MIM PARTS BREAK ??? Who's had them?

MIM vs FORGED parts durability

  • MIM parts work fine for over 5,000 rounds

    Votes: 29 48.3%
  • MIM parts broken before 5,000 rounds

    Votes: 18 30.0%
  • FORGED parts worked fine for over 5,000 rounds

    Votes: 20 33.3%
  • FORGED parts broken before 5,000 rounds

    Votes: 3 5.0%

  • Total voters


New member
I was wondering how many shooters have had MIM parts break?

How many rounds before breakage?

What part?

Make and model of firearm?


New member
Kimber pro carry.
Thumb safety.
500 rds more or less. I was one of five at a local range that had breakages.
One during a Chuck Taylor class.


New member
It was my AMBI safety on the weak side. It had loosened until it was failing to function.

Happened after about 1,000 rounds

Kimber dessert warrior


New member
MIM parts in my Kimbers...

One is going on 50,000+ rounds... Nothing broken

Other is at around 15,000 rounds.. Nothing broken


New member
Just to throw a wrench into the works and odd but true one. A good friend has a Colt Stainless lightweight Commander. He doesn`t shoot it much,a couple hundred rounds a year. One day at the range the thumb safety just falls off,sheared the pin off. Hmmm. He takes it to a local smith have a new safety installed,this time an ampi. I`m sorry I can`t remember what brand for sure but I think it was a Brown. The fit wasn`t right,the off side didn`t sit flat against the frame there was a small gap. I dunno if that had anything to do with it but in a couple hundred rounds the safety (on side) fell off AGAIN! Again it sheared the pin off flush with the frame! :eek: No this guy`s not an 800lb. gorilla either. After that he took it to George at EGW who fitted a Brown single side safety and it`s been fine since. Of course it introduced some nagging doubt so he carries his Glock 19 now...and I can`t hardly blame him. I dunno if they were MIM or not. Marcus


New member
I have never had a problem with MIM or forged. I have had two cast frames destroy themselves. One catastrophically on round #6.

Jeep, what is up with the 5000 round marker? 5000 rounds isn't that many. When it comes to you ambi safety, round count may not even be relevant unless you flick the safety off and on with every shot.

FYI, my first ambi broke on my carry Kimber (at the time it was the carry gun) after 7000 rounds. My first ambi break on my Wilson was around 40,000 rounds and it is MIM as well.

Check the door trim at your place of employment since you are a deputy. You will see a good bit of damage at gun level from folks catching their guns and gear on the door trim and everything else. Ambi safeties don't like getting beat around like that.


New member
Double naught - I just thought 5,000 rounds would be a good bench mark. No particular reason. Maybe a more scientific approach would have been better. ......Or a more open poll. My thinking was that 5,000 rounds is not very much and parts should last at least that long. If parts are breaking THAT FAST then MIM is in fact an issue. What would you suggest ? I think someone else had mentioned 5,000 rounds and it sounded good to me. According to the poll MIM is not looking so good thus far. However as you pointed out there is a possibility that the fault was mine as I certainly have bumped my fair share of objects. My round count is only around 2,200 so far with my Kimber.


As I mentioned in the other thread, I don't think it fair to blame MIM. It is Kimber's MIM parts that seem to be the problem. Other companies use the process without any reputation at all.


New member
Handy - Maybe that would be another worthy poll . MIM failures with what brand of gun. I have a Kimber so it is relevant to me. I make no claim to be an MIM expert. Any information you provide is useful. My poll is just a general one. But I DID ask that the voter post the type of firearm and brand so make of it what you will.


Just an observation. I used to be a harsher critic of MIM, but it is a production method which is as valid as any other, if used correctly.

I think Kimber has two MIM problems. They use MIM in some inappropriate places, like the relatively delicate nexus between safety body and shaft. And they don't seem to be very good at MIM production, producing parts which are more fragile than they should be.


New member
Well, so far forged parts seem to be doing well. The Poll has yet to show anyone with a forged part failure. Interesting. MIM parts might be great and all but alot of them seem to be breaking.


Does a forged slide count? Sig P229, less than 1000 rounds. Cracked.

While 5000 rounds doesn't seem like a high count, it's the military's requirement for the M9 pistol. That's the expected service life. While most, if not all, have exceeded that, it's still the minimum round count required of the testing.:)