Marlin Model 980 Extractor And Ejector Repair?


New member
Alright... So I've got a bit of a problem with this old .22 WMR. It is what I believe to be a Marlin 980, which is re-branded as a Sears Brand "JC HIGGINS Model 42 DLM".

So... About a year ago, and really, just about 12 months ago from today, I had gotten this thing out of a storage unit. I figured I'd shoot it, or at least have it around if I wanted to. I gave it a cleaning. When I put the bolt back, it was rough to work. I pulled a paper towel through it to try and get all of the crap out.

Anyway, I think I may have bent what you'd call the "ejector". I've confirmed and found what I believe to be the correct part on Numrich. So anyway, looking back, I believe this bent ejector is what caused issues with the extractor.

I have called a couple of gunsmiths, trying to find the closest one. Well at this point, I think I know who I'm going with. I was wondering if anyone could confirm for me that these are the correct parts.

So, why am I posting this thread? Well, one of these things seems to be an easy fix. That would be the extractor.

Both parts are located here on Numrich. I have pictures to post as well to show the issue. Would I be able to do this myself? More details with the pictures... They are large, but seem to show pretty good detail. I hope they're good enough.

This picture shows a top view of the broken extractor. Better pictures will follow.
JC42DLM Repair 1.jpg

Here is the extractor from a bottom view. You can see the piece chipped off.
JC42DLM Repair 2.jpg

This picture shows strange marks in the bolt, which I honestly can't explain. I assume they were there from the start, or at least, I would think so.
JC42DLM Repair 3.jpg


New member
This 4th picture shows that there is a lot of war and possibly a missing piece of metal on the opposite side of the extractor, but since the whole band is one piece and needs to be replaced, it doesn't make much difference.
JC42DLM Repair 4.jpg

These two pictures show how the ejector kind of "catches" the extractor. This would explain, at least how the left (your right) got chipped/broken off. Not sure about the opposite side, though. The 2nd picture actually shows this a little better.

JC42DLM Repair 5.jpg

JC42DLM Repair 6.jpg


New member
Here is a picture of the ejector, but you can't really tell much by looking at it without the bolt in and the extractors showing...
JC42DLM Repair 7.jpg

Now, Looking under the bolt, there appears to be a notch cut in the side. This would seem to be the way to remove the extractor "band". The thing is broken anyway, so it's not like it matters what happens to this one, but I was just wondering if it was as simple as just popping the thing out.
JC42DLM Repair 8.jpg

Really, the ejector would have to be done first. If it chipped the extractor, then putting a new one in will be pointless. The ejector on the other hand, seems like it would be more involved...

So I'm wondering, does anyone have experience with these kinds of replacements?

I'm probably going to just give them to a gunsmith to fix, but of course, if I could just save myself the money, that would be cool too. :rolleyes:

Thanks to anyone who can help.