Mike Irwin & Ten Grand


New member
a mans gotta do something while the video is rendering

i figure researching, technology centered, non verbal communication, via web based PHP forums beats looking at porn



New member
Mike: "Thank you, all.

I've met some truly good people throught this board.

Had some ugly dust-ups with others. Learned one hell of a lot.

And gotten great satisfaction out of being able to pass my knowledge along."

This is The Firing Line, not the Academy Awards. A bit of humility, ok? :D


New member
You guys at 10000+ are truly an inspiration to us all, you must take your laptops to the range with you. Keep on a postin. :D


New member
I get up to feed the skunklet and watch the meteors and what do I find ?

Yet another barb from his rotundness.

Sam....follow me, well get somewhere.
You people do realize that I'd still post like a maniac even if there wasn't a post counter?

All the post counter means to me is to indicate just how little life I really do have.