MMM, Lies and Videotape : It's done! Get your copy here!


New member
Well, not really here. You can find more information about how it's going to be distributed on my website. The basics are, I'll ship out 10 free copies (one already spoken for) to the first 10 folks who respond (use the mail links on my information page link above) and are willing to copy and ship 2 cd's to other folks.

Once mine are gone, I'll pass on the rest of the "I'll copy 2" folks to the others who will copy two..and so'll be a bit of a nightmare for me but I'll manage ;-). If I do this again, I'll setup a web database system to help me.

The videos are also downloadable, but you'll want to wait until I can find some nice folks with bigger bandwidth than my cable modem to host copies... or you'll want to start the download and let it run overnight.

Again, see my website for more detailed information.


New member
OMG, you do outstanding work! I downloaded the MMM video and just finished watching it. I think you should've directed the video that they're making now with Rich. Your video was better than their trailer :D.


New member
Thanks, and thanks for hosting! As soon as you've got what your hosting up on your server, I'll add them to the download database (and kick up their rating, gotta be faster than my site ;-)



Have you considered making the file available on

Might be a way to avoid having to handle and mail cd's...and the server botleneck. Once users with high-speed connections have the file available for sharing, server problems taken care of (I'm not a computer expert, though). Judging from your website, might be a whole series of videos under one keyword "firearms", or some such thing as you choose.

Just a thought, surely computer experts will chime in on this avenue.

Good work!!


New member
no dvd

Any way to get a videotape? I'd love to participate but have no dvd player and no plans to get one soon.

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Brian, I haven't been able to get a response from your server, the connection just stalls out. Same thing for the redirected link to Mitch's site. Just a few minutes ago, there were only 2 users (myself not included) at your site....they must be all DL'ing the file!!


New member
Don: You should be able to view the VideoCD in a DVD player, or.. If you insert it into your computer CD drive, there is a directory 'mpegav' inside that directory are the videos in mpeg1 format, the extension is .DAT so you'll either have to copy them to a local HD and change the extension to .mpg/.mpeg or use your systems 'open with' command.

hammer4mc: I'm not familer with grokster, if somebody wants to post them there it's easy to add them to the download section on my site, in fact you don't even have to register, just click the 'add download' link right below the big 'downloads' text. This allows you to enter any url values (ftp, http, whatever).

cpileri: You can view the files from the VideoCD on you're computer, see above. The problem with making VHS tapes is I have to do them in realtime, ie: slow..and if I make one.. I'll have to make a bunch more.

Anybody else ;-): If you'd like the files uploaded to a server, send me instructions (pm here, or the feedback link on my site). I can upload on monday from work (T1 line, much nicer).

oh, and don't forget that even anonymous users can rate the download links, this way folks can sort by rating and get the faster links at the top of the list.


New member
I added a link to the VCD image hosted by Mitch. I also changed the default sort order to sort by rating - highest to lowest. This way, in theory, the faster links will sort to the top of the list by default.

That is assuming they get rated, I've been rating the links to Mitch with a 5 so they get moved up.


New member
The file name as hosted on Mitch's FTP doesn't match the link on your site, braindead. Mitch's file ends with '_vcd' before the suffix and your link omits that text. So it no worky.

Here's Mitch's FTP root where you can see the filename:

I'm getting about 50k/sec from Mitch's FTP which is not too shabby. Thanks!

- Gabe


New member
Hmm, strange about the filename.. he must have changed them to match mine after I put the links in there.

In the future, if anybody notices anything like that.. you can go into the details for a download file and submit changes. I'll have to approve them, but that's easy.

Bill: nope, figured I'd stick to what they were blabbing about.. ;-)

EDIT: Fixed the link..


New member
I'm downloading the MMM press conference now that the link is fixed. It will be on my FTP later tonight. I downloaded and have the 424MB file on my FTP now. Spent all day downloading it.


New member
Deadline for snail mail requests

So far I've only received 2 mails from folks willing to burn copies and ship and 2 folks who'd like a copy but cannot burn CD's. Looks like this part will be easy!

To avoid having these requests 'dribble in' for months, I've set a deadline of December 7th. That's two weeks, should be sufficient. Of course if I don't ship out the 10 I've got ready to go, well I'll still send out copies after that.


New member
DL/d the ISO image, and extracted it from the archive, but I'm kinda stumped on how to burn it properly to CD so that it'll play either on my PC or a DVD player. I tried using Easy CD Creator 4.5, but it's showing as an ISO image on the ROM after the burn, as opposed to a playable format.



New member
I don't know about the download, but it took me 3 tries with my pc before I got one that worked on the DVD player hooked to the stereo. Using Veritas S/W that came with the pc - the make an exact copy did the trick. If I chose make a data cd and copied all the files - it didn't. Logically, I don't see any difference, but I guess there is.

Visiting some freinds formerly from Ohio tonight so they'll have a new CD/Video/DVD in their collection. They're already pro-2nd but don't own any guns.

Braindead0 did a great job!


New member
I'm not sure about Easy CD Creator, but with Nero you go to 'File' and Select 'Burn Image'. Then find the *.iso file and it should take care of itself from there.