May Be Time to Boycott TIME Magazine.

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Was incensed by the ignorance evidenced in the new issue of Time. Articles on Gun Rights appear to be ill informed. Glorifying the White House attempt to repeal the second amendment. Distorted facts abound. They are comparing the so called assault rifles to a Musket. Stating said Musket fires three or four rounds a minute ! Talking up Joe Biden who is one of the most well documented known liars to make his living in the political cess pool. Idolizing Michael Bloomberg who essentially purchased his position. I had to put it down before I threw up. What a bunch of pig excrement these people emit. The attempted brainwashing of the American public is well under way. I would encourage everyone to boycott TIME and their advertisers. Hard to believe they are such protecters of the First Amendment but equally ardent at aiding the destroying of the Second Amendment. I need to go use the restroom and I think I know the best use for my issue.


New member
You haven't cancelled yours yet? The only ones I see anymore are at my doctor's office, and I try to steal those to limit the impact of their propaganda.


New member
I let my last subscription to TIME expire in the mid 80s. Way too liberal of a magazine for my taste.

I agree with Willie Sutton.

They are destined to follow Newsweek into the distbin of failed media.



no but i admit id really like tos ee an m16/ar 15 magazien catch that could support the weight of a loaded "600 round drum magazine".

yeah its funny they claim you can get a 40 round magazine for 26 dollars sent to your door, and a 600 round magazine for 26 dollars. who makes that?


New member
$20 says NRA outlives Time Mag

Look at their circulation figures. Any takers? (metaphorically speaking)


New member
Newsweek just folded their print magazine because they have become irrelevant in the modern world. Time is next ...

The only thing these magazines are good for is opinion, since nobody looks to them for actual news coverage. And I don't share their opinions on anything, so I don't read, subscribe to or buy a copy.


New member
Time Magazine like most of todays main stream media is agenda oriented.
As a law abiding gun owner, never at any point in time can I remember, being stereotyped as something other than law abiding citizen just because I am a gun owner. If whats going on in media don't bother you, you are not paying attention.


New member
TIME today seems to be about where Mother Earth News was when I was a kid.

Back then, my dad was an environmental speech writer for the governor of Maine, among other things, and so he knew a lot of local reporters and editors at the state capitol's hometown newspaper. He introduced me to some of them, along with Bill Cohen, Edwin Muskie, and a few others whose names I've forgotten since. I don't remember the most radical of his associates being as far left as the nominal mainstream news is today. Many of them even... gasp... hunted.

Yep, reporters who covered environmental issues, yet still shot deer and ducks. And US Senators (or Congressmen, at that time, for Cohen IIRC) who would shoot the bull with a small kid, and not seem phony.
Time, like other elements of the mainstream media, has been losing readership. More people are turning to the alternative media for their news.

That Alex Jones was interviewed by Piers Morgan is significant. It's nothing that Jones (and lord knows I couldn't watch more than a minute) said but rather that the alternate media was being recognized by the mainstream media that counts.
Morgan has been trolling gun owners for ratings to save his miserable, dying show. In that sense, Jones was a natural choice. I expect Time magazine it trying to do much the same thing except they are already so irrelevant that nobody even responds to the attempt anymore.


New member
comn-cents said:
I banded them 20 years ago, same with levi's.

Not to thread hijack, but what did Levi's do?

On a semi-related note, I haven't had a Time delivered to my house in years, nor bought one.

But I did see an older one, dating back to the Colorado Theater shooting, in Jiffy Lube when I was the LadyFriend getting her Jeep serviced. I opened it up, intending to remove the anti-gun article.

Someone had beaten me to it!


New member
Levi Strauss is San Francisco based, so it's possible they feel they have no real choice in their political environment, but they are on the list of major contributors to gun control groups.


New member
Time Magazine.... I haven't bought a copy of that rag in years all because of their liberal views a number of years ago. I used to have a subscription and let it expire with no renewals.
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