is banned from gun ownership forever.



New member
Haven't cars been used as weapons of crime before?

Drive bys.
Hit and Runs.
Intentional runovers
Robberies/Getaway cars.
Drug Trafficing.

These are just to name a few. If this is the case then cars are weapons. Everyone should be put thru the process and be sent to the above mentioned facilities and the current school demolished.

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me

[This message has been edited by MrBigglesworth (edited July 19, 2000).]


New member
What Boortz and others should do is publish the NAME, ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER of the idiots who signed off on this travesty. After all, Brian Agnew's name is now in the public record, so should his persecuter's be. Maybe a deluge of protest mail and phone calls will help these submoronic bureaucrats see the error of their ways.


Staff Emeritus
Ohh, Hank!

I LIKE that idea! Publish the names, addresses and phone number (unless UNlisted) of every school official and school board member who went along with the law.

Then publish the name of every legislator who voted for the law and of every local prosecutor who chose to prosecute such offenses. Add every elected and appointed person who supports this tyranny. Identify them and get them out of power.

Heh, heh, heh! They want power? Let them suffer the public scrutiny that accompanies the responsibility of "serving the people"!


New member
You forgot "man bites dog."

"Anyone feel like saluting the flag which the strutting ATF and FBI gleefully raised over the smoldering crematorium of Waco, back in April of ‘93?" -Vin Suprynowicz

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
G50, you must be inspired. Actually, it's worse than you thought. His scout pocketknife, apparently the one he was awarded for some particularly good thing he did as a scout, WAS indeed on the list of contraband items in the car. The third item was his CELL PHONE, which his father had given him for emergencies.

That's right--if your kid drives a jalopy, either don't give her a cell phone or find a good hiding place. The school knows kids better than you know your kids and they know that any "nice" kid with a cell phone is just a pusher in training. I might not be the teacher who catches your kid with the cell phone, so be careful.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Let's consider the positives of this exercise:

1. More people see that 'zero tolerance' equals zero brains.

2. Public schools and the NEA become weaker, and school choice becomes stronger.

3. Brian has received an important civics lesson. He will, perhaps, be more likely to question authority, consider the origins of proper authority, and otherwise contemplate the correct role of the state.

4. It becomes obvious that the state doesn't simply pursue and harass criminals ... it desires to harass all citizens. Even our best and brightest.

The worse it gets, the better it gets. As the state usurps more and more power, it becomes more obvious and more overreaching.

Brian has suffered some unnecessary harm and hardship. But he is less likely now to buy they rest of their BS. And I believe that hard lessons are the remembered lessons.

It would be great to have the names and info for the school board bozo's who instituted and prosecute this policy. And, let's not forget that the media has been complicit, with their sensationalized coverage of violence in schools. Finally, our legal profession and absurd civil 'justice' system have also helped put the nails in this coffin. A lot of bad policy has helped create these absurdities.

Regards from AZ

B Shipley

New member
Big Question here: How did they know the ax was there?

Does the "weapons" law provide for random vehicle searches?

If not, who reported this "evil" weapon?


Staff Emeritus
Musta been back around '93.
My daughter was in high school and (for some reason I don't remember at the moment) drove MY car to school.

Daughter was called to the office. Why was she driving a police car? (sigh)

She explained I was a volunteer firefighter and EMT. My car had red lights only (no blue), a siren and several radios she did not know how to operate.

The Vice-Principal (the one apparently in charge of "vice") demanded her car keys.
Daughter refused.
VP said he'd take them.
Daughter said she'd cry, "Rape!"
VP said he'd have Mrs. (so-and-so) take the keys.
Daughter said, "She's not big enough!"
VP calls the Sheriff's Department to report her for being "violent".
VP orders daughter into another office.
Daughter leaves school, drives my car home, calls Mom - who "pages" Dad.
Dad comes home, hears story, goes ballistic, drives to school (WAY too fast) in same car.

Luckily, by the time I got there, everyone had left for the day except for some poor unidentified teacher who took my wrath rather well, considering.....

Next morning (early!), Dad goes to school. Explains to Vice Principal about car, gets into argument with VP and together they burst into the Principal's office.

Principal settles argument. Dad/daughter win.... BIG!

Daddy has a zero tolerance policy!

(Unrelated: Vice Principal not there next school year... :) )

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 20, 2000).]

Jeff Thomas

New member
Dennis, that's a wonderful story! Thanks.

And, perhaps we should reconsider. Maybe we need a TFL 'zero tolerance' policy .... we have zero tolerance for governmental BS? ;)

Regards from AZ


Dennis, great post. Don't you just love it when the good guys (the ones with the brains) win. ;)

Just curious, if the VP got the keys away from your daughter, could he have been charged with thieft?


Staff Emeritus
In 1993, theoretically, yes the VP could have been charged with theft. He was attempting to deny the yound lady control over her vehicle.

What I don't understand, though, is where this bozo got the idea that he had anything to do with lights on a vehicle in the first place. :confused:
