Miracle Occurs! Glock Fails! Deputy Lives!


New member
should never have been escorting three prisoners by himself to begin with. He was very fortunate.


New member
In my experience, when a round is chambered in a Glock, and the trigger is pulled, the pistol fires despite dirt, sand and water. PERIOD.

You may like Glocks, or you may hate Glocks, but anyone familiar with both a Glock pistol and an AK-47 probably knows that a Glock, as a pistol, is about as reliable as an AK-47 is reliable as a longarm... which is pretty damn reliable.

I suspect no round chambered in this scenario.
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New member
Futia took the three other inmates to the other side of the van when he realized that Chaney had his gun. The deputy also drew his Taser before Chaney ran off. . . .

This line disturbed me. Is this a poor choice of words on the authors part or was the deputy really unaware that somebody had taken his gun from his holster?


New member
It's a proven fact that Glocks will fire with the first round not chambered.
They are that good.
I'm surprised no one knew this.

:p :p :p :p :p :p

All joking aside.
I'm glad the Deputy is OK.


New member
Futia took the three other inmates to the other side of the van when he realized that Chaney had his gun. The deputy also drew his Taser before Chaney ran off.

This makes it sound as if the bailiff did not realize that the prisoner had taken his gun for a while.
It is difficult to maintain the proper level of alertness when you are doing something for years. Sounds like the bailiff was in condition White.

opps, a repeat of dm1333's post.
So ditto


New member
Well, if you look at the posts referred to in the Glock Talk forum, the round was chambered but the BG was unfamiliar with Glocks and may not have pulled the trigger correctly. :rolleyes: Then he dropped the mag when trying to disengage the safety. This was according to some pretty good third hand hearsay. :D


New member
I just read this: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090309/ap_on_re_us/church_shooting
about a church shooting and another Glock.

Mudge said Sedlacek had 10 rounds of ammunition in a handgun and was carrying two more 10-round magazines in his pocket on Sunday. The .45-caliber Glock jammed after four shots were fired at Winters, prosecutors said, but not before one bullet fatally struck him in the heart after he deflected the first with his Bible.

Not a Glock basher but not convinced of their infallability either.