Man Sues Hoppes


New member
I love the smell of Hoppe's. Speaking of smells, I just bought the Tetra package the other day. I opened up the bottle of bore cleaner and it almost knocked me out. That stuff is strong!


New member
Some years back, a lot of younger people (kids??) were huffin' PAM, the non-stick cooking spray. They'd take a lunch sack, and spray liberal amounts of the product into the sack, then immediately inhale from the bag. They were of course, inhaling the propellant, and receiving the high they were after.
I remember reading of one youngster doing this in my hometown. Some of his classmates watched him do this. He'd apparently sprayed the stuff directly into his mouth, and inhaled. And immediately dropped to the ground, and died.
The autopsy verified that his lungs were coated with a thin vegetable oil film. He suffocated himself by trying to get high.

C.T. Wilson is trying to cash in on a situation, using the hype of the anti's. Another false reason to propse health issues and blame it on the gun industry.

Best Regards,

The most foolish mistake we could make would be to allow the subjected people to carry arms; history shows that all conquerers who have allowed their subjected people to carry arms have prepared their own fall.
Adolf Hitler


New member
This is rediculous. I have been using the stuff for years. I work in the medical career field and happen to know that pulmonary disorders do not come on suddenly! Constant exposure to irritants is your culprit. Has he checked his house or workplace for hazards! Maybe he should inhale some more.

Long Path

New member
There are people out there whose hearts quicken in eager anticipation that they can be wronged, and prove it in open court. To this growing segment of the population, life is a lottery, and proving some "preventable" injury to one's self means that one gets to sing:

"I've got a golden ticket...!"


Staff Alumnus
Well mom never complained but MANY MANY sundays her livingroom was covered with newspapers as my dad and i cleaned the guns after a shooting excursion. We ALWAYS used Hoppe's, and still do. Nothing like the smell of Hoppe's to make me think of sundays, mom frying bacon and old doggie friends who have since passed on.

Either that or hoppe's is making me hallucinate



New member
I love that cooking oil story. LOL. ROTF.

A couple years ago there was a kid who was so obsessed with smelling good and not sweating that he would use can after can of deodorant on a daily basis. He too croaked, from poisoning himself with aerosol deodorant.


New member
I met my current wife of 20 years while minding my own business in alil' place called polomoni's.She said" I don't usually talk to strange guys in bars but I can't resist that clogne yer waring, what is it?" and I replied "good ol' Hoppe's #9". The rest is history.I like to clean my guns a lot so I sleep well.

Ed Brunner

New member
I sure am glad to know that I am not the only one who loves THAT smell. I was worried that I might be a PREVERT!

Better days to be,



New member
I love the smell of Hoppe's. My wife however does get a headache from it. Guess who ends up cleaning the guns. If my wife would allow it, I'd bathe in the stuff and use Eezox for aftershave!


New member
I was also about to comment on CLP. If I want to remind myself of my carefree days in the Marines, I just need to catch a whiff of CLP and it takes me back in a flash! Sitting around with the guys and cleaning weapons while bragging about everything and not even knowing how good we had it until it was gone on EAS!

God I miss it so...

Chris Canis


Staff Emeritus
"read the label" !

Huh! What an interesting concept. I guess I'll have to stop putting a few ounces in every one of the room deodorizers my wife puts around the house. (sigh)

"I love the smell of Hoppe's in the morning!" LOL!!

(me too)


New member
Good thing this guy didn't get a hold of some GunScrubber, he would really have been in a world of shiznit.


New member
Hoppe's #9 is not harmless. OTOH, all the bottles here sport a big
German notice "Nur in beluefteten Raeumen verwenden" and "Brennbar"
which translates so that people can't be that dumb.

Unless they don't know how to read.


New member
If it wasn't, it should have been!

Guns cause crime like spoons cause Rosie O'Donnell to be fat!

I hunt, therefore I am.


New member
Everyone can make all sorts of funny comments BUT what happens if some idiot jury, enamored of "the deep pockets" theory of law awards this "victim" money damages.

Forget the possibility of an "idiot jury", and consider the possibility of an IDIOT JUDGE, of which there are at least a few.

Munro Williams

New member
As society becomes progressively nuttier, people are more and more unable to take responsibility for their actions. People like those alan mentioned are a definite possibility. Of course, totalitarians just love an infantile population.

People are getting so stupid that pretty soon we'll see labels on tubes of toothpaste saying "To ensure proper foaming action, apply toothpaste to toothbrush before brushing teeth."

Wish I was joking.


[This message has been edited by Munro Williams (edited April 23, 2000).]