Me and my NRA hat Voted (merged)

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New member
I wore my NRA hat to vote this morning. Did you?

I had a guy say, "Nice hat," when I was walking out of the polling place.

I voted, got a free cup of joe, found $50 in my pocket and went for a walk all before eight o'clock. It is going to be a good day.

Voting makes the United States of America great.

God Bless America.
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New member
I lucked out and got the parking spot right at the entrance, which was surprising with the crowd. Proudly on my bumper facing all walking into the polling place was my "I'm a Bitter Gun Owner and I Vote" bumper sticker!


New member

(in case you somehow forgot) "Vote early, and vote often!", and God bless America.


P.S. Please don't turn this into a "My scoundrel is better than your scoundrel" or TEOTWAWKI thread. Thanks.


New member


New member
My wife and I got to our polling place at 6:45 and there were already 50+ people in front of us. It took us all totaled about 75 minutes to get it done. I must say that during the wait I was checking for those who might have voted straight ticket. It seemed that people were taking a lot longer time to vote, much longer than hitting the straight ticket box.

I'm glad it is over for me anyway, I did my part and am ready to move on. :)


Went to the polls at 6AM today, stood in line for an hour and a half, and it gave me time to think about this inconvenience I was going through... all to vote. I heard people kvitching about the "cold" (it was an Arizona November morning, maybe 60-65 degrees). I heard people complaining about the time away from work, or the hour of sleep they lost to wake up early.

And I thought of several thousand men, 233 and a half years ago.

They couldn't vote. They couldn't peaceably assemble to establish laws for themselves. They were being systematically disarmed by an occupying army.

They stayed awake that night between April 18th and 19th. They organized. They faced the wet, cold New England spring and stood gathered on the Green with muskets in hand. Barely 70 of them stood off against 900 soldiers at Lexington.

I didn't correct anyone in line, and I didn't give any history lessons, though maybe I should have.

But I did stand my place in line, and I voted. Because those men 233 and a half years ago wanted that.


Staff In Memoriam
My wifey poo and I have gotten our vote in... No line in this small precinct. Since we won't get this banned I will refrain from naming who we voted for but it was IMHO the best candidate for us to protect the 2A and the AMERICAN DREAM!


New member
I voted at about 8:30 this morning. The line was short. I thought about wearing my "Ron Paul 2008" button to cause [just a little] trouble but decided against it :D

The lady at the entrance table where they check the voting registration and give you your ballot said it'd been really busy a half-hour earlier. When I voted, the counter on the voting machine went from 8 to 9; not sure what that means with regard to the previous "really busy" statement.

The lady at the exit gave me my "I Voted" sticker, and on the way to work I swung by Starbucks wearing the sticker for my free cuppa coffee. The Starbucks girl said they'd given out a lot of cups already.


New member
I got there around 7:15 and there was only one other guy there voting and when I left an older couple was coming in.

No "I Voted" stickers here. Has anyone else in WV seen one?


Staff In Memoriam
I got my sticker and a second one for my 'puter moniter to look at for the next 4 years...


New member
my dad and i went at 9:30 this morning. i think it took about 5 mins to get from the front door to the voting booth.

i forgot to check the number on the machine but my dad said it was at 488 when he turned in his. seems kind of high for the way they had things set up but i guess its possible that almost 500 people had voted before me.

i'm not sure if i want to know who wins.


New member
Showed up at 7am to vote, polls opened at 7. Waited for 50 minutes, went in pressed the buttons. I was number 161 at my polling place. My wife will be there this afternoon. (subs of Philly)

They say as the suburbs of Philadelphia go so goes the state, I guess we shall see.
Im going to vote when i get to school. i hope the line isnt too bad.

ben and jerrys ice cream will also give a free cone i think to those with stickers and woodstocks pizza (i think they are just CA) is giving away free cinnabread.


The Gunny

New member
3 hours and 16 minutes from the time I walked to the end og the line to getting my "I Voted" Sticker. Half of that time was in the rain but it was worth it to do a small part in protecting our 2nd ad.
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