Mike Irwin & Ten Grand


New member
Sheesh. I can't imagine the air up there. It's taking me forever just to get to 1,000. Guess I'm doomed to remain down here in the smog.
"quality over quantity, y'all."

I like to think that I have a fair smattering of both, Path.

Yeah, I cut funny, sometimes, but who doesn't?

Anyone want to talk about the S&W Model 19? I'll write you a book on why it's the greatest .357 Magnum ever designed.

Want to talk about why S&W revolvers are the finest ever designed? I've got a book on that, too.

Want to talk about S&W politics? I'm game... ;)

How about cartridge history? Pull up a chair, I've got a lot to tell ya...

Hottentots and why 5"/38s don't have enough stopping power? It's in the archives somewhere.

My daily surveilance reports on our friend Fud? I still get shudders when I think about my undercover work...

CR Sam? Ah, now there's a true topic of conversation. Let me toss some more Mastadon ribs on the grill... :D

Jamie Young

New member
Is it possible to have deductions? For poor quality posts?;) Like if you are wrong about something you have 1000 posts taken away. -100 for off topic posts and -500 for flaming.

That way all of us bottom feeders can antagonize Mike, CRSam, and George Hill and see if we can knock them out of 1st place.


New member
I'd be in the hole.

Tween Mike and I, we have amassed at least ten posts that were firearms related and informative.



New member
Do any of you high powered posters have dreams that involve the "Post Reply" screen from TFL? Do you consider it your virtual home away from home?


New member
8195 posts for me to catch up. Now if only I can get more monkeys to stay at the keyboard. At least they learn to click on "Post Reply" quickly.
"When do y'all shoot."

Well, Sunday was a good day, so a group of us from TFL went out and broke some clays. Read about it in the Live Fire section.

Had a GREAT time.


New member
Bein retired, broke ?, has it's advantages.
Get to play with mine and other's guns three or more hours a day.

I would like to congratulate Mike on makin it to ten grand without bein 86ed.

Hammerheaded, opinionated, stubborn, vociferous etc....
And usually right.

He takes Fat jokes and jibes well too. :D

Thank you, all.

I've met some truly good people throught this board.

Had some ugly dust-ups with others. Learned one hell of a lot.

And gotten great satisfaction out of being able to pass my knowledge along.

One of these days you really have to tell us your secrets on how you've made your retirement net egg last for so long...

Your banker told me in confidence that your first deposit into your retirement account was dated March 9, 1586...