Me and my NRA hat Voted (merged)

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I must say that during the wait I was checking for those who might have voted straight ticket. It seemed that people were taking a lot longer time to vote, much longer than hitting the straight ticket box.

I actually find that deeply encouraging. I loathe the idea of being able to vote "straight ticket" and moreso that people do, as I feel it encourages people to buy into party hype rather than evaluate each candidate individually on the issues.

I'm not ashamed to say my votes were heavily mixed party-wise, with a couple libertarians thrown in for good measure.
I spent three days intensively researching each candidate on my ballot (yes, including all the appeals court justices, the sheriff, the railroad commissioner, and all those other positions no one thinks about or talks about) and choosing the candidate I felt had my best interests at heart.
For me, though, voting only took around 15 minutes because I voted week before last (early voting) :cool:


New member
I just finished voting and took my mother-in-law with me. I was number 199 and she was 200.

For such an important part of being a citizen i would think that I should feel a larger degree of satisfaction for voting. I feel apprehensive about "the other guy" winning.


P.S. I wore my sticker and gave the other two to an election judge and he put it on! (he is a friend of mine)
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New member
I was thinking like AZ, but I was thinking of my Grandfather, my Wife's Grandfather, and all the men and women who have fought and died for me to have the right to vote.

It didn't take me but 10 minutes to vote, but I'd have waited as long as it took.


New member
I voted by mail a few weeks ago, that's the way in Wa. since 2004, I miss going in and pulling the lever.
But I did get a free cup of coffee from starbucks for hsving voted.


New member
I voted this morning around 8:00 with my mother and grandmother and got my sticker.It was my first time too.

I just heard who our next pesident not happy.


Staff In Memoriam
Well if anyone around you complains... ask if they voted than fine if not than they have ZERO right to waste my time speakin' to me!:mad: Other wise I can assure you it was not my fault who our next POTUS is!:barf: Good luck AMERICA... yer gonna need it!


Staff In Memoriam
Gapper, you need to follow a few basic rules or this thread is dead!
NO NAMING NAMES especially when incorrectly spelled.
IMHO, we are many years away from any confiscation... But micro stamped ammo, high "impact fee" type taxes on ammo, AWB, Hicap mag ban, purchase limits, gun show laws and the like will quickly rot our rights like molten sugar in your teeth!


New member
I'm more worried about a completely left leaning Congress. Balance of power has always been a cornerstone to our government, too far to the left, and it'd be easier to erode other rights.


New member
For firearms rights this is a huge threat. We have majorities in both houses of Congress and a President elect all of the same party which also happens to be the party who has consistently attacked the 2A for decades.

Be worried. I live in NY and know what the rest of you can expect...


New member
I was looking over the bill for the possible proposal of the AWP...

I find it very odd that AK-47's and AR variants are not listed in the ban...

Did anyone else find the list kind of all over the place?


New member
Voted on Monday with my wife. We had our 9 week old daughter with us. Couldn't help but wonder how all this will someday impact her life..

I feel strangely just like I do after my younger sister's wedding.. A lot of apprehension and concern before hand because of who she chose to marry, but now that they're married, it's irrelevent. All I can do is try my best to help them along and make it work.

I'm afraid as gun owners our work load just became heavier than ever before.

But micro stamped ammo, high "impact fee" type taxes on ammo, AWB, Hicap mag ban, purchase limits, gun show laws and the like will quickly rot our rights like molten sugar in your teeth!

Well spoken.


New member
I need a drink

Congrats to everyone for voting. What fun this election year has been. And now we can all sit back and watch the fireworks, or lack there of. What ever the case may be, I'm going shooting very soon, hopefully this weekend. And by the way, if anyone knows of any good deals on a Saiga 12, please let me know! I would have worn some Pro gun gear to vote today, except I voted over a week ago with a mail in ballot! :D


Staff In Memoriam
Mellow, I think, literally, you are a day late and a dollar shy for a"good deal on a saiga"...

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Well folks. The "Fat Lady" has sung.

The election being over, this thread is now off topic. :rolleyes:

Closed. :mad::mad::mad: (but I kinda figured which way the wind was blowin')
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