Mixing Ammo in SD Handgun


New member
I would not worry about the DA in terms of what ammo or mixture of different ammos. For criminal charges it simply comes down to one very simple question - Were you justified to use deadly force? How or what exactly you used deadly force is basically a non-issue, in a criminal sense, if the anser is 'Yes'. I would certainly hope though that no one would volunteer any answers to the DA or the cops or anyone. Let your attorney talk for you. If you have to say something you can say "I thought he was going to kill me, I want a lawyer." That is ALL you need ever say if you are involved in a shooting.

However, if you get sued in a civil proceeding and are dealing with litigation attorneys that is another matter altogether. I will say though that I am still waiting for someone, anyone, to point to a real case (verifiable) where so many of these urban legend 'you better not do that or else....' scenarios actually unfolded and did in fact actually hurt the defendant. Just recently for example a friend told me I better not put these really neat grim reaper grips on my carry 1911 because "if some guy's family sues you for wrongful death in a court of law blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." Oh Puhhhlllleeeaaaaaaase! Stay out of Kookifornia and Massachusettes and you just find me a jury that would base an award on something so silly. Again, even in civil cases, it comes down to one question - Were you justified to use deadly force? If the answer was yes then you need not worry. If the answer was no then you deserve what you will get.