Military Service


New member
I was a Swab Jockey

Sonar Technician 1st Class (1980-1994)

Commands: USS Halsey, USS Richmond K. Turner, EOD Mobile Unit Six, and Naval Training Center Orlando.

Weapon Quals: ASROC, MK46 Torpedo delivery via Mk 32 torp tubes, .45, M-14, M-60, M-19, M2 .50 cal, and my favorite the Mk 38 Naval mount 25mm chaingun.

Other Quals include: Ship's Swimmer/pilot rescue, torpedo recovery swimmer (not fun), DCET member, POIC ship's security team (included fun and informative Ship's self engagement tactics training), and I am eminently qualified to shine brass and have trained my kids in this fine if somewhat obscure art;)

Fred Hansen

New member
Joined the greatest Navy on planet Earth on my 17th birthday.

Boot - Orlando

"A" school - Charleston S.C. Fleet Mine Warfare Training Center

MoMAG Det. 10 Kadena, Okinawa

Brief stint at MoMAG Unit 1 Long Beach (subsequently) Seal Beach CA

MoMAG Det. (subsequently Unit) 3 N.W.S. Earle, Colt's Neck NJ.

Worked on DST's, Mk 52/55 series, 56/57 series, Captor, etc...

a few visits to other spots sprinkled in.

My humble service of 4 years 2 months and 15 minutes can never repay the debt of gratitude that I owe to the greatest nation and people on God's Earth.

Honorably discharged 1986.

Thank you all for your service, and the precious freedom that it makes possible.


New member
95 - 99 Marine Corps

95 Paris Island and other Training

96 - 97 Marine Corps Security Force Company, Sebana Seca
Puerto Rico.

97 - 99 Kilo 3/1 Camp Pendleton

98 15th MEUSOC

Other MOSs/Jobs:
Marksmanship Instructor
Combat Cargo, Flight Deck Forklift operator
Emergency Medical Technician (Yes Marines medical is done by
Navy, Don't Ask)

In the Four years I was in I only spent about 6 Months in my Primary MOS of 0311 Basic Rifleman, I kept being sent to other jobs.