May Be Time to Boycott TIME Magazine.

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New member
Didn't Time once have enough pages to stop a bb gun?
Doubt if it's thick enough to do that, now.
It's the incredible shrinking magazine.
You'd think they would actually notice.


New member
Many, many years ago Time was actually a news magazine. But, for years now it's been a very liberal opinion magazine. It will go the way of Newsweek before long and no longer be published in magazine form.


New member
Time magazine, and Newsweek for that matter, might have made good fish wrappers.

Might have, anyway.

They're dying a much deserved death. And good riddance to them.


New member
The last issue of Time that I bothered to look at (I was in a waiting room with nothing else to do) was so thin that I'd hardly call it a magazine anymore, pamphlet seems like a more appropriate description. I'd say that, with so little advertising money coming in, it will soon go the way of Newsweek.

44 AMP

I respect TIME...for one thing, only....

Back in the early 80s Time ran an editorial I actually had to respect.

They said that while a news magazine should remain impartial and above the issues there were some issues that were too important for that. And one of those issues was gun ownership in America. It was too important for them not to choose a side. And the side they chose was against gun ownership.

For being open and honest in that, I respect them. And ONLY for that. Not only did I stop buying or reading their magazine (other than the anti gun ariticles when needed for research), I made it a point when contacted on the phone about buying Time/Life Books or videos to tell them that I would enjoy their books/videos BUT would not buy them, because of their maganagement's stand on the gun control issue. I did my best for a couple decades to make sure they understood that they lost a sale, only because of the anti gun bias. Eventually, they stopped calling....


New member
MLeake said:
Levi Strauss is San Francisco based, so it's possible they feel they have no real choice in their political environment, but they are on the list of major contributors to gun control groups.

Well, that sucks. I've worn Levi jeans since forever.


New member
It's waaaay beyond time...

I've been boycotting Time and Newsweek since about 1985. Their agenda was clear back then.

I was a bit slower on the uptake with regard to Hollywood, mostly because I have never been a big movie-goer. I quit them around...(ahhh, just had to check)...1994. I think Forrest Gump was the last time I watched a movie, either theater or TV.

Quit buying Levis about 15 years ago, when I read of their agenda.

More to follow, I'm sure.

Some of you guys seem to be boycotting grammar and spelling.
Now that was funny, and on point. :)


New member
I used to read Time when I was in high school, 1971-1975. Then I got out in the real world and got a life. I no longer had the time that the academic life allows to sit around and theorize of how wonderful life would be if..... I did not fall into the liberal leanings when I went to college after the military stint.


New member
Time magazine is as close to totally irrelevant as anything being published. Their Person of the Year awards hardly make the news anymore because they are so obviously selected to advance a liberal agenda. As to Levis, those of you looking for an alternative source of jeans might want to consider L.L. Bean. I have no stock or ownership in this company but I have found their jeans to be excellent, reasonably priced and the company certainly is supportive of outdoor activities like hunting and fishing. Please don't tell me they are supporters of gun control!


New member
I have a subscription to Time and enjoy reading it. Like anything else, I read what appeals to me and ignore the rest. The one dedicated to gun bashing though was trash. I thumbed through it and tossed it in the recycle bin.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Going off track and nothing more to be said. Don't buy it if you disagree or write them.

As far as person of the year - the choice is supposedly to be influence on the world or country not popularity.

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